Girl names that start with V offer you quite a few choices. Exploring the meanings of girl names is a great way to determine if it is a name you may want for your baby girl.
Girl Names That Start With V and Meaning
When browsing lists of baby girl names that start with V, you may be surprised to find a name that you've never seen. You may find yourself considering more than one name and looking for ways to narrow your choices.
- Vada: Famous ruler (German)
- Vaetild: More glory, mother of Skraeling children (Czech), (Norse)
- Val: Strong, healthy (Latin)
- Valarie: Strong, brave (French)
- Valda: Brave (Latin)
- Valdis: Chosen (Welsh)
- Valechka: Protecting ruler (German)
- Valen: Renowned ruler (Norse)
- Vasilisa: Foreign woman (Greek)
- Vela: Vigilant (Spanish)
- Velda: Power, ruler, Holy spirit of forest (German), (German Teuton tribe)
- Vella: Beautiful (Italian)
- Venetia: Courage of a bear (German)
- Venice: Lovable, city in Italy (Italian)
- Ventura: name of northern Italian city (Italian)
- Venus: Goddess of Love (Greek)
- Verity: Truth (Greek)
- Verna: Springtime (Latin)
- Verochka: Protecting friend
- Verona: Truth (Italian)
- Veronica: Victory (Latin)
- Vesta: Faith (Czech)
- Vianey: Alive (Latin)
- Vicuska: Life (Hungarian)
- Vor: Universal ruler (Russian)

Baby Girl Names Starting With V in English
Popular baby girl names that start with V and are in English give you exciting choices for your little princess. You can choose the perfect name when you have several potential names in English.
- Vail: Dweller in the valley (English)
- Varina: From the fortress (English)
- Venessa: Soft, rich fabric (English)
- Violet: Purple flower (English)
- Virdia: Lovely purple flower (English)
- Virginia: Maiden, virgin (English)
- Vlada: Enchantress, Lady of the Lake (English)
- Vivian: Alive (English)
Classy Adorable Girl Names That Start With V
A classy yet adorable girl's name that starts with V might be the right fit for your baby girl. You can try it on for size and imagine how it will mature with her as she grows.
- Valencia: Valor (Spanish)
- Valentina: Healthy, strong (Latin)
- Valerie: Strong, brave (Latin)
- Valeska: Glorious ruler (Slavic)
- Valora: Brave (Latin)
- Valorie: Courageous (French)
- Van: Of or from (Dutch)
- Vanda: Strong fighter (Swedish)
- Vanessa: Butterfly (Greek)
- Vani: Elegant, speech (Sanskrit)
- Vara: Butterfly (Greek)
- Vedia: Vital force (Hindi)
- Vega: Dweller in the meadow, eternal law (Spanish), (Hindi)
- Vera, Verra: Faith, true (Russian), (Latin)
- Verbenia: Goddess of love and beauty (Latin)
- Verdad: True (Latin)
- Verena: From the bridge (Dutch)
- Vianne: Alive, evening star (French), (Latin)
- Vicki, Vicky: Victory, conqueror (Latin)
- Viola: Violet (Italian)
- Violetta: Purple (Latin)
- Violette: Purple (Latin)
- Virag: Violet (Latin)
- Virginee: Chaste; virgin (Latin)
- Viviana: Alive (Latin)

Unique Baby Girl Names Starting With V
You may prefer to choose your baby girl's name from a list of unique baby girl names that start with V. Accompanying each unique name is its descriptive meaning that can lend greater insight into the history of the name.
- Vanna, Vannah: God's gift, God is gracious (Hebrew)
- Vanora: Butterfly (Greek)
- Vanya: God is gracious, butterfly (Hebrew), (Greek)
- Varinka: Rose (Hebrew)
- Varsha: Defending ruler (German Teuton tribe)
- Vartoughi: Foreign woman (Czech)
- Varya: Rose lady (Armenian)
- Vaughn: Small (Welsh)
- Veda: Knowledge, wisdom (Sanskrit)
- Vedette: From the vale (French)
- Victoria, Viktoria: Victory (Latin)
- Victoriana: Victory, conquering (Spanish)
- Victorina: Victory (French)
- Victorine: Triumphant (Latin)
- Vida: Life (Latin)
- Vidalia: Life (Latin)
- Vienna: Forest stream (Dutch)
- Viera: Faith, truth (Latin), (Russian)
- Viheke: Capital city of Austria (Latin)
- Vimala: Resolute defender (German Teuton Tribe)
- Vita: Life (Italian)
- Viveca: Life, place of refuge, conqueror (German), (Latin)
- Vivianna: War castle, a place of refuge (German Teuton tribe)
- Vivianne: Wise (Hindi)
- Vivien: Alive (German)
- Vivienne: Alive (Latin)
- Vladka: Lively (French)
- Vladlena: To rule (Russian)
- Volva: Name of a river in Russia (Russian)

Girl Names That Start With V for Your Baby
You may decide that girl names that start with V are classy. You can read over the various lists and decide which one best suits your precious little angel.