When a baby is born premature, prayers and inspirational poems for premie infants can help lift the spirits of the new parents and their child. Uplifting Bible verses, poems, and prayers are great for cards of congratulations or encouragement, personalized gifts, and premie birth announcements.
Inspirational Poems for Premature Babies
Inspiring poems for premature babies include prayer poem, poems written for the new parents, poems written from the new parents, and poems written directly to the newborn. These original verses can come in any form from a short haiku to a long, personal free verse poem.
Uplifting Your Tiny Spirit
By Michele Meleen
Inside your tiny chest,
there beats a tiny heart.
Inside that tiny heart,
there lives a tiny spirit.
Inside my deep chest,
there beats a thriving heart.
Inside that thriving heart,
there grows a deep love.
The love in my heart
has but one role,
to take your tiny spirit
and help it grow.
The deep love in my heart
speaks to your tiny heart,
together they commit
to uplifting your tiny spirit.
Born Too Soon
By Michele Meleen
Born too soon they say.
I disagree; you were meant
to find me today.
Welcome to the NICU
By Michele Meleen
Welcome to the NICU
your temporary home.
It's filled with light
and love
and warmth
to help you as you grow.
Welcome to the NICU,
but don't stay too long.
Your home and parents wait
for your return when you are strong.
For the Mother of a Premie
By Michele Meleen
As a new mom,
you can never be prepared
for all the things that
could possibly be
when it comes to your new baby.
As the mother of a premie,
the challenge feels greater
and there's no way to prepare.
How can you give them what they need
as you look on from afar?
From one mother to another,
I'm here to give you a truth.
You have everything you need
to love your little baby
and help your child grow strong.
As a mother to your baby
your love is nourishment
to strengthen you both through
the hardest of times
when you can't be in each other's arms.
For the Father of a Premie
By Michele Meleen
Laughter is the best medicine,
or is it love and hugs?
Either way, as a dad
you are your baby's
best remedy.
To the father of a premie,
your role is still the same
to give your baby love and hugs
and laughter every day.
My Premature Baby Boy
By Michele Meleen
My premature baby boy
who knew such joy?
You may have come early,
but that just gave me
more time to see
my son, my love, my boy.
My Early Girl
By Michele Meleen
My early girl,
you entered the world
before we had prepared.
My early girl
you made my mind swirl
here so soon it left me scared.
My early girl
you're strong as a pearl
that's something we've always shared.
Stronger Than We Thought
By Michele Meleen
Stronger than we thought,
Triumphant will you be.
Ready to take on the world
One day at a time.
Never give up my sweet premie,
Give life all you've got.
Everyone you love will be here
Reaching for your hand.

Inspirational Prayers and Verses for Premature Babies
If you or the new parents are religious or have a strong faith, consider sharing inspirational prayers or Bible verses for premature babies. Words of encouragement for parents of premies from God or your prayers can help the whole family get through this difficult time.
Catholic Prayer for Baby in NICU
By Michele Meleen
Our baby who art in the NICU,
loved be thy name.
Thy family come,
Thy will be loved,
In the NICU as in your home.
Give us this day hands to hold
and forgive us for having fears
as we forgive those who fear for us
and lead us not into sorrow
but deliver us from pain
Premature Baby Protection Prayer
By Michele Meleen
Dear Lord,
We ask that you encapsulate this small child in your love.
We ask that you protect this baby
and shine down on him/her from above.
Protect this sweet child,
who entered the world at your will
so that he/she may live out your glory
in the life he's/she's meant to fulfill.
Premature Baby Healing Prayer
By Michele Meleen
May this premature baby heal through your love,
and know your almighty strength.
As your love grows, may his/hers
while you get to know each other at length.
May God work His healing wonders
on this precious child of mine
so that when he/she is ready, he/she will shine.

Inspiring Bible Verses for Premature Babies
Throughout the Bible, many special babies are born. Inspiring Bible verses about these special babies can be comforting to parents of a premature infant.
- Celebrate God's relationship with your baby in Psalm 139:16 which reads " Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."
- Luke 1:44 offers an explanation of why the baby came early saying " As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy."
- Every child is a prayer answered as expressed in Samuel 1:27 "I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him."
Positive Thoughts for a Premature Baby
The love and support of friends and family members can really help new parents and their premature baby remain positive, hopeful, and strong. You can use personal poems for newborns, famous poems, prayers about babies, and Bible quotes to offer your support through loving words.