Reddit is endlessly fascinating. No matter what entertains you or you find interesting, chances are, there's a subreddit for that. And honestly, I could spend hours (or most of my life) just constantly scrolling, but who has that kind of time? Still, when I have a few minutes free and I want to spend time with things that entertain me, I often turn to Reddit.
I have a rather offbeat sense of humor, and sarcasm is my love language, so there's plenty on Reddit that I find so funny, it makes me laugh out loud. Other subreddits are just so fascinating I could spend a ton of time reading about all of the weirdness of the world we live in. These are some of my favorite subreddits that keep me enthralled when I want some easy and effortless entertainment.
As a cookbook author and recipe writer, I've gotten a lot of strange reviews and requests from readers over the years, from people who want me to rewrite every recipe in a cookbook to meet one of their specific dietary needs or preferences to people who change the recipe to the point it's unrecognizable and then write to me to tell me how much they hate it. So when our Editorial Director Carrie recommended /r/ididnthaveeggs, I knew it had to become part of my Reddit scroll, if for no other reason than it made me feel less alone.
I have not been disappointed. I feel so seen and heard by the people who find these often unhinged reviews for something completely different from what the original recipe intended.
I also like a similar subreddit, r/IAmVeryCulinary, which is devoted to some of the most snobbish blowhard food commentaries on the web.
The things people are naming their kids these days are wild to me! Sure, you still have a ton of Olivias and Noahs, but there are some interesting twists on names, too, that'll saddle little ones with years of explaining what their name means, how to pronounce it, or how to spell it.
r/tragedeigh is a celebration (or maybe a rubberneckers' traffic jam) of some of these absolute trainwreck names that some poor children are going to be stuck with for the rest of their lives.

Get a peek into what husky owners have known for a long time — huskies are huge drama queens.
From some of the most amazing properties for sale on Zillow to some with rather... specific... taste, r/zillowgonewild is a celebration of outrageous, awesome, and sometimes terrifying real estate.
Some of these confusing layouts and graphic designs will have you laughing out loud. Like a photo of Elmo next to a huge headline that says, 'Yeah, I Did Stab You.' Sometimes, graphic design is stranger than fiction.
While this occasionally has NSFW content, most of it is just good, harmless fun. r/whatismycookiecutter is pretty much what it sounds like. People dig up confusing cookie-cutter shapes. But the magic is in the comments — other funny and clever folks draw pictures inside the cookie-cutter outline of what it could be. It's always entertaining and often very funny. People are extremely creative.

My cats have jobs. We have a quality assurance cat, a supervisor, and an inspector. And on this subreddit, you'll find all sorts of photos, short videos, and GIFs of cats doing what they clearly believe is important work, like leading a cult or driving a mail truck. It's fun for cat lovers or pretty much anyone who wants a good laugh.
r/DisneyVacation & r/NotDisneyVacation
If you've ever found your way to WikiHow, then you're probably familiar with their rather interesting images. And both r/disneyvacation and r/notdisneyvacation highlight these photos with creative — and often hilarious — captions.
If shaming wild rodents is your thing, then you can join more than 200K other Redditors in making fun of squirrels and their pals and all the weird stuff they do on r/fatsquirrelhate.
This one is more interesting than funny. It's all the random stuff people see when they look at things like a potato chip or a cloud. Think grilled Cheesus (Jesus in a grilled cheese sandwich) or a tree with a human butt. With lots of quick photos, amusing comments, and more, r/pareidolia is eminently scrollable.
Short videos and photos of people doing stupid stuff. You know — the kind of thing where they say, "Watch this" or "Hold my beer" before they do it. It's a Reddit repository for stupid human tricks. r/holdmycosmo has similar content featuring mostly women.
Robots think they can't be detected and outed, but this subreddit proves that doxxing robots is a thing.
Don't worry. This isn't big vandalism like broken windows or anything. Instead, it's small acts of humor like adding "in the name of love" to the bottom of a stop sign. I love spotting these in the wild, and finding them in the r/mildlyvandalised subreddit means I never have to leave the house.
r/CrappyDesign is proof that human ingenuity isn't always at the forefront of design. We're not as smart as we think we are.
For all those who do awkward or clumsy stuff all the time like me, you'll never feel more seen than r/me_irl. It's good to know the world is filled with others who are just as awkward as I am.
Love a creepy story (some real, some fictional)? r/nosleep is perfect for scrolling through some super creepy content — just maybe not right before you go to bed.
I have tried to effectively bury all photos of me from the time I was about 12 until I was in my 20s because I don't want that stuff getting out there. I was a cringey tween and teen, just like every other kid ever. But just because my photos are on lockdown doesn't mean other people's are. In r/blunderyears, adults share some of the cringiest photos from their youth, and I'm totally here for it.
Related: 15 Things I Did as a Free-Range Gen X Kid That Nobody Does Today
Redditors of the world, don't do these things. This has been a public service announcement.
Everyone's a critic, amiright? And on r/EntitledReviews, the criticism is harsh and seemingly pretty unfounded, mostly written by main characters who think the rules don't apply to them.
This is pure, unleashed creativity, and it couldn't be more entertaining. People post an image as a prompt, and then others post their creative and entertaining photoshops of that image. You'll need to click off Reddit to view many images, but they're often worth the extra click.
When I walk into a closet thinking it's the front door or trip over air, I wish I was as smooth as some of the people shown in the videos and gifs on this subreddit.
Find Endless Amusement on Reddit
Sure, it's easy to get sucked into endless scrolling, and a lot of it is mindless and just not all that entertaining. But you'll seldom be disappointed if you add these fun subreddits to your scroll. It's the perfect way to take a brain break any time you need.