34 Hilarious Love Quotes for Him

Make him smile with these witty expressions of love.

Updated February 10, 2025
man laughing reading text message on phone

Love notes never go out of style whether written on paper or typed into your phone. Make your love interest smile with a quick, funny quote to let him know you care. Dating and married couples add excitement and fun to their relationship with humor and the element of surprise.

Measure of Love Phrases

Every man loves a good play on words or comparison measure. Let him know just how strong your feelings are by comparing it to something he'll find funny and relevant. Putting your emotions into words can be difficult. Give him a visual he won't soon forget when you show how he makes you feel.

  • I love you like a nerd loves his bow tie.
  • Your love is like a drug -the legal ones that take away illness or pain, not the ones that kill people!
  • I love you like a biker loves his Harley.
  • Our love is better than Tiger Woods on a putt putt course.
  • I love you like scotch loves rocks.
  • Loving you makes me hot like sriracha on ghost peppers!
  • I love you like a quarterback loves a pump fake.
  • Our love is stronger than Gorilla Glue.
  • I love you like Jimmy Hendrix loves guitars.
Funny Love Quotes

Cute and Funny Love Quotes

When you want to send a cute message that's not too serious, add some slight humor to lighten the mood.

  • Falling in love with you sure beats the other falls I had today!
  • You're basically the cutest thing I've ever loved, after my kitten.
  • What's more adorable than a baby panda snuggling a baby chick? Our love.
  • If our love were a triangle, it'd be a-cute one!
  • If you checked with your doctor, I bet he'd say you've got a bad case of being loveable.
  • You're adorable because I'm able to adore you.
Cute and Funny Love Quotes

Silly Sentimental Quotes

Love quotes are first and foremost about emotions. Capture the spirit of love with a funny one-liner to convey strong feelings and a sense of humor.

  • Money can't buy me happiness, but loving you can!
  • Your hugs trap me like a fly in a window.
  • Love makes people do silly things. For instance, it made me send you this message!
  • You're so cute Gerber called, they want you as their next spokesperson!
  • You must be made of Iodine, Livermorium, and Uranium because I Lv U!
  • You've got everything I'll ever need: strong arms, a loving heart, and a freezer full of ice cream!
  • I used to be addicted to coffee, now I'm addicted to you!

Funny Love Quotes From the Heart

Hearts are the unofficial universal sign of love so use them to share your loving thoughts.

  • Thank goodness my heart has four parts, otherwise I don't know where I'd keep all my love for you!
  • You have the key to my heart, please don't make any copies!
  • My heart skips a beat when I see others in love, but it gallops when I think of you.
  • I wore my heart on my sleeve, so you took it; you can keep the heart, but can I have my sleeve back?
  • Thanks for always seeing that the fullness of my heart far outweighs the fullness of my bra.
  • If you turn a heart upside-down, it looks like conjoined twin raindrops; that's how I feel when I'm with you.

Good Morning and Good Night

Brighten his day or make your way into his dreams with these quotes meant to leave a lasting impression. Start off the day with a funny love note, and he'll think of you all day. End the night with a humorous phrase, and he'll dream of you all night.

  • Your snoring kept waking me up last night; thankfully, my love for you helped me back to sleep.
  • Your love wakes me up like a toddler with espresso.
  • I love you so much I thought you were a dream, but I woke up and you were still here. So, I thought you were one of those dreams where I wake up in the dream and think it's real life!
  • I love being with you so much I don't want to say goodnight, so I won't!
  • I love waking up to your face. The morning breath, not so much, but your face is great!
  • Every day should start with you, and coffee, but definitely you too!
Good Morning Funny Love Quote

More Fun Sayings

Funny quotes are easy to find on the internet or to make up on your own. Find one that fits your relationship, inside jokes, or favorite date activities and send it to him. You can also use these sayings as inspiration to create your own original quote by changing a word or two.

  • Check out 50 of the funniest relationship sayings on the internet at The Wondrous.
  • Comedians always have great jokes about love. Take a look at these 31 top quotes from big names like Will Ferrell and Jerry Seinfeld.
  • Humoropedia lists over 70 funny phrases about love from celebrities, historical figures, and old proverbs.
  • Comb through more than 100 silly quotes about love, sex, and relationships at Romance From the Heart.

Laugh and Love

Keep your relationship happy and interesting when you send the guy you like a funny quote. Romantic relationships at every stage can incorporate humor and special messages like a love my husband quote to help the relationship feel fresh and grow. Whatever you say, make sure it comes from the heart and sounds like something personal.

34 Hilarious Love Quotes for Him