75+ Know-Your-Worth Quotes to Boost Your Confidence

You are inherently worthy, and these quotes will remind you that you are.

Updated September 6, 2024
Portrait of athlete looking over shoulder on sunny day

Good things come to those who know their own worth. If you find yourself questioning your value or looking outward for reinforcement, stop and think about how strong and powerful you are. And if you need a reminder? Our collection of know-your-worth quotes will help you remember. 

Short Know-Your-Worth Quotes

You are infinitely and inherently valuable. And when you understand how valuable you truly are, you have self-worth. Self-worth is a short phrase with a big meaning. Use these super-short sayings to boost your own sense of self-worth or to remind someone else that they are, in fact, more than enough.

You are enough.
  • You are enough.
  • You matter.
  • Value yourself.
  • You earned this.
  • You deserve everything.
  • You are priceless.
  • Value begins within.
  • You are a powerhouse.
  • Your contributions matter.
  • You deserve the best.
  • You can do hard things.
  • You make a difference.

Related: 109 Self-Confidence Quotes to Inspire Belief in Yourself

Short Know Your Worth Captions

Let the world know that you are well aware of your worth and value by adding these short and snappy Instagram captions to your social selfies.

I'm priceless and I know it.
  • I'm priceless and I know it.
  • I know my value.
  • Because I matter.
  • I am the me that I'm meant to be.
  • I am the star of my own story.
  • I make a difference.
  • Because I'm worth it.
  • Don't undervalue me.
  • Can't put a price on perfection.

Powerful Self-Worth Quotes

When you know your worth, you'll come to see how powerful you really are. Recognizing your power is an important key to building confidence.

You are as strong as you believe you are.
  • You are as strong as you believe you are.
  • Greatness lies within you.
  • Your value has no limits.
  • Impact begins inside of you.
  • If you want others to value you, first, you have to value yourself.
  • You are who you are supposed to be.
  • Don't settle for less than you're worth.
  • The world is better because you are in it.
  • Belief in yourself is the first step toward success.

Positive Self-Worth Quotes

Need a quick confidence boost? When you're facing a big challenge or opportunity, whether personal or professional, a bit of positive self-talk just might do the trick.

See your value. Be your value. Share your value.
  • See your value. Be your value. Share your value.
  • There is greatness within you.
  • You are worthy of success.
  • You are prepared and ready, invincible and strong. Be steady, and remember, you've deserved success all along.
  • If you believe you can, you will.
  • No one else is more prepared for or more deserving of this opportunity.
  • Expect the best; that's what you deserve.
  • When you know your worth, others will see your value.
  • You, and only you, are uniquely prepared to be who you are. And who you are matters.

Know Your Worth Quotes About Friendship

Friendships are among the most important and powerful relationships a person can have. Make sure your true friends know how much they mean to you, and look for friends who value you in return.

Your friendship is my lifeline.
  • Your friendship is my lifeline.
  • Your friendship can move mountains.
  • Your friendship means everything to me.
  • There's no such thing as "just friends." Friends like you are more precious than gold.
  • My life is better because you are my friend.
  • The gift of your friendship is priceless.
  • You are the person you see reflected in the eyes of your true friends.
  • Your friendship can inspire others to greatness.
  • The love of a true friend can change a person's life forever.

Meaningful Sayings About Self-Love and Worth

Do you love yourself enough to know your worth? That's an important key to earning the respect of others and being valued for your unique existence.

You complete you.
  • You complete you.
  • Self-love builds value.
  • Dorothy didn't need a wizard to find her value. The truth was inside her all along.
  • Be your own greatest fan.
  • How you see yourself sets the standard for how much others value you.
  • Only you can love yourself.
  • Your opinion of yourself is the only one that matters.
  • Turn your gaze inward. That's where you'll find your value.
  • To be valued by others, you must first see value in yourself.

Be With Someone Who Knows Your Worth Quotes

The best relationships are with partners to whom your unique value is abundantly clear. When you need a reminder, turn to these self-worth relationship quotes.

Love means being valued for all that you are.
  • Love means being valued for all that you are.
  • The only partner worth having is the one who values all that you are.
  • Knowing your own value makes it possible for you to love and be loved.
  • You deserve to be loved by someone who doesn't question your value.
  • You have to value yourself before you can allow yourself to be truly loved.
  • You matter because of who you are, not because someone else says they love you.
  • When you know your worth, you'll be able to recognize a partner who is worthy of you.
  • There is no greater love than to be cherished by someone who knows your worth.
  • If your partner expects you to prove your worth, they don't know what value really is.
  • If you have to change for someone to see your value, they don't value you at all.

Famous Know-Your-Worth Quotes

Let these quotes from well-known people help you find your own sense of worth.

If there’s one thing I’m willing to bet on, it’s myself. - Beyonce
  • "Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." - AA Milne
  • "Let go of who you think you’re supposed to be; Embrace who you are." - Brene Brown
  • "Believe deep down in your heart that you’re destined to do great things." - Joe Paterno
  • "Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are." - Malcolm S. Forbes
  • "We are what we believe we are." - C.S. Lewis
  • "Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers, you cannot be successful or happy." - Norman Vincent Peale
  • "If there’s one thing I’m willing to bet on, it’s myself." - Beyoncé
  • "Value yourself. The only people who appreciate a doormat are people with dirty shoes." - Leo Buscaglia
  • "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • "Self-worth comes from one thing — thinking that you are worthy." - Wayne Dyer

Powerful Prose to Remind You of Your Value

When you know your worth and love yourself, there is nothing you can't do. You remain unbothered by the world around you. When you need a bit of a reminder to help boost your confidence or self-esteem, affirmations like the quotes and sayings above or self-confidence quotes can help keep you on track to achieve the happiness and success you truly deserve.

75+ Know-Your-Worth Quotes to Boost Your Confidence