Color-by-number activities challenge kids of all ages to use number and color identification with artistic flair to create a complete image out of a puzzle-like picture. Printable coloring sheets help teach skills, reinforce concepts, and increase understanding of art techniques.
Nature-Inspired Worksheets
These free, printable color-by-number sheets feature fun elements of nature in complex art designs. To start, choose your favorite image by clicking on the picture below. Click the download icon to save it on your computer or the printer icon to make a copy for immediate use. If you run into problems with the printables, use an Adobe reference guide for help.
Campfire Page
If you love camping and cooking, this campfire-themed image is perfect. Featuring eight colors, the campfire page uses small, medium, and large spaces to create an intricate image suitable for older kids. The campfire page is perfect for using as part of an invitation to a birthday camp out or as a decoration for a camper or tent.

Elephant Page
If wild animals are more your thing, try out the elephant worksheet. Perfect for younger children, this coloring page uses six colors and large, open spaces. Match the color to the number and see if you can find the elephant. The elephant can be used to get kids excited about an upcoming zoo trip or as part of a school activity on animals in Asia and Africa.

Horse Page
Six colors are all you need to illustrate a beautiful horse picture. The smaller sections in this color-by-number page provide a challenge for intermediate artists. The horse is good for teachers doing a unit on animals that work on the farm and for decorating the bedroom of a child who enjoys equestrian sports.

Color-By-Number Tips
Color-by-number worksheets are great for preschool and elementary students in school, at home, or in youth groups. Use the provided color and number key to complete the standard picture or:
- Choose colors and assign a number to each before coloring.
- Look for other possible images made from coloring several blank spaces. Color in only the areas that make this new image.
- Older kids and teens can create a puzzle when they cut out the pieces after coloring.
- Use the campfire page as a Dr. Seuss companion activity when you color the eggs green.
- Create Indian elephant art when you pair a pattern with each number instead of a solid color. For example, 1 = thin stripes in white and blue.
- Add sticker details to the horse picture like bows in the mane or a unicorn horn.
- Use a projector to trace the color-by-number images onto a small wrapped canvas. Paint them as indicated and you'll have a professional looking image to hang wherever you please.
- Punch out small squares or circles from colored tissue paper with a hole punch. Glue them onto the page in the assigned number spot to create a pretty mosaic.
Explore Art With Math
Kids coloring pages provide hours of fun and creativity for preschool and elementary children. Challenge their skill set with a color-by-number page incorporating art and math concepts.