Receiving a free romance compatibility report will try to tell you if you are with the right person. Don't spend another day wondering if you have found your soulmate, put your faith in the stars.
Obtaining a Free Romance Compatibility Report Online
Searching for free romance compatibility reports online is easy because there are many websites offering astrological information about you and your partner. Here are some of the most popular ones you can use to get your compatibility report right now.
Tarot.com offers a brief romance compatibility report. If you want more information after your free sample report, you will have to pay a fee. Choose among the several reports derived from a computerized tarot reading; while some are based off astrological data, others are solely created based on what the tarot cards reveal.
Astrology.com offers a simplistic compatibility report that will only take you a few minutes to complete and read. All you need to do is click on the icon for your astrological sign and your partner's astrological sign. The short compatibility report is generalized based on signs only and does not go into detail about romantic compatibility by birthdate specifically, but instead only by what Zodiac signs go well together.
0800 Horoscope
0800 Horoscope is another simple website to use. Choose a quick review of your astrological compatibility based on your sign and the sign of your partner, or enter your birth date as well as your partner's and receive detailed information about the alignment of the stars and their meaning.
Astro Library
AstroLibrary.com offers a free synastry compatibility report based on the sun and planets; you don't need to enter birth times in order to get this free report to work. For a more detailed report, include the birthdates for both partners and pay a fee of $5 - but the simple compatibility report is free of charge.
Astrology and Your Relationship
Astrology is a metaphysics science that studies planets in motion. The patterns of these motions give meaning to how people relate to others and their personalities.
Astrologers believe that the alignment of the stars when someone is born can tell many things about personality and its effect on relationships. This also includes dating behavior and attraction.
A couple's birth chart will show the areas of a couple's compatibility. When there is conflict or incompatibility, it indicates that the couple has to either work on those areas or end the relationship because of them.
Acting on a Free Compatibility Report
If you receive your report and it's not as favorable as you would have liked, don't let it break your heart. While many believe in the meaning behind astrology and relationships, others do not. You will need to determine how much you will let the report affect your relationship.
If you are looking for a compatibility report just for fun, then you will probably take the results lightly. However, if you are already having doubts about the future of your relationship, the results of the report may confirm your feelings and put your mind to ease about whether you are making the right decision in ending the relationship.
Considering Other Areas of Your Relationship
While looking at astrology may help you determine relationship compatibility, you might consider looking at similarities in other areas of your relationship such as:
- Interests
- Communication
- Finances
- Sex
- Religion
- Values and morals
These are some of the most important qualities in healthy and successful relationships, so it's wise to consider how compatible you are in these areas to determine if you are with the right person. By putting your astrological compatibility report together with these core areas of your relationship, you'll have a good indication if you've found your soulmate.
General Advice From Reports
Most of the free reports available above give advice regarding how the couple can best relate to one another based on each person's sign. Use this advice to help you understand why the two of you communicate as you do, yet also consider each other's idiosyncrasies based on who you are as people. These reports can be a fun way to get to know one another better.