Yellow is synonymous with happiness! There's a reason why that quintessential smiley face features this bright and cheery color. It is warm, energetic, and optimistic. This makes it the perfect color to liven up your garden. Here are the best yellow spring flowers to consider this season!

Daffodils are an image of rebirth and new beginnings. This makes them perfect perennial plants for your garden. These beautiful yellow blooms can last up to six months, and they are conveniently pest-resistant. Just make sure they have lots of water before and in the few weeks following their bloom times. If you do, these flowers can stick around for months!
Sun requirements: Full sun. Partial sun will bring beautiful foliage, but too much shade will prevent blooms.
Bloom times: Late winter to early spring
Yellow Snapdragons

Snapdragons are delicate bell-shaped blossoms that come in a bouquet of colors, including an exquisite white and light yellow combination. These are another perennial that serve as a symbol of grace and vigor. Best of all, these yellow spring flowers are deer-resistant, and they can handle both heat and drought very well! This allows their blooms to last months, making them a sound investment.
Sun requirements: Full sun
Bloom times: Spring to early summer and late summer to mid-fall

Vibrant marigolds are synonymous with Día de Muertos or the Day of the Dead. As the story goes, the musky smell of these striking annual flowers leads the dead from their final resting places back to their families on this holy holiday. While they are a quintessential part of October decor, they actually bloom in late spring and are well-equipped to handle the summer heat. This means that they are another flower that blooms for long periods.
Sun requirements: Full sun to partial shade
Bloom times: Late spring through early fall
Yellow Tulips

Springtime and tulips go hand in hand. Most people plant their bulbs in the fall or early winter and see these glorious cups of color pop up in early spring, but if you're starting late, don't fret! As long as you plant them early and temperatures remain cool, you still have a chance to see them blossom. However, unlike other perennial flowers on this list, these blooms will only last a few days to a few weeks.
Sun requirements: Full sun to partial shade
Bloom times: Early through late spring

This flat-topped flower used to be known as "soldier's wound wort." Officially called Achillea millefolium, it is said that this plant was named after the mythical Greek hero Achilles, and that he used it to stop the bleeding of wounded soldiers during the Trojan War. This hardy perennial is a great filler flower, and it doesn't require a lot of water, making it a great choice for locations prone to drought. Blooms can last around two months when conditions are right.
Sun requirements: Full sun
Bloom times: Mid-spring to mid-fall

A symbol of hope and rebirth, lilies are another bright spring bloom that will add elegance to your landscape! They are the official flower of Easter, and they are an exuberant choice for a garden that requires minimal water and can handle the heat. Best of all, there are hundreds of options to choose from, and because of their toxicity, this is another perennial that is rarely bothered by pests. However, like tulips, your blooms will only last for a few weeks.
Sun requirements: Full sun to partial shade
Bloom times: Spring to first frost
Yellow Irises

While most people think of purple flowers when they hear the name of this plant, you can also pick out bright yellow blooms. Most notably, this is a perennial that's not picky about where it grows. They can handle both dry and wet climates, and once established, it does well with minimal watering, as long as you give it a good soaking every once in a while. Just remember that these plants are toxic to animals and humans, so wear gloves when gardening to avoid any skin irritation. This is another flower that will only blossom for a few weeks.
Sun requirements: Full sun to partial shade
Bloom times: Late spring to early summer
Yellow Hibiscus

This tropical plant is a gorgeous addition to any outdoor space! A symbol of sunshine, it's fitting that this flower requires full sun and ample water. The yellow hibiscus is the official state flower of Hawaii and is considered an endangered species, making this an extremely important flower to grow. You can also find types of this flower in both annual and perennial forms! However, blooms are extremely short-lived, sometimes only lasting a day.
Sun requirements: Full sun
Bloom times: Late spring to fall

This is another perfect perennial for your garden! The double-layered blooms of columbines will give any garden a distinct look that's hard to mimic. Their name comes from the Latin word columbinus, which means dove. If you look at these yellow spring flowers from behind, they actually look like a cluster of five doves! Needless to say, this is a hopeful addition to your garden space that will stick around for at least a month!
Sun requirements: Full sun
Bloom times: Spring to early summer
Lemon Lollipops

Officially known as Pachystachys lutea, lemon lollipops or golden shrimp plants are a unique bloom that have the ability to last the whole year! They do require a good bit of water and ample sun, but this perennial can brighten up your landscape and even attract hummingbirds and butterflies! While the actual flowers only last a few days, the flower heads can stick around for the long haul!
Sun requirements: Full sun
Bloom times: Spring to summer, but they can last year round
Yellow Roses

Yellow roses are a dazzling depiction of friendship, and these perennials come in all different shapes and sizes! Choose from the butter-colored blooms of the Julia Child rose, the sandy shaded sulphur rose, or go bold with the aptly named gold medal rose. No matter which spring yellow flower bushes you choose, these flowers will illuminate your space for a few months and serve as a symbolic welcome mat for new friends!
Sun requirements: Full sun
Bloom times: Late spring to early fall
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Want people to be truly jealous of your garden space? Why not plant a perennial flower that represents this sentiment? These beautiful flower clusters are not only a striking sight, but they also emit a fantastic fragrance. In fact, these flowers are used to make perfumes. However, it's important to remember that unlike other flowers, with hyacinths there is such a thing as over-watering, so be conservative! These are also another flower whose blooms will only stick around for a few weeks.
Sun requirements: Full sun to partial shade
Bloom times: Spring
Gerbera Daisies

Golden yellow gerbera daisies somehow sneak us back to our childhoods. These bold and beautiful flower faces bring about a cheery feeling of innocence. Interestingly enough, each gerbera daisy is actually two flowers in one - the outer circle of petals and an inner circle that encompasses the eye. While these perennial flowers love to feel the sun on their faces, they will not do well in extreme heat, so consider your climate before planting them. Also, keep in mind that they are another flower that only blooms for a few weeks.
Sun requirements: Full sun
Bloom times: Late spring to fall

Also called "touch-me-nots," these perennial blooms are the ideal depiction of impatience. If you even lightly touch their seed capsule when ripe, they will shoot right off of the plant! As they need partial shade to thrive, these are also not a plant that will fare well in extreme heat. However, in the right climate, their blooms are long lasting, making them a worthwhile addition to your space.
Sun requirements: Partial shade
Bloom times: Spring to fall

Their name says it all - these gorgeous perennials feature a golden bloom in the hue of creamy butter. What many don't know is that their official genus name, Ranunculus, means "little frog" in Latin. This is likely because these yellow spring flowers grow near water, which means that moist soil is a must. Place them next to your garden pond to bring a bit a joy to the space for a couple of months!
Sun requirements: Full sun to partial shade
Bloom times: Spring to fall
Savor the Season With Yellow Spring Flowers

Make sure your May flowers are simply glowing by choosing yellow for your garden theme. You can continue this trend into summer by planting more bright and cheery flowers, like sunflowers and Billy buttons! These are guaranteed to brighten up your space and bring some happiness along the way!