What a Sagittarius man wants in a woman is a complex issue because the archer has a multi-layered personality that's often masked by his positive, easy-going attitude. However, this star sign is definitely discerning and can see all the way into a woman's soul.
How Sagittarius Men Act When in Love
Beneath a Sagittarian man's gentle, fun-loving façade beats the heart of a diehard romantic and fierce lover. A woman must understand this man won't tell her he's jealous or upset; he'll keep it inside. He will share his positive emotions, but he'll hide feelings he deems negative or unworthy.
A Woman's Path to the Archer's Heart
There are many paths to a Sagittarian's heart. He wants a companion on every level and seeks his ideal of a true soul mate. He's eager to exchange ideas with the woman in whom he's interested.

Stimulate His Mind
Sagittarius man is looking for a woman who:
- Dazzles him with her depth of understanding about life - As an example, she should be knowledgeable and able to discuss topics like ethics, religion, spirituality, politics, psychology, or philosophy.
- Is smart and well-read - As an example, she should stay well informed about current events, have an opinion, ask him questions, and discuss what's happening in the world.
- Can hold her own in a conversation or debate - As an example, she could jump right in and play devil's advocate when Sag goes off on one of his high-minded discourses.
Radiate Confidence
The perfect woman for the Archer is:
- Independent - For example, she should maintain her personal friendships and regularly plan time with them.
- Knows what she wants in life and isn't afraid to go out and get it - For example, she could talk about her educational or career aspirations and the steps she's taking to achieve them.
- Sexy - For example, when the occasion arises she should be flirty, dress to impress, spray on fragrance, and play up her best physical assets.
- Health-conscious and takes care of herself - For example, she could invite him to join her on a mountain hike or a weekend health retreat. If he can't make it, she should go on her own to show him her dedication.
A Sagittarian male can see beyond a woman's outer shell and wants to find that depth of soul inside her.
Be Genuine
When a Sagittarian decides to settle down, he searches for a woman who:
- Can truly understand him - For example, she should listen to what he's saying and give him honest feedback that shows she understands.
- Is beautiful on the inside where it truly counts - For example, she could do volunteer work for the needy, or regularly do something as simple as stopping and talking to a homeless person, giving them encouragement and a few dollars.
- Doesn't play games - For example, she should always say what she means, mean what she says, and be up front and open when he asks hard questions.
- Is serious about their relationship - For example, she should tell him she's serious; words are important to a Sagittarian man.
- Is willing to make a commitment - For example, she should be open and tell him that she's committed to him, then relax, have fun, and be patient. Sagittarius appreciates directness and honesty but is careful and slow to commit.
This is one sign that is loyal to his true mate. However, he won't feel his partner deserves his loyalty if he's denied the basics, such as intimacy and genuine enjoyment of sex. Remember, he's an idealist when it comes to love and romance.
A Sag Man's Approach to Love, Romance, and Sex
Few relationships are more rewarding than being in love with a Sagittarian. This man has a gigantic heart that's big enough for the entire world. He also has a social conscience and is constantly caught performing acts of kindness for others. He wants to see these same traits mirrored in the woman he loves.
Romance and Sex
This man is a true romantic. He understands the pleasures and sensual side of romantic love. A woman involved with a Sagittarius man should be prepared to be spoiled. He is one of the most attentive and skilled lovers in the zodiac, and he makes everyday life romantic with all the small things he does that show just how thoughtful and considerate a lover he is. Every need and desire she can dream up he will eagerly meet.

In return, Sag wants a woman who:
- Responds to his romantic overtures - For example, if he surprises her with a romantic weekend getaway, she should smile, laugh, give him a big thank you and hug, then cancel whatever she had planned, pack her bags, and be ready to go!
- Pampers him as much as he pampers her - For example, she could show her appreciation and affection when he pampers her by lighting some scented candles and giving him a massage.
- Returns his passion with equal fervor - For example, she could respond to his passionate overtures with some erotic dirty talk. Mesmerize him with your words!
- Is adventurous and even a little daring - For example, if he asks her to do something that's a bit edgy, like sneaking into a concert, she should take a deep breath, grab his hand, and go for it.
The ideal exchange of giving and receiving is epitomized in a Sagittarian, so his partner should make sure she's a worthy lover.
A List of Don'ts With Sagittarius Males
There are a few things that are big turnoffs for a Sagittarian man. Here are a few tips for any woman who wants to build a lasting relationship with the archer.
Never Behave Jealously
Sag's partner should never demand to know where he has been. Chances are, he's late because he was trying to find the exact shade of peach roses he wanted for her. If she's as thoughtful a lover as he, she'll never need to worry about him straying.
Never Mistreat Anyone
For example, Sag's partner should never be rude to a sales clerk or waiter. Sagittarians have a fine sense of social manners and are easily offended if their partners act poorly, especially in public and toward other people.
Never Participate in Vicious Gossip
Sagittarians are genuinely interested in other people and enjoy getting to know others, but they don't appreciate people who belittle others.
Never Nag
A Sagittarian will leave his partner in the dust if she nags him. She should simply tell him what she wants in a straightforward but pleasant manner that he can appreciate.
What Does a Sag Man Look for in a Wife?
When a Sagittarius man decides to marry, it will be to a woman who can easily morph from a sexy femme fatale to a tomboy on a moment's notice. She will be an energetic and adventurous woman, who, with or without makeup, is confidant in herself and is just as happy sleeping or making love in a tent as she is a luxury resort hotel.

He Wants an Independent Woman
Sag is not looking for a sensitive, caregiver or homemaker. He's looking for a truly independent woman who can be his lover, friend, and companion. He wants a woman who can wander the world and wonder about the world and life with him. She'll also be a woman who shares his need for plenty of space and freedom and does not expect constant attention.
Winning a Sagittarian Man's Heart
Suggestions like maintaining good manners and refraining from nagging are fairly universal in their application. However, certain zodiac signs are far more forgiving of specific character flaws than others. The generally warm and affable nature of a Sagittarius man is highly sensitive to shrewish and negative behaviors. Having a polite, inviting persona is key for any woman who wants to attract this fire sign's attention. If a woman can exhibit the aforementioned characteristics while still being true to herself, she won't need to wonder what he looks for in a woman because she'll know.
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