12 Little Things I Do to Sweeten My Sour Mood

I don't often wake up in a pleasant state, and these are a few of the little things I do to banish that bad mood.

Published January 17, 2025
Tired unhappy woman waking up and sitting on her bed

At least one day out of the week, I wake up in a rotten mood. If waking up on the wrong side of the bed has only one fan, it’s me. While my internal monologue would love for me to wallow in a judgment pool of solitude, the healthier part of me knows it’s best to kick that mood to the curb — sooner rather than later.

If you struggle like me with slipping into an irritable state at the first ring of your alarm clock, it’s time to give my tried-and-true solutions to sweeten that sour mood a go. 

Listen to Something Angry & Loud

Some people like listening to music that’s the opposite of their mood to inspire them. I’m not one of those people. When I’m feeling sour, putting on something angry, loud, and plucked from my middle school pop-punk days is the only way to go.

Indulge in Some Sugar

blueberry streusel muffins

Listen, don’t let diet culture fool you. A little sugary treat when you’re down and out might be the perfect thing to pep you right up.

Watch a Video That Makes Me Laugh

It’s hard to be annoyed at the world when you can’t stop laughing. When I’m really in the doldrums, I turn to this Vine of a nun mask-wearing person’s friend choking them with a clawed glove in the Halloween section of a store while Lana Del Rey sings over the top.

It’s unhinged and sends me into stitches every time.

Related: 21+ Subreddits That Keep Me Laughing & Scrolling

Take a Drive to Nowhere

If you can spare the time, hopping into the car and driving around can work wonders on a blustery mood. Not only are you alone and free from hurting anyone’s feelings, but also getting away from your everyday stressors may lighten that bad mood.

Having the sun on my face and a gas pedal beneath my foot certainly does for me!

Play With My Pet

Pets can bring you an immense amount of joy, and it’s hard to stay as mad at the world as I sometimes am when my dog wags her whole body to greet me in the morning.

Give a Movie 100% of My Attention

Many people turn to reality television as a balm for their bad days, but I find it rots my brain. Instead, I get true solace and separation from my bad mood by fully investing in a movie or series. I have an affinity for character-driven pieces with few sets or locations, but yours might be different!

Either way, art is just one gateway to lifting my spirits and Conclave was the most recent film to do so. 

Related: Winter Doldrums? These 18 Things Give Me an Instant Mood Lift

Move My Body

Listen, I loathe exercise for the sake of exercise. I’m just not born with that inherent sense of accomplishment that some people get from a hard workout. 

But getting your blood pumping, whether from pruning and planting or washing dishes, is a great way to inject a little life into you.

Watch the Birds in My Yard 

I grew up going on nature walks and watching nature programs, so I find a lot of solace in just sitting outside. One of my favorite things to do is watch the little birds that fly in and out of our backyard.

Watching the Carolina chickadee and sparrow families that live in the columns on our front porch not immediately fly away when I approach gives me an instant boost. 

Vent About My Feelings

Occasionally, my vile mood can evaporate just by talking about it. I’m a big rant-and-rave type, and sometimes just snarling at the world to whoever has the time to listen will do the trick.

Put on a Full Face

I’ve worn makeup almost every day of my life since I was 14, but what I do and how much I do every day has changed a lot over the years. But when I’m really feeling down and out, putting on a full face sometimes kickstarts a warmer feeling.

The meditative nature of spending 2-3 hours creating a look is a great balm to my reactive nature.

Sit in the Bath

Woman sitting on bathtub with beautiful palm

In order to work through a bad mood, sometimes I need a calm, isolated environment to exist in. And there’s nothing more private and soothing than sitting in a hot bath for hours on end.

Sleep in the Next Morning

I’m a night owl with a touch of insomnia, and when left to my own devices, I can sleep for 10-12 hours at a time. So, if I’ve been stuck with a bad mood for days, I make sure to let myself sleep later than the typical 6-7 hours.

Nine times out of ten, I wake up feeling much better.

Send the Bad Mood Blues Packing

For all of you Bad Mood Bettys out there, I hope this makes you feel seen. Just know that your sour mood isn’t here to stay. And while my methods might not work well for you, I welcome you to try them. You will overcome your bad mood blues, even if it takes a day or two.

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12 Little Things I Do to Sweeten My Sour Mood