Elizabeth Alex


Elizabeth worked as an organizational development specialist for eight years. As exciting, engaging and fun her career in the human resources was, her promotion to parenthood was that much better! Her baby’s first-giggle-ever made her quit her corporate career and be a full-time parent. No seriously, it was caught on tape.

Detailed Experience

Pregnancy, Baby, Family, Children's books

Elizabeth birthed two babies in two years and follows natural parenting. She is a baby-wearing, bed-sharing, organic eating, mindful living mama. She is an advocate for breastfeeding, and now tandem nurses her two daughters. Her faith in God makes her a dedicated mother, wife and a passionate writer. By day, she devotes her time to her children while managing a household. By night she turns into a renegade freelance content writer.

Freelance Writing

Being a one-income family became tough, and so, shortly after quitting the HR gig, Elizabeth chose freelance content writing as the most suitable option to make money from home. What started as a means to an end quickly become a thriving career. She realized her passion for research and writing had awakened! Within months, Elizabeth became a top-rated freelancer on Upwork. She works with some of the best clients in the world - in Canada, the United States, and Israel just to name a few. Elizabeth is her best at article writing, content curating, managing social media handles and a dozen other profiles under the content writing umbrella.

Credit Cards, Saving Money

After wrestling with debt for so many years, Elizabeth is all about managing her finances wisely now. Many mistakes were made over the years and even more lessons learned. Her easy money saving tips and conscious use of credit cards has helped her turn her life around.

Hair, Skin Care

Taking care of curly hair can be a burden for some. For Elizabeth, it is as easy as pie! By living a natural, pro-organic life, she has many tips and tricks up her sleeve to help you learn easy and affordable ways to take care of yourself.

Other Interests and Hobbies

When she’s not on nappy/nippy or writing duties, Elizabeth loves taking nature trail walks, watching movies that thrill or tug at that soft snuggly part in your heart. She also enjoys Alfred Hitchcock and unpredictable detective-law-and-order TV shows that boggle your mind. She sure has a knack of picking the right movies to watch! Elizabeth also volunteered with a suicide prevention helpline. She makes world class pancakes and banoffee pie and draws much from her life experiences in her writing. To learn more, visit her website.