Get a group together to perform a free funny Christmas skit when you're looking to add some jolly to your holidays. Talk about a sure-chestnuts-over-an-open-fire way to add some Christmas cheer to the chilly air!
Free Printable Funny Christmas Plays
To download the scripts below, you'll need the free Adobe Reader. Each includes a cast list and costume suggestions, plus props, a scene list, and an approximate running time.
Santa's Cookie Problem
This 25 to 35 minute Christmas comedy skit is great when you're searching for a free children's holiday play that won't leave anyone feeling grinchy. It features Santa and his practical joke-loving elves. This time, however, the joke is on Santa.
His elves have swapped out his regular Santa costume for a smaller one! Santa and Mrs. Claus think he is eating too many cookies, but the elves know better. The skit is filled with a lot of action as the elves and Santa chase each other and goof around.
Characters include:
- Narrator
- Santa
- Mrs. Claus
- Earl the Elf
- Elf #2 and Elf #3
The audience for this play could be kids, families, or adults.
This short, 20-minutes skit isn't short on laughter. Set in an office, one of the workers has given a gift to the boss, which he doesn't want. He tries to regift it several times, but no one else really wants the gift either.
The characters in this play will be familiar to anyone who has ever worked in an office environment or been stuck with a gift that's worse than an empty stocking.
The cast includes:
- The boss
- The cranky co-worker
- The overly cheerful co-worker
- The nerd
This play is best for an adult audience, who can find the joy and humor in the office antics.
More Free Funny Plays & Skits for Christmas
If the two skits above don't suit your drama group, there are plenty of other spirited and merry productions to perform. Each of these short skits with deck the halls with laughter and make even the grouchiest spirit bright with giggles.
The Thirteenth Cookie
A twist on Scrooge from A Christmas Carol, The Thirteenth Cookie is a lighthearted Christmas skit about a stingy baker who refuses to give a customer a baker's dozen. Soon after, everything goes wrong, threatening his very business, until he recognizes building goodwill with customers is more important than the bottom line. The more cookies, the merrier!
A Christmas Reunion
This humorous skit about Father Christmas and Mother Goose from Apples 4 The Teacher weaves nursery rhyme characters into holiday events, including Thanksgiving and New Year's. More than just a skit, there are several songs too, so have a piano, other accompaniment, or even an app available to make this skit as grand as it can be.
Although not overtly comical, children will get a kick out of seeing storybook cast acting alongside all the holiday characters. Not only for families, this would be a great play for a school group or a kiddo and friends that are looking for a funny Christmas activity.
Someone Is Coming to Our House
With a spotlight on the religious side of the holiday season, this whimsical and jovial skit from Christian Crafters uses animal puppets to tell the tale. Young kids, and adults, will find it quite comical and charming to watch the animals bathe in the baptismal font and hear the barnyard animals discuss Jesus's birthday.
Step up the activity by using or making sock puppets, craft animal puppets out of brown paper bags, or tag in those plush animal puppets or stuffed animals to use for this free Christmas skit. Of course, there are plenty of free devotional Christmas skits and roles for any group.
Puppet shows are always a hit with funny bones for adults and kids, and Puppet Resources has dozens of free Christmas skits for any age.
Skip the memorizing or keep things fresh by performing funny Christmas poems or even acting out some sidesplitting Christmas MadLibs!
Mr. St. Nicholas
Best for an older group, this free Christmas skit is great for teens and adults. This amusing yuletide play from Reindeer Land centers around Santa trying to fill stockings and leave presents, but with a humorous twist. Santa takes a modern approach to the Christmas season, but what could have ever made him change his mind? Enjoy this skit as a funny reminder that sneaky Santas can add some fun mystery to the season.
The Elves and the Shoemaker
When their home is in jeopardy, elves quickly get to work to help the shoemaker cobble, fix, mend, sew, and repair more shoes than he ever could on his own. And all under the cover of darkness.
Although the skit from Drama Notebook isn't centered around Christmas, the importance of helping others and to give without expecting anything in return is an important part of the Christmas season. Keep the skit light by giving the elves funny hats and pointy shoes!
Keep 'em Laughing This Christmas
There's no need to put any money down this season. Choose which free play you want to perform without worrying about the budget. From your Sunday school class to the school holiday musical to your adult book group and their theatrical aspirations, put on a funny holiday play that'll make everyone jolly.