If you are hosting a graduation party to celebrate someone special, add a few graduation party games to make the celebration even more exciting. From minute-to-win-it games that are perfect for little graduates to printable activities to cater to adults, this fun selection of games to play at a graduation party will keep the party going.
Graduation Party Games for Kinder and Elementary
These fun graduation games require a little shopping in advance to make sure you have all the necessary supplies to make them successful. They are fun and challenging enough for this age group.
Key to Success
Divide teams into equal amount of players. Place a key in each pan and fill aluminum pans up with whipped or shaving cream. Each player on each team will take turn finding the key in each pan until every member of the team has gone. The first team to finish wins. Be sure to have wet towels at the ready to wash sticky hands.
Whose Silhouette Is It?

Have silhouettes printed of each graduate. Hang them on a wall. Blindflod the first player in line. Player must walk towards the wall to pick a silhouette. Player takes the blindfold off and try to guess whose silhouette it is.
Graduation Cap Tic Tac Toe
Divide players into two teams and assign a graduation cap color. Create a grid using painter's tape on the floor. Each player gets a turn tossing a cap. The first team that connect three graduation caps wins.
Pin the Tassel on the Grad Cap
Set the alarm to one minute. Place a graduation cap on top of a table. Blindflod first player in line and hand them a tassel with some sticky tape on it. Player must try to pin the tassel on the grad cap within one minute.
One Smart Cookie
Set the alarm to one minute. Divide players into pairs. Player one must put a cookie on their forehead and move the cookie from their foreheads to player two's mouth. If player one drops the cookie on the ground, they can pick it up with their hands, put it back on their forehead and start again.
Cap and Gown
Pair up all players. Tape a circle on the ground. Tape a straight line about 10 feet away from the circle. One player must be wrapped in a black tablecloth secured with tape. Player A must stand in the circle. Player B must stand behind the line and try to throw a cap onto the head of player A. Player A can move inside the circle, but cannot use their hands. The first team to get all their "caps and gowns" on wins.
College Fund Coin Stack

Players must try to stack 25 pennies up in a minute. The players who stack all 25 coins in a minute or less wins the pile of pennies.
Suck It Up, Smarty Pants
Set the alarm to one minute. The players must transfer Smarties candies from one plate to another using only a straw. The player who transfers the most Smarties in one minute wins.
O-Fish-Ally a Graduate

Have three fish bowls lined (or dining bowls if you don't have fishbowls) up next to each other. Players must sit behind a line and bounce ping pong balls trying to get them in the fish bowls. First player to get a ball to bounce into all three fish bowls wins.
Games to Play at Graduation Parties for Middle and High School Grads
These graduation party game ideas are wonderful to play in pairs or larger groups. Be sure to make a list of supplies you need in advance before the event.
Who Knows the Graduate Best?
Print file Who Knows The Graduate Best on white paper. If you need help, consult the Guide for Adobe Printables. Guests will try to answer all the questions correctly. The participant with the most correct answers wins!
Guess How Much Money Is in the Jar

Fill a jar up with coins and have guests guess how much is in it! The person with the closest guess take the jar home.
Steal the Graduation Cap
Line up two teams on opposite sides of a room. Place a graduation cap between them. One player from each team must run to grab the cap, and whoever doesn't can try to tag the player with the cap. Whoever makes it back to their team with the graduation cap wins.
Has The Graduate Ever?
Print Has The Graduate Ever printable on white paper. Guests will pick ever or never for each question. Whoever gets most answers correctly wins.
Don't Drop the Tassel
Separate all players into two equal teams. Give them each one straw. Have each team stand in two straight lines facing each other. The first players in line will hold the straw with their mouth and place the tassel on their straw, attempting to hang the tassel on the next player's straw. If the players drop the tassel, the team must go back to the front of the line and start again. The team who reaches the end first wins.
Junk in the Trunk
Place 8 ping-pong balls in a graduation cap like box. Strap the box around the player's waist. Player must try to get out the 8 ping-pong balls by jumping, bouncing, dancing, whatever it takes to get the ping-pong balls out.
Graduation Countdown
Fill boxes with different numbers of tassels (1-5) and close the box. Players must shake each box without opening it and place the boxes in order of the number of tassels they contain.
Your Future Is Bright Obstacle Course

Set up an obstacle course of objects around the room. Players have to go from one end of the room to the other around the obstacle course on a towel balancing a book on their heads. Whoever gets to the finish line without dropping the book wins.
How Well Do You Know the Graduate?
Print file on white cardstock. Guests will check the choice they the graduate would pick. Whoever gets most answers correctly wins.
The Tassel Was Worth the Hassel
Graduating is a big achievement no matter the age, and deserves to be celebrated. Planning a casual celebratory dinner for immediate family only or hosting an over-the-top party for a large group of people, it will surely make the graduate in your life feel extra special.