Deciding how to end a eulogy is a very personal decision. Consider your connection to the person being eulogized and their personality to find the perfect closing line. As you write your eulogy, check out sample eulogy speeches and examples of how to end a eulogy for inspiration and guidance.
Ways to End a Eulogy
The end of any eulogy should be heartfelt, whether it's sad, uplifting, or funny. The closing lines should also match the tone of the rest of your eulogy. Choose one or more of these ways to end a eulogy to share your final thoughts about the loss of the deceased that will be remembered long after the funeral.
Share a Personal Story
A short, personal story about the deceased leaves everyone with a great memory, whether they were involved in the story or not.
- Before you share the story, give an introduction like "I want to leave you with this memory of how my grandpa lives in my mind so that it might bring you as much joy as it brings me."
- Choose a specific instance that sums up what kind of person the deceased was.
- Jot down some notes about the story you want to share, but tell it from memory rather than reading it.
Say Goodbye to the Deceased
There's no right way to say goodbye to someone you've lost, but saying goodbye can help you grieve and heal. End your eulogy with a simple goodbye statement like "I know I will never have to say goodbye to my mom's soul, but today we all need to say goodbye to her body." or "Goodbye Dad, until we meet again."
Share a Poem
If you can't come up with a great closing line of your own, end the eulogy with a poem. Friends and family members will remember these words and can even keep a copy as a memento. You can write your own poem or use one that's already written.
- Recite a funeral poem for a mom that highlights one of her best traits, such as being an amazing caretaker.
- Share a funeral poem for a dad on a projector screen that shows something great about your dad, like his fun side.
- Honor a sibling with a loss of a brother poem or poem on the loss of a sister.
- If you can't find the words to say, death of a child poems can help sum up your feelings.
- Poems on saying goodbye to friends can include things like death of a classmate poems.

Share a Prayer
If the funeral is religious in nature or your loved one was deeply religious, you could end the speech with a favorite prayer or Bible verse. From funeral Bible verses for grandmothers to general bereavement verses, you can find many uplifting Bible verses for funerals to share at the end of your eulogy.
Share a Quote
A quote from the deceased, a common phrase they said, or even a famous quote from a high profile funeral eulogy can be a memorable way to end your eulogy. Specific quotes like loss of sister quotes or heartfelt in loving memory quotes are great for close family members while Buddhist quotes on death and famous quotes about grieving work well for friends.
Play a Song
If you are musically or vocally talented, you might be able to express your emotions better through song. Whether you perform the song yourself, play it over speakers, or have the church choir sing it, a song is a great way to get everyone in attendance involved in the eulogy.
- If the deceased was a traditionalist or you weren't super close, look for a popular song played at funerals.
- For fans of country music, there are tons of country funeral songs for saying goodbye.
- Capture the shared feeling of sadness with a touching song often sung at funerals.
- Celebration of life songs are more uplifting and ideal for celebration of life ceremonies.
Show a Video Clip or Photo Slideshow
Ending with images of the deceased is another option if you are truly at a loss for words. Introduce the video clip or slideshow by saying something like "Words can't express how Jen's death has affected me, so I thought it would be fitting if we all take a moment of silent together to see my sister in life."
Ask Others to Share Final Words
While you are giving the eulogy on your own, it doesn't have to be a solitary action. Involve the entire crowd in sharing the eulogy with you by inviting them to share fond memories at the end of your speech.
Examples of Lines to End Eulogies for Different People
When you can't decide how to end a eulogy, you can use examples of closing lines as is or as inspiration.
How to End a Eulogy for a Mother or Father
When you write a eulogy for your father or your mother, let your emotions show and honor their importance with a closing line about their continuing memory.
- My mother was a selfless woman, and I know she would ask us all to be selfless right now. Please encourage and support each other in her memory as we attempt to figure out what life looks like without her.
- Dad always said "Saying goodbye is for nonbelievers," so I ask you to leave here today not saying goodbye, but believing you'll see him again.
- I am the legacy my mom/dad left behind and I will do my best to live up to the legacy she/he dreamed of leaving.
How to End a Eulogy for a Brother or Sister
Siblings have special bonds, and the end of your eulogy for a sister or brother can reflect the unique bond you had.
- My sister was my best friend, and she always will be.
- A big brother is a guide and a guardian. I hope you all have someone in your life like John who makes you feel safe and secure.
- In life, new people I meet will always ask if I have any siblings. Even though my only sister won't walk this earth with me, I'll always be able to say "Yes, I have a sister" because I know she'll never leave me.
How to End a Eulogy for a Child
Ending a eulogy for a child can be the most heartbreaking words you'll ever speak. Give the child a longer life by asking other to keep his memory alive.
- Children always say "It's not fair!" That's exactly how I feel right now. This will never make sense to me, but I will try to focus on how lucky I was to have had her at all.
- Parents always wish their kids could stay little forever. Though this is not the way any would choose, my baby will be a baby forever to me.
- How can I say goodbye to a piece of me? I can't. So, I won't. I love you sweet angel, and we'll always be whole together.

How to End a Eulogy for a Grandmother or Grandfather
When you write a eulogy for your grandmother or grandfather, you often reminisce and reflect on their wisdom. Capture these feelings with your closing line.
- Grandpa loved to play pranks on all of us, and now his jokes will be even more epic. He'll be the last to laugh as he gets to scare us in his ghostly state. When you hear a strange noise or see something move with no explanation, you can be sure it was him.
- Grandparents are like bonus parents who don't make you follow any rules. So, I ask all of you to throw out the rules today and do what Grandma would do. Eat too much after the funeral, laugh with friends instead of crying, and don't let your mom see you doing it.
- When grandparents are alive, you take their wisdom for granted. When they die, that's when they become that wise mentor guiding your life.
How to End a Eulogy for a Friend
- Best friends forever, that's what we said. So, today is not an end or a goodbye because our friendship transcends death.
- If you are blessed to have a friend who listens to your complaining and laughs at your jokes, like Rob did for me, consider yourself lucky. I know how lucky I am to call him a friend.
- Friends are like the family you choose. Jess and I chose each other, and I will continue to choose her in memory every day.
The Perfect Send-Off
When you sign off a eulogy, it's like the final public goodbye to the deceased. Most people don't know what to say at the end of a funeral, so all that matters is you honor the person you are eulogizing in a way the group can relate to.