Free Printable Leadership Skills Test

Leader vs follower concept

Wondering if you are ready to take on a leadership role? The printable leadership quiz provided here will help you get a sense of whether or not you're ready to tackle this kind of position. It is, of course, a self-assessment, so your score will only be as telling as your responses are honest.

Free Leadership Skills Quiz

Ready to find out how you score on a leadership skills assessment? Click the image below to download this free printable skills assessment. Depending on what browser and operating system you are working with, it will either open in a separate tab or as a free-standing PDF document.

Download the Quiz

You can fill in some of the information using your computer, or print the document to complete by hand. Either way, you can save and edit the quiz for later use using the document's menu bar.

free leadershp skills quiz.
Leadership skills quiz

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Complete the Quiz

There are no right or wrong answers. This is not a test, but rather an assessment designed to help you get a sense of your leadership abilities at this point in time. To complete the quiz, you will need to.

  1. Read each item on the first page and respond by entering the number corresponding with the statement that reflects how you feel in the appropriate row.
  2. Once you have done this, total each column, writing the score in the appropriate grand total box.
  3. Once the columns are totaled, add together each cell in the grand total row to calculate your score.
  4. Once you have your score, use the information provided in the 'results' section of page two to get an understanding of what your score means.
  5. Reflect on your responses to identify your strengths and weaknesses (or opportunities for growth) as a leader, recording your thoughts on page two.
  6. Use what you learned from the quiz and your reflection to write an action plan detailing how you can make the most of your leadership strengths and grow in areas where you have room to improve.

Understanding the Quiz

This quiz is based on your own perceptions of your comfort-level, tendencies and preferences regarding a number of key areas associated with leadership best practices. Doing well on this quiz does not necessarily mean that you will succeed in a leadership job, and a low score does not indicate that it is not possible for you to be a successful leader. It is just general a general self-assessment to provide you with general information related to several key leadership skills based on the way you see yourself.

Use your as a starting point for getting a sense of what types of leadership development and training activities might best help you set goals and make progress toward growing as a leader, wherever your skills may be at this point in time.

Free Printable Leadership Skills Test