Thanksgiving is the time for family-filled fun! From flag football and turkey trots to scavenger hunts and Pictionary playoffs, Thanksgiving team names are a must when it comes to getting into the spirit of the season.
The Very Baste Turkey-Themed Thanksgiving Team Names
We all know that turkeys hold the title for being the breast part of the Thanksgiving holiday! This makes turkey-inspired Thanksgiving team names a plucking good choice!
- The Butterballs
- The Gobblers
- The Perky Turkeys
- All About That Baste
- The Hobgobblers
- Hungry, Hungry Hens
- Gobble 'Til You Wobblers
- Lil' Giblets
- Feast Mode: ON
- The Fowl Players
- Takin' Care of Turkey Business
- The Pardoned Poultry
- Gobble Babies
- Turk, Please
- Baste & Shout
- Dashing Drumsticks
- The Quirky Turkeys
- Belles of the Butterball
- Turkin' 9 to 5
- Fowls on the Prowl
- Thankful & (Turkey) Breast
- Breast in Show

Side-Inspired Thanksgiving Team Names That Are the Stuff(ing) of Legends
Of course, Thanksgiving wouldn't be complete without the cornucopia of sides that grace our tables. No matter if you are playing a round of charades, a quick game of flag football, or enjoying your annual cornhole tournament, these Thanksgiving team names will give your opponents pumpkin to talk about!
- Legion of Leftover Lovers
- The Cramp Berries
- This Is How We Casser-Roll
- The Contenders
- The Stuff(ing) of Dreams
- You Can't Marsh Our Mellow
- Meet Your Mash
- You Butternut Forget Us
- The Cranberry Queens
- The Pumpkin Spice Girls
- Corn in the U.S.A.
- Mr. Nice Pies
- Yukon Do It
- Because We Cran
- YaM-amas
- The Apples of Your Pies
- Sweet Spud-tators
- Stuffin' to Talk About
- Y'all Bready for This?
- Last but Not Feast
- Do or Pie
- We Cran Do It
- Stuffing to Lose
- Gravy Train Express
Turkey Trot Theme Names for Those Who Put Thighs Before Pies
For the families who decide that it's important to earn their fabulous fowl-filled feast, these turkey trot theme names will help you keep your eyes on the prize! And if you would prefer to earn your pies on the football or soccer field, we also have some punt-tastic team names mixed in for you as well!
- Poultry in Motion
- Fast Feathered Foes
- Pilgrim Prodigies
- Talk Turkey to Me
- Eyes On the Pies
- The Gourd-geous Gallopers
- Fall-iday Frolickers
- Yes We Pecan
- Turkeys Zin It to Win It
- The Gobbler Gathering
- The Pacing Pumpkins
- Trottin' Like It's Hot
- The Honey-Baked Fam
- The Crumb Catchers
- Spud-tacular Sprinters
- The Angry Birds
- The Thanksguzzlers
- Will Walk for [favorite Thanksgiving food]
- The Galloping Gobblers
- Struttin Our Stuffin’
- Beak Performance Players
- The Gobblegangers
- Pumpkin Spice Patrol
- Trotter Tribe
- Turkey Leg Day
- Chaffing the Thanksgiving Dream
- Ahead of the Carve
- The Whisktakers
- Pardon Our Tail Feathers
- The Plymouth Rockers
- The Leftover Lollygaggers
- One Last Syrah Before Dinner

Clever Song and Cinema-Inspired Thanksgiving Team Names
You butter believe that our list of Thanksgiving team names also features some of the greatest films and songs of all time! Get ready, because people are about to gobble these titles up! These can be perfect turkey trot theme names or titles for your next trivia battle!
- 50 Shades of Gravy
- Eat, Pray, Turkeys
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turkeys
- The Gizzard of Oz
- Starch Trekers
- The Harvest Mooners
- Turkey Got Track
- Silence of the Yams
- How I Set Your Mother
- The Dead Poultry Society
- Casserole Royale Club
- Beauty and the Feasters
- Space Hams
- Alice in Turkey Dinnerland
- Twisted Blisters
- Gobblin' With the Wind
- The Pursuit of Hap-bean-ness
- Spice, Spice, Babies
- The Walking Bread Baskets
- Inglourious Basters
- The Green Bean Berets
- Baby, Pie, Pie, Pie
- Mission Unblockable
Looking for more Thanksgiving team names inspiration? You can find funny options by checking out amusing Thanksgiving jokes and puns!
Witty Thanksgiving Team Names Can Spark Fun Family Traditions
Make Thanksgiving a night to November with delicious food, family fun, and memorable Thanksgiving team names! They may seem silly, but by joining forces with family members and enjoying some fall family fun, you can start traditions that will carry on for generations!