String succulents come by their name honestly. They have long, string-like stems that grow as trailing vines that cascade from their containers. Their plump leaves come in a variety of shapes and sizes. String succulents are ideal to grow in hanging baskets or in pots on shelves, mantels, or other surfaces that will be all the more beautiful when highlighted with a trailing plant.
If you're ready to bring a string succulent into your home, choose one (or maybe several!) of the varieties in our list of string succulents. Unless otherwise specified, the strings (vining stems) of these plants can grow to reach three feet long, so be sure to choose a spot with plenty of room for them to trail or climb.
7 Lovely String Succulents for Your Home
You can get a general sense of what string succulents look like by their common names, which simply describe their leaf shapes. They're usually called "string of [what their leaves look like]."
String of Bananas
String of bananas (Senecio radicans) has banana-shaped leaves. Banana vine and fishhooks are other common names for this plant.

String of Dolphins
String of dolphins (Senecio peregrinus) is recognizable for its dolphin-shaped leaves. This plant is sometimes called dolphin necklace or flying dolphins.

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String of Nickels
String of nickels (Dischidia nummularia) has leaves that resemble nickels (in U.S. currency). Its vines tend to stay under two feet long, so it's a little shorter than most other string succulents.

String of Hearts
String of hearts (Ceropegia woodii) has heart-shaped leaves, and its stems are pink or purple. It's sometimes called collar of hearts, chain of hearts, and sweetheart vine.

String of Pearls
String of pearls (Senecio rowleyanus) has round leaves that look like pearls or beads. Other common names for this plant include string of beads and rosary vine.

String of Pickles
String of pickles (Othonna capensis) has oblong leaves that resemble small pickles. It's actually sometimes referred to as little pickles. This plant's stems are purply-red.

String of Tears
String of tears (Senecio herreianus) has leaves that are shaped like teardrops or raindrops. The plant is sometimes called string of raindrops. Its stems usually stay under a foot long.

Caring for String Succulents
String succulents all have similar care requirements. Like other succulents, they're not difficult to care for.
- Plant in a well-draining potting mix, such as a commercial succulent mix or a DIY mixture of two parts potting soil, one part sand, and one part perlite.
- They prefer bright indirect light but will also grow in moderate light. They do not do well in low-light conditions.
- Avoid watering too much. Wait for the soil to dry out completely (which usually takes around two weeks) before adding water.
- If the leaves flatten out or become dull, that means the plant needs more water. If they get squishy or start to yellow, that's a sign you're watering too much or the soil isn't draining.
- When you water succulents, soak them thoroughly enough that the water comes out of the container's drainage hole.
- Keep an eye out for proper drainage. If the soil doesn't drain properly, the plant may get root rot and/or mold.
How to Propagate String Succulents
String succulents aren't the lowest-cost plants to purchase, but it's easy to propagate more plants once you have one. You can use soil or water. The hardest part is waiting for your new plants to take root.
Propagate String Succulents in Soil
To propagate string succulents in soil, start by taking a few stem cuttings.
- You can either snip off a length of stem and divide it into two- to four-inch cuttings or snip cuttings of that much plant material from the bottom of several stems. Be sure to choose healthy stems with plump leaves.
- Next, clear a few leaves from one end. If you want to speed up propagation, dip that end into rooting hormone.
- Fill a small container with the same growing medium you use for all your succulent plantings and bury the cleared end of the stem in the soil. You can place several cuttings in the same container.
- Water lightly, then place the container in an area that gets indirect sunlight. Mist the soil as soon as it starts to dry out.
Roots should start to form after about two weeks, though it's best to let them get established for about a month before transplanting.
Propagate String Succulents in Water
You can also propagate string succulents in water, though you'll need to use cuttings that are a little longer than described above. Rather than using two- to four-inch cuttings, it'll be better to go with ones that are four to six inches.
- Clear away a few leaves from the bottom of each cutting and then put it in a small bottle or other container filled with water. You can put a few cuttings in the same container, but be careful to avoid overcrowding. Don't let the roots get intertwined.
- Place the container in an area that gets indirect sunlight.
- Check every few days to make sure the water is still clean. If it gets cloudy, replace it with clean water.
The cuttings should start to grow roots within about two weeks and be ready to transplant in four.
Prepare to Fall in Love With String Succulents
Once you start growing string succulents, you're sure to fall in love with this unique type of plant. As you continue to learn more about how to grow and care for succulents, you just might want to add more and more of these easy-care plants to your houseplant collection.