39 Funny Science Jokes That Cell Themselves

Get ready to slap your neon while laughing at these satisfying science jokes!

Published December 12, 2023
teenage girls studying robotic arm in school

Science is one of the most challenging subjects to learn, but that doesn't mean that it can't also be fun! Funny science jokes and puns are the perfect way to dissolve some of the stress and periodically bring some fun to your STEM classes. 

If you're looking for some spectacular science jokes to experiment with, we have the solution you are looking for to create a reaction of laughter. 

Silly Science Jokes for Kids That Will Make Everyone He He He

Don't let your science classes get you down — make like a proton and stay positive! These silly science jokes can help to get your spirits up and atom. 

Did you hear about the experiment that exploded? It's okay. Oxidants happen!

Why is gold the best element?

Because it’s Au-some!

Did you know that atoms are liars?

They literally make up everything!

Why was the chemist so happy in his lab?

Because he was in his element!

Why will a plant never escape from jail?

There is a wall around its cell!

Did you hear about the experiment that exploded?

It's okay. Oxidants happen!

Do you know what the element of confusion is?


What is a scientist’s favorite Christmas song?

Oh Chemist-TREE, oh Chemist-TREE!

What does a flower have when it is hungry in the middle of the afternoon?

A light snack!

What kind of car does a physicist drive?

A volts-wagon!

What does a chemist say when helium tells a good joke?

He He He!

Corny Science Dad Jokes That Will Curium Your Boredom

Were all those jokes too basic for you? Because I saw no reaction. How about we experiment with these dad science jokes and see if they can bring a different result? Periodically, they do!

Do you think that Oxygen and Magnesium would make a cute couple? OMg, yes!

Which acid do you never want to mess with on the playground?

A-mean-oh Acid!

Who do you call to solve your electricity mysteries?

Sherlock Ohms and Dr. Wattson!

Why do chemists make great detectives?

They are always working on solutions!

Why can you always expect helium, argon, neon, and radon to show up when there is a damsel in distress?

Because they are noble gases!

Did you hear about the light that got caught speeding?

He got put in prism!

Why did the bacteria cross the microscope?

To get to the other slide!

Did you know that you can create a sense of humor solution?

Just combine sulfur, argon, calcium, and samarium! You will have SArCaSm in no time!

What book can a chemist never put down?

One about helium!

Do you think that Oxygen and Magnesium would make a cute couple?

OMg, yes!

What kind of bear dissolves in water?

A polar bear!

Rock Solid Earth Science Jokes That Everyone Will Lava

Of quartz, we can't have science jokes without digging into the earth sciences! Weather you love meteorology, geology, or oceanography, these science jokes are sure to bring a gust of giggles!

Did you hear about the geologist who was sentenced to life in prison? He was found guilty in a quartz of law!

Where do geologists learn about rocks?

At sedimentary school!

What did the therapist say to the rock when he was having a bad day?

You are a geode person! Don't take life for granite!

Why do geologists make great friends?

They are always down to earth!

What award did Orion win in the space beauty contest?

A constellation prize!

Why did the oceanographer fail biology?

His grades were below C-level!

Why did the geologists skip lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe?

They lost their apatites!

What do employers like most about marine biologists?

Their a-fish-in-sea!

Did you hear about the geologist who was sentenced to life in prison?

He was found guilty in a quartz of law!

What are the brightest days of the month?


Nerdy Science Jokes for Adults That Are Sodium Funny

If you really want to get laughs, then you need to keep your ion the prize. These funny science jokes are sure to amuse alkynes of people in your life!

What is the best way to embarrass your lab partner when he is dissecting a gnat? Tell him his fly is open!

Men are always sexier than women. Want to know why?

You can't spell sexy without xy!

What is the only thing a cloud wears to bed?

His thunderwear!

Did you hear about the chemist who got arrested?

He is in alkynes of trouble.

How do you know if a cloud is wealthy?

He makes it rain!

How do you cover up a chemist's accidental death?

You Barium!

What is the best way to embarrass your lab partner when he is dissecting a gnat?

Tell him his fly is open!

Why are biologists the most enlightened scientists?

Because they are the most cultured!

Is there a large difference between male and female anatomy?

Of course! There is a vas deferens. 

Did you hear that Einstein used to be a rapper?

He went by the stage name MC Squared!

What does a chemist grab when he wants to make guacamole?

A bunch of Avogadros!

Enjoy Even More Spectacular Science Jokes & Puns

Keep your coal! Don't think that all the good science puns and jokes argon — we also have space jokes, dinosaur jokes, and plant-themed spring puns to keep your giggles growing!

39 Funny Science Jokes That Cell Themselves