One of the many Christmas traditions that children partake in each year is writing letters to Santa Claus. Kids take their time to plead their case (because, of course, they have been perfect angels all year long), and ask the Big Guy for the most coveted gifts on the market. Elevate this letter-writing experience for your child by printing the free Santa letters below.
Benefits of Using Free Santa Letters
The task of writing a wish list to Santa Claus can be a daunting experience rather than a joyous one for some children. For kids who struggle with written expression skills, fine motor skills, or brainstorming ideas, crafting an entire letter to be read by Santa brings out angst and anxiety. Printable letters eliminate the stress, as they provide much of the text.
Some children are still too young to write an anthem of wishes and send it off to the North Pole. Little kids can benefit from a printable letter because it includes a good portion of the writing. They can add in their wants with the help of a parent, or simply sign their name at the bottom of a letter that has been transcribed.
Choose a printable letter that best suits your child's needs. Decide on one that takes the stress out of the letter-writing process, but allows your child some independence and authority in what gets crafted. Be sure that writing to Santa remains an enjoyable experience for your offspring, not a dreaded assignment or task. If you need help downloading these Santa letters, see this handy guide for using Adobe printables.

A Printable Santa Letter for Wishlists
Kids have a lot of wishes and wants to include on their Christmas list. These free Santa letters have plenty of space for all the items kids have been dreaming about over the last 365 days.

A Santa Letter With Gift Ideas
So much of the holiday magic takes place when kids open up those Christmas morning gifts. What did Santa bring this year? It can be so much fun to be completely surprised come Christmas morning. This letter gives Santa the freedom to bring what he thinks is best, with a hint of guidance from the letter writer.

A Fill-in-the Blank Santa Letter
This Santa letter provides fun and whimsical text, and allows children to add their own personal touch. This type of letter is perfect for young kids who want to do everything all by themselves.

A Santa Letter With Lines to Practice Penmanship
Older children can dream up thoughts and gift wishes to express to Santa, but they might still benefit from organizational assistance. This free Santa letter has decorative flair that makes this letter-writing activity more special than the norm. The lines will help kids keep their writing straight and neat. Spaces for names are provided for kids still learning what a letter-writing template looks like.
Letters From Santa
Writing a letter to Santa and sending it to the North Pole is a timeless Christmas tradition. Take this experience up a notch and have a letter sent back to your child, letting them know that their wish list has been received, and Santa and the elves are working hard to make gifts for good little girls and boys.
Personalized Letter From Santa
There is a free letter from Santa that you can create with a few easy steps. There are three background designs to choose from: Santa, Santa with his sleigh, and a Christmas gift. Once you've made your selection, the site walks you through the rest of the steps to personalize and proofread the generated letter. Once you've approved it, the personalized letter is sent to your email address to download and print.
Free Letters From Santa Claus
Choose from five Santa letters and eight backgrounds on this website. First, you'll choose the design and letter text, then personalize with the child's name, age, hometown, desired present, and accomplishment. Next, you'll preview and "accept" your letter. Standard letters are free to download and print.
Free & Fun
This letter from Santa features an image of Santa by the fireplace and is simple to create. Download the PDF, replace the fillable fields with the recipient's information, and print the letter. The fill-in areas include name, age, gender, and friend's name.
Plan the Surprise
If you have decided to have Santa write a letter back to your child, there are several ways you may use it to surprise them.
- To make the letter look more official, roll it up and tie it with a red or green ribbon.
- Place the letter in an envelope addressed to your child, add silver or gold glitter, and mail the letter.
- Put the letter in with the rest of your mail pile and have your child sort the pile.
- Tuck the letter into your child's Christmas stocking, leaving the top portion exposed.
- Slip the letter into your child's backpack.
- Place the letter in the fireplace as if it was delivered down the chimney.
More Christmas Letter Options
Post offices around the world receive a lot of mail for Santa during the Christmas season. Postal workers and volunteers try to respond to as many letters as possible. Find the proper Santa Claus mailing address to mail your child's letter and receive a response.
Letters to Santa that arrive at other U.S. post offices won't necessarily be ignored. Volunteers with Operation Santa Claus, an effort that began in the 1920s, answer Santa letters and purchase gifts for needy children.
If your child is old enough to have an email account or waits too long to send a traditional letter, they can email Santa, and he will respond via email. Technology is so advanced that it has reached the North Pole!
Santa Letters Bring Joy
The love of Santa Claus is universal; and kids respond to him no matter their age or circumstance. Given the stressors kids face these days, they need as many joyful moments as possible. Children will feel excitement when they send or receive a Santa letter. Santa letters also encourage kids to be on their best behavior and reinforce the Christmas message of hope and goodwill.