15 Perfect Organization Gifts for Your Tidiest Friends & Family Members

From storage bags to plant stands, these gifts for organized people are sure to be a hit.

Published November 13, 2023
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Gifts for Organized People

Looking for a great gift for someone who loves to keep things super neat?  These organization gifts are perfect for anyone who gets excited about a clean space and enjoys having a special spot for everything.

As someone who buys organization gifts for a handful of family members, I know the items on this list are definite go-tos. Just picture their happy faces when they open up a gift that helps them keep their stuff in order. It's not just any gift — it'll take their anxiety down a notch too. 



My closet was a total disaster zone until I got these nifty storage bags. The moment they arrived, I dove in and started sorting out my clothes, asking myself questions like, 'Am I going to wear this soon or is it more for sunny days?'

Since we're getting all cozy for winter, I said goodbye to my summer dresses and shorts for a bit, and wow — hello, space! My closet’s got room to breathe now, and it’s looking all kinds of neat.

If you have friends or family who desperately need to clear out the clutter, this gift is it.


Between my fiancé and I, we've got a whopping eight kiddos to juggle, from his little four-year-old to my almost-grown-up 16-year-old. You wouldn't believe the crazy amount of running around we do — doctor's visits, sports events, play rehearsals, you name it.

This bundle is a game-changer for any family that's on the go. It's our family's secret to staying on top of who needs to go where and when. 

I know it doesn't look like much, but some days, it's hard (if not near impossible) to figure out what's important and what can wait. This makes it easier for our brains to realize —hey, it doesn't all need to get everything on the list done today! Grab this notepad to lessen the load on your friend's plate.

If you know someone who's super into keeping things neat and tidy, you know they can get pretty stressed when stuff's out of place.

If they start to feel that anxiety creeping up, it's handy to have something around that can help chill them out and bring that zen vibe back. That's what makes these cute, happy messages perfect for a little calm-down gift.

Quick Tip

To make this an extra special gift, craft your own cute container to hold the happy messages.



If you're not exactly the type who's got their socks color-coded, this gift might not scream "glam," but trust me, it's a total lifesaver.

I snagged one for my walk-in closet, and, wow, it's a dream for stashing my bags, scarves, and all the little things that deserve their own special spot. Plus, it's tough enough to handle my shoes. Seriously, it's like a little slice of organizational heaven!

Got a pal who plans every little detail of their life? Then let me tell you about The Happy Planner.  It's the absolute best planner I've stumbled upon, and I've been through my fair share over the years.

The layout is super intuitive, and the add-ons are just the cherry on top. I'm a die-hard fan of this brand, and I'll keep on using it as long as they're around.



I haven't given this one a go yet, but it's definitely going on my wish list. The space under my sink is a total mess, and no matter how much I try, it seems impossible to get it organized. If you know someone who's desperate for a cabinet declutter, make sure you pop this on your gift list for them.



I am totally itching to get my hands on these! You know those awkward, bulky boxes that take up way too much room in the cabinets? These food storage containers are the answer to that mess.

And they're see-through, which means no more guessing games on how much sugar or cereal is left. They're the perfect gift for anyone who's into keeping their kitchen looking sharp and sorted.

If you've got a buddy who's dreaming of a getaway but struggles to stash away the cash, a budget planner might just be the perfect gift.

As a seasoned budget planner myself, I can vouch for them — they're amazing at giving you a clear picture of your spending habits and guiding you on what your cash should (and maybe shouldn't) be flowing towards.

And it's wild how much you can save when you start cutting back on the little extra luxuries (like that daily Starbucks latte). 

I've been eyeing this super cool octopus mug holder for ages now! If you're looking to spruce up your kitchen counters with a bit of fun, these mug holders are a total win. Imagine not having all your mugs crowding around your coffee machine, but instead, they're swinging from an octopus's tentacles!

I got a little hint not to snap it up myself because someone in the fam might snag it for me – the suspense is killing me! And it's going to be awesome in my place since I've got this whole sunken ship vibe going on.


Your friend or family member is all about that modern bathroom aesthetic, right? They're going to flip for these bamboo apothecary jars. Seriously, they're like the undercover agents of neatness in there.

You can toss in anything — think Q-tips, those runaway hair ties, cotton balls —and suddenly, it's like order has been restored to the universe. Every single time they step into their bathroom and spot those jars, it's going to be instant zen.

If you've got a friend with a lot of plants and who likes things organized, this could be the perfect gift. This stand can fit a lot of plants, but if they have more than one stand can handle, consider snagging two. It'll turn their room into a mini botanical museum. 

I grabbed this organization tool as a gift for a friend and it was a hit. He had been setting his phone on his bedside stand, and it was just a mess — stuff scattered, total chaos — and it was driving him nuts.

This stand has an area for everything he wants to organize, like his keys, glasses, phone, and watch. Of course, if you grab this as a gift, they can use it however they see fit.


I'm thinking of snagging this as a gift for someone in the family. It's a lifesaver for anyone who's dealing with small cabinets or limited counter space and just needs that extra bit of space. To top it off, it's magnetic, so you can forget about that whole "some assembly required" headache. It's like the thing practically sets itself up. 

Whether you're rolling in a car, truck, or SUV, the trunk somehow becomes this black hole for all the stuff you don't want junking up the seats. This is especially true for people who have a long commute to work or drive the entire day. If you know someone who fits this description, this gift could be a breath of fresh air. 

Picking the Best Gifts for Organized People

Now that you've had a chance to check out some options, now comes the fun part — choosing the perfect present! I get it; deciding on what someone else will love can be a bit puzzling. But here's a tip — focus on what they could really use. Have they been driving themselves crazy about some spot in their house that's always cluttered? Do you visit often and notice an area they just don't know what to do with? Take a few minutes to think about what kind of organization gifts could help and go from there.

15 Perfect Organization Gifts for Your Tidiest Friends & Family Members