Your couch has lived a good life, but you're ready to move on. To redecorate, to move, to upgrade, to downsize. You're just ready to part ways with your old couch. Not a problem. Save yourself some hassle and frustration with this primer on how to dispose of your old couch.
Nothing Beats Free
Leave your couch on the curb of your yard with a sign that says, "Free." Be prepared for knocks on your door, however. People may want to know exactly why this couch is leaving your house. Hopefully, someone takes it away without a word.
Advertise Your Couch on Social Media
Make a post on social media to let the masses know you have a couch that's ready for a new home. You can use Nextdoor or Facebook to get the word out. Consider a Facebook neighborhood group, a buy-nothing group, or even the local college forum for students that're looking to decorate their new digs without spending money they don't have.
Donate Your Couch
Lend a hand to others and donate your couch! There are plenty of good reasons to donate your old couch, including being environmentally friendly, as a tax writeoff, and that it can be easier to get rid of as many places will pick up furniture.
Your local municipality may even be able to direct you to local shelters that would be more than happy to take your couch.
Call a Junk Company
Bring in the pros to whisk your couch away, and save your back in the process. Your wallet might take a hit depending on the company, but junk removal is one way to guarantee that couch will soon be out the door.
Dispose of Your Couch Yourself
Haul your couch to the dump. Do your homework first to make sure they'll accept it. Be sure to break it down before carrying it away, especially if you'll be taking it to a recycling center depending on the materials.
Put the cushions aside and get to work removing any staples, screws, or nails you find in the couch. Saw the frame into small pieces, recycling the wood, fabric, and cushions in their appropriate places. As for the screws and nails, you can recycle those or bring them to a scrapyard.
Trade in Your Couch
Couches, like cars, sometimes have a trade-in value. And if your old couch is still in good shape, it sure doesn't hurt to see if the furniture company you're buying from offers that.
Happy Trails, Old Couch
You've had some good times with your couch, but it's time to move on. Shell out a few bucks to have someone whisk it away for you, send it out into the world for students and young adults to build their new home, or break it down so it can be made into something new. It's not goodbye, it's see you later.