50+ Heart-Touching Quotes for Teachers to Share the Love

Teachers change lives with their passion for sharing knowledge. These quotes honor these amazing heroes.

Published March 25, 2024
Happy elementary school teacher giving high-five to her student

Teachers are underappreciated heroes who show up for our kids every day under some often difficult working conditions. And we know that no matter who you are, a teacher has affected your life, too. If you'd like to honor and acknowledge a teacher, our heart-touching quotes for teachers can help. Unless otherwise noted, all quotes are originals written by LoveToKnow staff. 

Heart-Touching Quotes for Teachers

Teachers open young minds and pour into them the love of learning.

As a child (well, now an adult) of two teachers, I know what an impact they make on the world and how much of their time teaching consumes. As someone who did student teaching in college and now teaches adults, I know what an amazingly tough but important job teachers have. And as a former student and a parent, I know just how much a caring and engaged teacher can affect a student. Heck, I still remember my 7th-grade English teacher, who ignited a love for writing in me that ultimately became both my profession and passion. Let our heart-touching quotes tell a teacher in your life just what they mean to you.

  • Teachers are heroes in the life of a child.
  • Thank you for igniting in me a passion for learning and knowledge.
  • A teacher's shared wisdom is indelibly marked in the hearts and minds of every student.
  • Teachers open young minds and pour into them the love of learning.
  • I came, I learned, and I will remember you forever.
  • Without the time and knowledge you shared with me, I wouldn't be the person I am today.
  • The best teachers I ever had didn't teach me what to think. They taught me how to think.
  • A good teacher can change the world. 
  • The reason I still love to learn is because a teacher taught me.
  • Teachers do more than teach... they ignite a passion for lifelong learning.

Quotes About Teachers Changing Lives

The right teacher turns a dreamer into a doer.

According to Zippia's incredible teacher statistics, almost 90% of people say their teacher has played a significant role in their lives. And there's no doubt that teachers have an impact. Teachers change lives, and we're so grateful they do. 

  • The right teacher turns a dreamer into a doer.
  • When a teacher shares their passion, they ignite the same passion in the minds of their students.
  • A teacher can be the difference between the success and failure of a student throughout their lives.
  • When a teacher teaches a student, they have changed that person's world forever.
  • Teachers do more than impart knowledge. They coach, encourage, and advocate for their students. 
  • Teachers open up a whole new world of possibilities for their students.
  • A teacher's greatest gift is the love of knowledge they share with their students.
  • Great teachers don't just share knowledge... they awaken creativity.
  • Teachers change the lives of children by teaching them to believe in themselves.
  • One teacher can change the lives of hundreds of children.

Positive Teacher Quotes

Teaching is as much of a mission as it is a profession.

Teachers' jobs aren't always easy, but they still show up every day to encourage children to be the best versions of themselves. And sometimes, those teachers who work so hard could use a little encouragement. Share one of these positive teacher quotes with a hardworking teacher to brighten their day.

  • Teachers inspire change. And as they change others, they change themselves.
  • Teachers give their students wings so they can reach great heights.
  • If you were to ask me who, outside of my family, most positively impacted my life, I'd say it was a teacher.
  • You can't force a child to learn, but you can awaken within them the desire for knowledge.
  • The smartest people I have ever met have been teachers.
  • The best teachers discover what excites their students and then use that as a doorway to their minds.
  • Teaching is as much of a mission as it is a profession.
  • No matter how rough your day has been, remember that today you had a positive effect on someone's life.
  • Tough day at work? Polish your apple and put on your cape. You have superhero work to do.
  • Every day when you wake up, take a deep breath and say to yourself, "Today, I'm making a difference."
  • Even if you only ever get through to one single student (who are we kidding, you get through to more than that), just remember that student is the one you were meant to teach.

Amazing Teacher Quotes

It's not about the subject an amazing teacher teaches. It's about all the minds that teacher reaches.

Students will remember the most amazing teachers for their entire lives. And it doesn't really matter what subject you teach. It's about how you connect, the example you set, and your passion for awakening the minds of your students.

  • Amazing teachers awaken the hearts and minds of their students.
  • It's not about the subject an amazing teacher teaches. It's about all the minds that teacher reaches.
  • Amazing teacher: reaching the hearts and minds of tiny people since [date].
  • The most amazing teachers have a heart that's big enough for hundreds of tiny people.
  • If even one student looks back on their time with you fondly, you're an amazing teacher.
  • You know what makes someone an amazing teacher? The fact that they care about their students.
  • Amazing teachers know that teaching is about so much more than imparting knowledge.
  • Compassion and passion are at the heart of amazing teachers.
  • Even on the days you don't feel amazing, trust that in your students' eyes, you totally are.
  • The most successful people on the planet have amazing teachers to thank.

Related: 51 Thank-You Quotes for Teachers

Famous Quotes for Teachers

Teaching is the greatest act of optimism. –Colleen Wilcox

Teachers make a difference in the lives of millions of people. And these famous quotes for teachers attest to that.

  • “One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.” – Malala Yousafzai
  • “Teaching kids to count is fine, but teaching kids what counts is best.” — Bob Talbert
  • “Teaching is the profession that creates all other professions.” – Unknown
  • “Teaching is the greatest act of optimism.” –Colleen Wilcox
  • “The best teachers are those who show you where to look but don’t tell you what to see.” – Alexandra K. Trenfor
  • “[Kids] don't remember what you try to teach them. They remember what you are.” - Jim Henson
  • “Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach.” - Aristotle
  • “In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.” - Phil Collins
  • “Teaching is not a lost art, but the regard for it is a lost tradition.”― Jacques Barzun
  • “When you study great teachers... you will learn much more from their caring and hard work than from their style.” ― William Glasser

Quotes That Get to the Heart of Teaching

We love our teachers and all they have done for us and continue to do for our children. So whether they're new to the game or they've been teaching for their entire professional life, we owe our teachers a debt of gratitude. Try one of these quotes to show them how much their teaching means to you or someone you love. 

50+ Heart-Touching Quotes for Teachers to Share the Love