Get the Know the Liechtenstein Royal Family

Published May 6, 2021
Hans-Adam II of Liechtenstein and princess Marie Aglae of Liechtenstein

There are currently 12 major royal families reigning and residing on the European continent. One of these royal families is that of Liechtenstein. This small principality is relatively unknown, especially when European big wig royal families like the House of Windsor and the Royal Family of Monaco seem to be major players on the world stage and in the tabloids. While the Royal Family of Liechtenstein is known for flying under the radar, don't let them fool you. This royal family is well-connected and incredibly loaded.

Liechtenstein Royal House Family Members

The current royal family of Liechtenstein tends to lie low, especially when compared to some other high profiled European royals.

Prince Hans-Adams II

Prince Hans-Adam II is the 15th prince of Liechtenstein and has been reigning over his small principality since 1989. Born to someday take over the royal throne, Hans-Adams received a royal education and went on to wed his second cousin once removed, Countess Marie Aglaë Kinsky von Wchinitz und Tettau. The couple has four children, with their eldest son currently transitioning into governmental power.

Prince Hans-Adams is a lover and collector of art. He owns an impressive collection of priceless pieces, many of which are showcased and housed at Liechtenstein Museum in Vienna.

Marie Kinsky of Wchinitz and Tettau

Wife to Hans-Adams and Princess of Liechtenstein, Princess Marie, received her education at Academy for Applied Arts at the University of Munich and later worked in industrial design in Germany. She wed her once-removed second cousin, Prince Hans-Adams, in 1967. As a member of the royal house of Liechtenstein, Princess Marie works closely with organizations and charities focused on education, culture, and the arts. She's also the mother to four royal children and 15 royal grandchildren.

Hereditary Prince Alois

The eldest child of Prince Hans-Adams II and Princess Marie is Hereditary Prince Alois. He and his wife, Duchess Sophie of Bavaria, stand next in line for the throne. The future ruler of Liechtenstein received his education at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in the United Kingdom. He later served in the Coldstream Guard in Hong Kong and attended the University of Salzburg, where he received his degree in jurisprudence.

While Prince Alois's father, Prince Hans-Adams II, continues to serve are the head of state, the eventual transition of power has already begun to shift to the younger monarch. On Liechtenstein Day in 2004, Hans-Adam II granted his eldest son the power to make day-to-day governmental decisions on behalf of the principality. Prince Alois and his wife have four royal children:

  • Prince Joseph Wenzel Maximilian Maria of Liechtenstein, born in 1995
  • Princess Marie-Caroline Elisabeth Immaculata of Liechtenstein, born in 1996
  • Prince Georg Antonius Constantin Maria of Liechtenstein, born in 1999
  • Prince Nikolaus Sebastian Alexander Maria of Liechtenstein, born in 2000
Prince Alois of Liechtenstein and Princess Sophia of Liechtenstein

Prince Maximilian

Prince Maximilian is the second son of Prince Hans-Adams II and Princess Marie. He is an educated royal, having first attended European Business School in Oestrich-Winkel, Germany, and then later Harvard Business School, where he earned his MBA. Following his education, Prince Max (as he is often referred to as) worked at Chase Capital Partners, Industrie Kapital, JP Morgan Partners, and the LGT Group, where he served as Chief Executive Officer.

Prince Max met and married Angela Gisela Brown. Brown, a fashion designer who styled her own wedding dress, thought to have been the inspiration behind Meghan Markle's recent bridal gown. This union, which has been going strong for over two decades, is unique in that it caused a stir among the royals. Brown is Panamanian, and the racial unification of the couple ruffled stiff feathers. Despite archaic kickback, this love match was clearly meant to be. The royal couple has a son, Prince Alfons Constantin Maria of Liechtenstein, born in 2001.

Prince Constantin

Prince Constantin is the third child of Prince Hans-Adams and Princess Marie. He attended Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, where he received a degree in law. The third son of the Prince and Princess worked in equity management investment banking and has served as General Director and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Prince of Liechtenstein Foundation since 2012. Besides numerous appointments to several prestigious boards, Prince Constantin is highly dedicated to preservation and sustainability issues. He is wed to Countess Marie Gabriele Franziska Kálnoky de Kőröspatak, and together the couple has three children,

Princess Tatjana

Princess Tatjana is the only daughter and youngest child of Prince Hans-Adams and Princess Marie. Because of succession laws favoring males only, Tatjana has never stood in line for the crown. She wed Philipp von Lattorff in 1999, and the pair produced a whopping seven royal grandchildren.

Where Is Liechtenstein?

The landlocked principality of Liechtenstein is a German-speaking micro-state located in southern, central Europe. At only 62 square miles, Liechtenstein is the fourth-smallest country on the continent of Europe. To its west and south is Switzerland, and to the principality's east and north is Austria. There are only 2 double-landlocked countries globally, one being Liechtenstein and the other being Uzbekistan.

A Wealthy Family to Be Sure

Royal families have big, fat bank accounts, but some are larger than others. This tiny principality has a very wealthy royal family. Of the 12 royal families on the European continent, the royal family of Liechtenstein is one of the richest to be found. In fact, when looking at the wealthiest royal families on a worldwide scale, they rank at number ten with a net worth of $4.4 billion.

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Get the Know the Liechtenstein Royal Family