How to Find Ghosts in Your Neighborhood (+ 15 Places to Look)

Who says you need to travel to famous haunted places to find ghosts? Not us! Here's how to stay close to home and possibly experience a haunting.

Updated October 16, 2024
Man Sitting By Ghost

Ever wondered if there are ghosts in your neighborhood? There definitely could be! While ghost tourism is a big thing, who has the time to travel several hours or states away to find a haunt when there could be one that's practically in your backyard? So, if you're obsessed with finding evidence of life after death or just giving yourself a good spooky thrill, here's how to find places nearby that could be teeming with spirits. 

Start in Your Own Neighborhood

Contrary to what you see on television, ghosts aren't restricted to old, run-down houses or places where a lot of people have died or a tragedy has occurred (although they may be there). Spirits can be anywhere, from the brand-new McMansion just down the street to the spooky-looking cemetery you pass when you drive your kids to school.

Related: 12 of the Spookiest & Most Haunted States in the United States

Ask Around

Make discreet (or not-so-discreet) inquiries. Ask people in your neighborhood if they've had odd experiences anywhere or heard any ghost stories about the area.

Helpful Hack

People used to be afraid to talk about weird experiences because they were worried how others might perceive them. Fortunately, that's becoming a thing of the past. People are more likely to share strange experiences, so there's less taboo in asking. If they don't seem receptive, move on because you'll quickly find someone who is. 

Check Out Old Newspapers From Octobers Past

It seems like every year, local newspapers run at least one "haunted place" article in October. Why October? It's spooky season, and that's when people are super interested in all things eerie, including ghosts, so many newspapers run human-interest ghost stories during the month. This may be the perfect way to discover a local haunt. 

Learn the History of Your Neighborhood

Research online or visit your local library or museum to learn the history of your neighborhood. Look for interesting information about things that happened there, such as emotionally charged events, large-scale tragedy or illness, or locations that have significant history of some type. Even if the original building is gone and replaced by a modern building or home, the energy may still remain with the land.

Take a Local Ghost Tour

ghost tour bus

Some places do ghost tours year-round, but a lot do them in the month of October. So keep an eye out for local ghost tours during the month and take one! I've led ghost tours during October where the people on every tour had at least one spooky experience. 

Helpful Hack

Local ghost hunting groups or paranormal enthusiasts often run these tours. Before or after the tour, talk with the person running it and ask them if they know of any other local haunted places you might be able to visit.

Go When Ghost Activity Is Reported

Notice I said "when" and not "where." There's a common misconception that it has to be dark to look for ghosts. And while that definitely ups the spooky factor, that doesn't mean that you can only spot ghosts after dark. The best time to look for ghosts is the same time of day when people report their weird encounters. So if they say they experienced something at high noon, then that's the time to try to find it. I saw my first full-bodied apparition (a whole ghost that looked like a person) on a hiking trail in broad daylight. 

Helpful Hack

Want to possibly experience a ghost without leaving the house? Check out the ghost cams at the notoriously haunted Willard Library in Indiana and see if you can spot one. 

Visit Places Where Spirits Are Likely to Linger

While virtually any place can be haunted (I've investigated haunts in newly built houses, parks, restaurants, libraries, schools, entire towns, hiking trails, and more), some types of locations are more likely to have a few spirits wandering around. For example, on lists of famous haunted places, some trends come to light. These places could have ghosts, so if any of them are in your backyard and open to the public, you should definitely check them out.

  • Historical museums with lots of old artifacts
  • Antique shops
  • Very old or historical buildings
  • Places where tragedies or deaths have occurred
  • Historic homes
  • Former medical facilities
  • Buildings that served as a mortuary
  • Former prisons or jails
  • Historic hotels and inns
  • Old ships and boats, particularly military ships and ocean liners that now serve as museums, tourist attractions, or hotels
  • Old or historic theaters
  • Old military installations or forts that have been converted into parks
  • Abandoned ghost towns
  • Ruins
  • Battlefields

Explore Places With Energy Conducive to Hauntings

creepy corridor

Don't shy away from a location just because it doesn't seem like it would be haunted. Sometimes, you'll find ghosts in the most unexpected places. But definitely check out places that have a higher probability of being haunted, like one of these locations. 

Places With Old Objects

Museums, antique stores, and second-hand stores or consignment shops all have older artifacts that have belonged to and been used by others. Many of these old objects carry with them the energy of their former owners, especially if the objects were much loved or present when something emotionally significant occurred. Therefore, places with many of these objects (including homes with a lot of antiques) may be more likely than others to have a spirit or two.

Helpful Hack

Think you have a ghost and you're not sure you want to co-habitate with one? If the spooky stuff has just recently started happening, consider any objects you've recently brought home like antiques or second-hand items. Try removing them (one at a time) from the house (you can just put them in the garage or in an outdoor shed) and see if the energy shifts.

Places Where Emotional Energy Is High

Intense emotional energy can leave an imprint on the buildings and land where it occurred. For example, one of the reasons Gettysburg may be so haunted is because of the sheer volume of emotional energy expended in battle. While it doesn't necessarily have to be a battlefield or the site of a tragedy, if it's a place where there was great emotion, such as a hospital, church, former "poor farm," mothballed naval ship, school, former prison or jail, or even someplace that was special and joyful for the people there, it may be more likely to have residual energy that manifests as a ghost or haunting.

Anyplace Near Water

Psychics and paranormal investigators often notice that water appears to conduct paranormal energy. Therefore, looking near any larger body of water or moving water, such as by a river, large lake, or the ocean, may be a good place to discover paranormal activity. This doesn't mean that every beach in America is haunted, but having a large body of water or moving water nearby can increase the chance that ghosts are still hanging around.

Need to Know

While looking for ghosts can be exciting, it's important to be respectful, both of spirits and the living. Ask for permission before entering private property, don't trespass or vandalize, be courteous with other people and spirits in public spaces, and always follow any applicable rules or laws. Then, enter spaces with an open mind and observe with all of your senses.

Tips for Finding Ghosts

On ghost shows, it's a popular trend to focus solely on a piece of technical equipment designed to "detect ghosts." It always bugs me when I see anyone staring at equipment because if they are, then they're probably missing what's happening around them.

Believe it or not, you are your best ghost detector. Look up from the equipment (or leave it for another day) and instead dial into your senses, noticing what you see, feel, smell, taste, hear, or think. Your body is a fantastic ghost detector, so pay attention to how you feel and learn to trust your intuition. If possible, try to quiet your mind and notice any sensations that may be signs of possible paranormal activity. 

  • Random images or thoughts that pop into your mind
  • The feeling you are being watched
  • Goosebumps or chills
  • Pressure in your ears
  • Feeling on edge
  • Sudden changes in the way your mouth tastes
  • Visual distortions, such as blurring or wavy "energy" lines (similar to a mirage on a hot day)
  • Smells that are out of place for where you are
  • Unexpected emotions unrelated to how you are currently feeling

Find Ghosts in Your Own Backyard

It's definitely fun to visit haunted places when you travel, but if traveling isn't in your schedule, that doesn't mean you're out of luck. Ghosts can be anywhere, even in unexpected places, so take a look around nearby and pay attention. You just might find yourself encountering a spirit.

How to Find Ghosts in Your Neighborhood (+ 15 Places to Look)