50 Online Dating Quotes for Ice-Breakers and Laughs

Published September 30, 2020
Man and woman on a date using smart phones at table

Online dating quotes make great ice-breakers. A few quotes for online dating can provide a few laughs to put each of you at ease.

20 Ice-Breaker Online Dating Quotes

Sarcasm and cute puns are great ways to break the ice and keep the conversation going in online dating. You can have a few corny puns or clever responses in preparation for a fun conversation when first meeting someone online.

  1. "Congratulations on being the only person I find more interesting than my phone." Someecards
  2. "When you said you wanted to enjoy the fireworks with me, I thought it was a metaphor."
  3. "Wishing you a speedy recovery from your overreaction to my last post."
  4. "Like a WiFi connection, I really connected with you."
  5. "Just a reminder that there's still plenty of time for you to become my summer fling." Someecards
  6. "Quick, I need to find an airstrip because my heart is about to take off soaring."
  7. "Stay calm and carry on, but first give me your phone number."
    Ice-Breaker Online Dating Quote With Old Telephone
  8. "Want to play a trivia game? Ok. If I win, you go out with me and if you win, I go out with you."
  9. "How do you feel about grapes? What about a date?"
  10. "You're like a credit card because you have my interest."
  11. "If you say no, then this conversation ends up like a broken pencil - pointless."
  12. "I'm really glad to see in your profile that you like dogs. That means you'll love a mutt like me."
  13. "Your profile quote stumped me like a tree."
    Ice-Breaker Online Dating Quote With Computer On A Tree Stump
  14. "You must be an artist, because you just drew me in, the moment I saw you."
  15. "Do you have a map? I just got lost in my thoughts while looking at you on my screen."
  16. "You're a magician because everything else disappears when we talk."
  17. "I'm having trouble with my phone. Here's my number, give me a call so I can see if it's working?"
  18. "You must be an electrician because I feel all tingling and electrified."
  19. "Can I have your social media information so I can follow my dream?"
  20. "Hang on, I need to go outside to get a breath of air, because you just took my breath away."

15 Funny Online Dating Quotes

Being funny is usually a good way to impress a potential date. Humor lightens the mood of first contact that many people find awkward. Humor is often used to describe some not so great dating connections.

  1. "I worry my soulmate is on a different dating site." Someecards
  2. "I want to be the reason you're looking at your phone when bump into a shopper."
  3. "Based on your dating profile, good grammar is one of the characteristics we share."
  4. "Your father must be a boxer, because you're a real knock out!"
  5. "I'm always looking for a conversation ice-breaker, but every time I try, I sink like the Titanic."
  6. "I bet you don't remember me, but I'm the one in your dreams."
  7. "Your name must actually be Google because you have everything I've been searching for."
  8. "I'll make you a deal. If you don't like my kiss, you can return it to me."
  9. "I bet you didn't know that the spaces between your fingers were created so I can slip my fingers in there."
  10. "You must be a murderer, because your looks just killed me."
  11. "Excuse me a sec, I have to call 911 because my heart just stopped when you texted me."
  12. "I can now tell my mom that I've actually talked with an angel."
  13. "You are a thief because you just stole my heart."
  14. "You can call me Genie, and I'll make all your dreams come true."
  15. "I'm a magician and work with numbers. Give me your number and I'll show how I work the magic."
Funny Online Dating Quote Over Pink Clouds

15 Quotes For Online Dating Profile

Your online dating profile can be an ice-breaker by providing potential matches, something to discuss or joke about. Choose one that best suits your persona or how you view the world.

  1. "I know, you thought it was just another boring day until you saw my photo."
  2. "If you play games with me, the winner dates the loser."
  3. "I can stay out late, because heaven doesn't have a curfew."
  4. "I'm giving you notice that I noticed you noticed me, and I noticed you, too."
  5. "I'm a Freud a psychologist is out of my league."
  6. "I'm willing to lie about how we met." Martin Dumbleton
  7. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." JK Rowling
  8. "In case you have your ion me, just know I'm into science."
  9. "You plus me equals a date with fate."
  10. "I've always been this cute, in case you wondered."
  11. "I don't need a car to drive you crazy."
  12. "That line you see on my profile photo is my pickup line."
  13. "Not interested in a boyfriend, I'm upgrading to a man."
  14. "My license was suspended for driving guys crazy."
  15. "I'm like a walking, talking dictionary, so if you go out with me, I promise to give new meaning to your life."
Quote For Online Dating Profile On A Fortune Cookie

50 Online Dating Quotes That Make Great Ice-Breakers

With 50 online dating quotes to choose from, you're sure to find one that will work for your online date. Change up your profile quote to keep potential dates guessing and interested in learning more about you.

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50 Online Dating Quotes for Ice-Breakers and Laughs