Moving into a new home is an exciting adventure. Whether you're making a move yourself, or wishing another person the best as they embark on life in their new adobe, choose a new home quote that perfectly captures this major life event.
New Home Quotes Wishing Others the Best
When someone you know has made the big move and set down roots in a new place, wish them well with a new home quote.

- A new home signifies a new start. Enjoy yours!
- When you turned the key to your new house, you turned the page to a new chapter in life.
- You know what a new home means... a housewarming party!
- May your new home be your harbor amid all storms.
- Cheers to a new home. Get that guest room ready for me.
- I'm here! Consider me your housewarming gift.
- You've worked so hard for this house. Enjoy what is finally all yours.
- Receiving the keys to your new home proves you can do anything you put your mind to.
- Step through the door, take a deep breath, and know that you are finally where you are supposed to be.
- Turn the key, walk through the door. This new house is all you ever wanted and more.
- Decorate your new home with love, laughter, and memories.
Famous Quotes Proving Home Is Where the Heart Is
These famous people certainly know the meaning of home. Use one of these quotes to let others know that your new home is more than four simple walls.

- "Home is a shelter from storms - all sorts of storms." - William J. Bennett
- "A house is made with walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
- "The ultimate luxury is being able to relax and enjoy your home." - Jeff Lincoln
- "Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, be it ever so humble, there's no place like home…" - John Howard Payne
- "Home is the nicest word there is." - Laura Ingalls Wilder
- "May the roof above us never fall in, and may we good companions beneath it never fall out." - Irish Blessing
- "Home is not a place... it's a feeling." - Unknown
- "Home is where one starts from." - T. S. Eliot
- "Love begins at home." - Mother Teresa
- "What I love most about my home is who I share it with." - Tad Carpenter
Quotes to Celebrate Life in Your New Home
You've officially changed your address and are ready to start a new life in your new home. Pop some bottles, sit among the tons of packed boxes, and celebrate life in your new house.

- These new home walls are painted with love.
- There is no better feeling than walking through the door to your new house and knowing you are truly home.
- In this house, we dance, we love, we forgive, and we smile.
- We're ready to build a life within these new walls.
- Sometimes the very best adventures take place inside your home.
- This house will hold our family, our treasures, and our most cherished memories.
- Getting this house wasn't easy, but anything worth doing is hard.
- This new home is where we will dream our biggest dreams.
- No matter what life throws my way, I know this house will always greet me with open arms.
- This new home signifies the end of one chapter and the beginning of another.
Funny Quotes Celebrating Life in Your New House
These funny messages about moving might be the perfect way to balance out what can be a somewhat stressful time. Lighten the moving load with a few giggle-worthy new home quotes.

- You can move houses, but you can't move the crazy that lives there.
- Cheers to life in a new home. Now, to convince the neighbors we're normal.
- A fresh start in a new home is the best feeling. Kidding, the best feeling is unpacking that last box.
- I will gladly help you break in your new house, but don't ask me to help you paint.
- Home is where these crazies are.
- Keep calm and unpack the boxes.
- Congrats on your home. I brought you wine, so I have something to drink when I come to visit.
- Welp, the saying, "there goes the neighborhood" has never been more true.
- Owning a new home means always having somewhere to rest your head at night; and always having somewhere to walk around in your birthday suit.
- A new home: a place filled with messes, memories, and a thirty-year mortgage.
Short, Sweet New Home Quotes That Sum Up the Experience
The joy of moving into a new place might not need a million words. These quotes about life in a new home are short, sweet, and to the point.

- Bless this nest.
- New home. New beginnings.
- Enjoy your rad new pad.
- With this key, your new start begins.
- New house, who dis?
- Enjoy your restart!
- All are welcome in our new home.
- Home is a happy place.
- Be well, for you are home now.
- New pad: This is the remix.
Cheers to Your New Home!
Moving to a new space is a significant life change, and it deserves attention and celebration. Toast your big move and your new pad with a quote that sums up all the emotion that goes along with moving day. Or, wish someone else a hearty congratulations on their new home! With the move to a new home out of the way, you can now kick back, relax and start unpacking!