Remember when Winnie-the-Pooh was a little black rain cloud hovering over the honey tree? This is not that. Not even close. The bear claw drink is a rough-and-tumble round of two bomb shots, one taken right after the other. And while you may not get any honey from the honey bee tree, you're certain to catch a buzz anyway.
How to Make a Bear Claw Drink
This drink is a lot if you're not great at guzzling. But if you love a bomb drink, then you may find the one-two punch of one right after the other a delightful challenge.
- 6 ounces Red Bull
- 1½ ounces Jägermeister
- 6 ounces stout beer
- ½ ounce Irish cream
- ½ ounce Irish whiskey
- In a pint glass, add Red Bull.
- In a shot glass, add Jägermeister.
- In another pint glass, pour in stout beer.
- In separate shot glass, add both Irish cream and Irish whiskey.
- Drop Jägermeister shot into Red Bull glass and drink quickly.
- After consuming Jägermeister and Red Bull, drop the second shot glass into stout glass.
- Drink immediately and swiftly.
A Honey Bear Claw With a Little Less Sting
The classic bear claw, also known as the bear fight, is a two-for-one shot cocktail that's a whole lot of chugging in not a lot of time. Thankfully, you can craft a kinder, gentler, more sippable type of bear claw — the honey bear claw— with this recipe. Winnie-the-Pooh will get that honey, yet.
- 1½ ounces honey liqueur
- ½ ounce freshly squeezed lemon juice
- Ice
- 4 ounces lemon White Claw
- Lemon wheel and rosemary sprig for garnish
- In a cocktail shaker, add ice, honey liqueur, and lemon juice.
- Shake to chill.
- Strain into a highball glass over fresh ice.
- Top off with White Claw.
- Garnish with a lemon wheel and rosemary sprig.
Variations of the Honey Bear Claw
Consider a few of these ideas to put your own spin on a honey bear claw cocktail.
- Use a honey vodka in place of honey liqueur. If you don't have either on hand, add a half-ounce of honey to the ingredients and be sure to shake thoroughly to dissolve it completely.
- Swap the flavors around. Opt for a lemon vodka or liqueur and honey syrup.
- Change out the flavors a bit more with lemon vodka and maple syrup.
- Consider vanilla liqueur with honey syrup.
Honey Bear Claw Drink Garnishes
No drink is complete without a garnish, and the honey bear claw is no expectation. Any of these will make yours pop a little extra.
- Garnish with a small piece of honeycomb, piercing it with a cocktail skewer and balancing it on the rim.
- Instead of a fresh lemon wheel, use a dehydrated lemon or other types of citrus for a fun look.
- Add a pop of color with a lemon twist or peel. You can also use other citrus fruits, such as lime, orange, or grapefruit.
- Pierce a honey or lemon-flavored gummy candy or two on a cocktail skewer.
Bear Claw and Honey Bear Claw Drinks
Maybe you like the punch-you-in-the gut, gulp it all down at once, rugged classic bear claw. Or maybe you prefer to sip a little. Either works; or maybe have both? But maybe don't share these recipes with your neighborhood bears. Now try some other Jägermeister drinks.