Old-fashioned boy names offer you a great resource for unique baby names. You can choose one for your little guy that is sure to make him the coolest kid when he is old enough to go to school.
Old-Fashioned Boy Names That Are Classically Cool (A-D)
An old-fashioned boy name is something you want to ponder long and hard before committing to it. You should try to imagine how your boy will respond to his retro name when he is older and realizes just how special his name is. If you feel he will be proud of his name and appreciate its antiquity, then you've found the right now for your baby boy.
- Abe
- Amos
- Archibald, Archie
- Artie (Arthur)
- Axton
- Barton
- Bennett
- Bertram
- Brett
- Bud
- Butch
- Buzz
- Calvin
- Carlisle
- Cecil
- Chadwick
- Chester, Chet
- Clarence
- Clifford (Cliff)
- Clyde
- Denton
- Dominic

Old-Fashioned Boy Names From the 19th Century (E-G)
There are so many great classically cool old-fashioned boy names to choose from. You can say your favorite names out loud to try them on for size. This process will make your decision much easier. You will instantly know if the name is right for your little guy. If you can't make up your mind, write the names on separate slips of paper, fold and place in a bowl. The first name you draw from the bowl is the one for your baby boy.
- Earl
- Edison
- Elbert
- Elon
- Elwood
- Emmett
- Ephrem, Ephraim
- Everett
- Felix
- Fenwick
- Firth
- Frank
- Frederick
- Gabe
- Gideon
- Gilbert (Gil)
- Gordon, Gordy
- Graham
- Grant
- Gus

Old-Fashioned Boy Names to Love (H-J)
Some old-fashioned names are associated with historical figures, such as inventors, founding fathers, and even astronauts. Consider these famous men and their names when considering how your son will like having a historical name. Your son will be proud to share his name with an important historical figure or national hero.
- Hadley
- Hamilton
- Hank
- Harvey
- Hayden
- Herbert
- Horace
- Hugo
- Huntley
- Isaac
- Isaiah
- Jamieson
- Jarrett
- Jasper
- Jeremiah
- Josiah
- Julian
- Kendrick
- Kenley
- Kenneth

Old Man Names in Honor of Ancestors (L-O)
Old man names can be vibrant and energetic choices. You can pay tribute to a great-uncle or great-great-grandfather when you decide to make your little tike their namesake.
- Langston
- Lem
- Linus
- Lionel
- Lloyd
- Louie
- Luther
- Lyle
- Marshall
- Max
- Mick
- Milton
- Murray
- Nathan
- Nelson
- Neville
- Norman
- Orson
- Orville
- Otto

Old-Fashioned Boy Names That Are Classically Cool (P-Z)
When you get to the Ps and Qs of choosing the perfect name for your little guy, you want to consider how well the name will age with your son. A cutesy baby name might not be a good choice for a linebacker, should your baby grow up to be a football player.
- Pierce
- Prescott
- Preston
- Quincy
- Radcliff
- Randall
- Randolph
- Reed
- Remington
- Rex
- Saul
- Sebastian
- Sherman
- Spencer
- Sterling
- Thaddeus (Tad)
- Theodore (Ted)
- Tobias (Toby)
- Tripp
- Vincent (Vince)
- Walter (Walt)
- Whitman
- Windsor
- Winston
- Wren
- Wright
- Zack
Choosing the Best Old-Fashioned Boy Names
Deciding on the best old-fashioned boy name for your little guy may require rereading the lists of names a few times. You can carefully sort through the alphabet of old-fashioned names until you find the one you like.