Ways World Help Is Meeting Needs & Saving Lives

World Help partners with communities all around the world to meet the needs of nearly anyone in crisis.

Published November 15, 2023

I still remember the first time I discovered what World Help was and how they actually helped the world. I was a freshman in college attending a speech given by Noel Yeatts, the president of World Help. Years later, my husband and I would officially become sponsors with the organization.

We've supported World Help for many years now and we are proud to stand behind a mission of providing for the impoverished, giving life-saving items to those in need, bringing comfort to the persecuted, and fighting for freedom from trafficking. 

The Why of World Help

We all know there are people hurting and in need, worldwide. But it's easy to forget that when so many of us live comfortable lives and experience the benefits of freedom every day. Though we may be jetting off to work in the industry we chose or simply preparing meals for our family with the abundant food in our pantry, some families and children don't get to experience those "normal" things. Many families struggle to find food, basic physical needs, and even life-saving medical care. 

That's why World Help exists and it's why my family loves supporting their mission. We get to play a small role in bringing care and compassion to people in circumstances no human being should have to experience. 

Practical Ways World Help Makes a Difference 

There's a long list of life-changing actions World Help takes on in its quest to serve and be a voice for those in need. If you took just a few moments to browse their website, you would see all these things listed under the mission of World Help.

  • Provide life-saving supplies for those in need or those impacted by disaster
  • Give clean water to many families who don't have it
  • Help young girls and women experience freedom from the sex trafficking industry
  • Provide critical care for children experiencing malnourishment worldwide, including classes for parents and immediate medical care for children
  • Child sponsorship for children experiencing poverty, loss of their family, or the aftermath of disaster in their home country
  • Provide for refugees in need of medical care, water, food, shelter, and clothing in numerous countries
  • Help individuals and families facing religious persecution around the world

Reasons I Support World Help 

I still remember the day my husband and I responded to the gentle tugging on our hearts. We were leaving a church service where World Help was hosting a small table near the door. I saw the deep, brown eyes of a young Indian girl staring out from her photo from across the lobby and knew that I needed to act. When I glanced at her information card and saw that we shared a birthday, I knew what I was about to do was the only right choice for us. We've been supporting World Help, and that sweet brown-eyed girl, ever since.

Though I have volunteered with other charities in the past, my current season of life allows more for financial support than the dedication of time — turns out parenting is pretty time-consuming. So I love being able to be a part of what World Help does for those in need just by providing monetary support.

My husband and I started giving to the organization when we truly didn't have much to give. But, for these reasons, we're glad we chose to do so and continue to give today.

Fast Fact

You can get involved with the work World Help is doing by sponsoring a child, becoming a monthly donor, or volunteering your time.

Help In Crisis

Most people hear about natural disasters, war devastation, and the needs of citizens persecuted by their own government through the news. I usually hear about those things from a World Help email.

Anytime there is any sort of need in the world, whether for refugees or those impacted by a famine or earthquake, World Help immediately reaches out via email. With details, often from someone on the ground in that region, they lay out the exact needs of the people in crisis. Whether it's the Ukranian war, an earthquake in India, or religious persecution in North Korea, World Help shows up.

Meeting Physical Needs First

World Help is a Christian humanitarian organization, but what I love about World Help is that they believe in and practice meeting someone's physical needs. There's no overwhelming onslaught of poorly-timed religious jargon for those helped by the organization. Rather, they seek to meet the immediate needs of people and be a help to the poor, the widowed, the refugee, the orphaned.

It's their longing to demonstrate compassion that draws some people into the core of why they do what they do. No matter what someone's faith is, World Help shows up to meet their most basic needs and provide hope in crisis.

Child Sponsorship

Many people know World Help for their child sponsorship. My husband and I have been supporting our sponsored child since 2018 and we feel like we truly know her. We get to provide a birthday party for her each year, send letters back and forth, and even support her education when back-to-school time rolls around. 

Getting to see our sponsored child grow in each school photo, see her handwriting improve with every Christmas card, and hear how her dreams have changed from wanting to be a teacher to now wanting to be a doctor, has been a great joy. Knowing we are helping provide her with not only basic needs but also a hope she can carry throughout her life is more than worth every penny.

Need to Know

Sponsoring a child is a rewarding way to give back and creates a lifelong bond. You may never know the impact you could have by just providing a child with their most basic needs.

Volunteering With World Help

Financial support isn't the only way to get involved with what World Help is doing to provide for those in need. You can also volunteer with World Help to help assemble emergency kits, pack supplies, and sort clothing.

By volunteering for just one hour, you can impact up to 130 lives. I love that World Helps offers volunteering opportunities alongside its financial support opportunities, making it possible for everyone to make an impact. They even have creative giving options so there's something for everyone.

A World-Changing Cause

Every time we get a new update letter from our sponsored child or see a new email detailing how World Help is getting involved in a crisis, I look back on the day my husband and I decided to support the mission. I'm so glad we listened to what our guts were telling us. We knew we needed to get involved and since doing so we've had nothing but blessings from the experience. World Help is changing so many lives and, in turn, the world. We're just glad we get to be a part of it.

Ways World Help Is Meeting Needs & Saving Lives