The Hornbeam tree is a handsome specimen with a pleasant shape. A member of the genus Carpinus, the Hornbeam is one of the world's most popular ornamental landscaping trees. It is a common street tree in major metropolitan areas, but is also planted in parks and suburban spreads to add beauty and charm. Children love Hornbeam trees for their dense, low branches that are easy to climb.
Appearance of the Tree
The Hornbeam is hearty, but not very stately. The small tree is often categorized as a shrub and rarely grows taller than 30 feet. Adding to its stubby appearance is its wide canopy which can spread to 20 feet.
Other notable characteristics of the slow-growing Hornbeam include:
- Bark: Young trees feature smooth gray bark with light furrows. Mature trees sport a dark gray bark and develop deep furrow s and ridges.
- Leaves: Measuring about three inches long, the Hornbeam's leaves are elliptical and heavily veined with pointed tips. They resemble a wedge with serrated edges. The top of the leaves are deep green while the undersides are pale green. In the fall, the leaves turn bright red, scarlet and orange. In winter, brown leaves occasionally hang from the tree.

- Flowers: The Hornbeam features both male and female blooms. The former are yellowish catkins that measure about five centimeters long, while the latter are green catkins that grow to about two centimeters.
- Fruit: The Hornbeam's small nut resides in catkins which are attached to a leaves with three lobes.

Another distinguishing characteristic of the Hornbeam tree is its short, twisted trunk.
Hornbeam Tree Types
There are between 30 and 40 different types of Hornbeam trees growing throughout the world, though the most popular are:
- Japanese Hornbeam: The vase-shaped tree sports long, narrow leaves that are dark green in the summer, but turn yellow in the fall. The Japanese Hornbeam is shorter than its cousins, though its limbs are a bit more flexible and its root system is not destructive. The tree is typically found in urban areas, as its light leaves are easily swept up and don't clog storm drains. Because of its small stature the trees can grow freely in cities without interfering with power lines. In some cases, the Japanese Hornbeam can be pruned to form a bonsai.
- American Hornbeam: Described as a perennial tree, the American Hornbeam features tiny, inconspicuous orange flowers and dense green foliage. While the tree grows very slowly, it can reach heights to nearly 30 feet. The tree also sports brown seeds, but they don't serve a useful purpose beyond being food for birds.

- European Hornbeam: The shallow rooted tree features a series of low branches and attractive green leaves. The European version of the Hornbeam is also cultivated as a shrub and responds well to pruning. Landscapers love this type of Hornbeam because it is easy to plant and its ability to thrive as a hedge or property border is second to none.

The majority of Hornbeam tree types are low maintenance. They don't require much care beyond regular watering, though pruning upkeep is required if you trim the tree into a decorative shape.
The Many Looks of the Hornbeam Tree

Where the Hornbeam Grows
The hearty Hornbeam is capable of surviving in a number of different environments, but thrives in Asia, Europe and North America. In the United States the tree prospers in:
- Maine
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Iowa
- Wisconsin
- Texas
- Georgia
- Missouri
- Arkansas
- Oklahoma
The tree prefers deep, fertile, moist, acidic soil that is well-drained. It also grows best in partial to full sunlight.
Popular Uses
Hornbeams feature extremely durable wood. This very hard timber is the reason the tree has been given the nicknames "Ironwood" and "Musclewood."
The pale white wood is close-grained, strong, heavy and rarely splits or cracks. It is often used to make the following:
- Mallet heads
- Tool handles
- Levers
- Bowls
- Dishes
- Pianos
- Carving boards
- Coach wheels
- Flooring
- Chess pieces
- Windmills
The wood can also be dried and used for decorative pieces such as frames and plaques.
Interesting Facts
The name Hornbeam comes from the Old English word "horn" which means "tough" and the "beam" which translates to "tree."
While many dismiss the Hornbeam as being exclusively an ornamental specimen with little use beyond wood cultivation, wild animals disagree. The following creatures are extremely fond of the tree's seeds, buds, and flowers which they consume to stay alive:
- Songbirds
- Ruffed grouse
- Ring-necked pheasants
- Turkey
- Fox
- Gray squirrels
In addition, beavers and white-tailed deer regularly devour the tree's leaves, twigs, and larger stems.