Engaging Printable Games for Kids: Fun on a Budget

Discover printable games for endless fun at home, school, or on road trips.

Updated February 10, 2025
Two teenager girls play tic tac toe

You don't need a lot of money or supplies to play fun games at home, in the classroom, or even on a road trip, especially if you have kids' game printables. Select the game you want by clicking on its image to download and use the Adobe guide if you run into trouble.

Tick Tack Toe Game

This twist on the classic game of Tic Tac Toe is a little more challenging and a lot funnier. Print out the game board sheet and the tile sheet. Cut out the individual tiles. The object of the game is to get at least one tick, one tack, and one toe tile in a completed row before your opponent. Kids ages four and five can easily play the small game board while the bigger ones provide more of a challenge for older kids and teens. Laminate all the pages after printing so they'll be sturdy enough to use again and again.

Printable Tick Tack Toe board game
Download Tick Tack Toe board game

I Spy Rhymes Game

Get active with this difficult version of I Spy. Kids ages five and up need to search the room, car, or outdoor space for objects that rhyme with the provided articles of clothing. Stick with the listed words for an easy version or make it more difficult by adding in your own rhyme words. Set a time limit to make the activity more challenging.

Printable I Spy Rhymes worksheet
I Spy Rhymes worksheet

More Printable On-the-Go Games

Keep the whole family occupied on vacations or when stuck in a waiting room with printable travel games for kids. These games were meant to be used on-the-go so keep them in the car or your carry on.

Delicious Dominos Game

Print out these yummy domino tiles to use in math lessons or just for fun. Each tile features the numbers zero through six represented by the appropriate numbers of a specific sweet treat. There are many domino games you can play so kids of any age can enjoy these. Print them on cardstock or glue them to small wooden blocks so they'll hold up over time.

Printable Delicious Dominos game
Delicious Dominos game

Basic Dominos Rules

You'll need to cut out each domino tile and have at least two players for this game.

  1. Place all the domino tiles face-down where everyone can reach them, but not in the center of the playing area.
  2. Each player picks five dominos.
  3. The youngest player goes first by putting any one of their dominos face-up in the center of the table.
  4. The next player puts a domino that has at least one matching side to the domino that was placed by the last player. Those two matching ends should be touching. If you don't have a domino to play, you must take a new one from the pile and skip your turn.
  5. Play continues until one person gets rid of all their dominos. This person is the winner.

More Printable Board and Card Games

You don't have to purchase pricey board and card games when you can print out these original games your friends aren't likely to have played before.

Blank Printable Game Boards

Make your own exciting game by using these free, printable game boards. Grab some craft supplies and tap into your imagination to get started.

Game Time Anytime

Free, printable games and puzzles are easy to find and use for kids of all ages. Take the games anywhere you go and challenge friends or family members to a fun competition.

Engaging Printable Games for Kids: Fun on a Budget