Taurus men make great romantic partners. They're sweet, stable, considerate, and sensual. And while it's easy to assume that what a Taurus man wants in a woman is superficial beauty and elegance, there's actually a lot more going on with him than just physical attraction. He loves harmony and feminity, as well as a nurturing nature. Discover what Taurus men are attracted to you and see if you're someone who could win his heart.
What a Taurus Man Wants in a Woman
Of course, taste is always subjective. But Taurus men, like most other zodiac signs, have a type that they find particularly appealing. These 12 types of women could attract a sweet Taurus man's romantic attention.
The Uber- Feminine Woman
Are you a super feminine girly girl? Then you're in luck because a Taurus man will probably find you attractive. You're romantic, kind, loving, peaceful, receptive, and knowing. You're also a sweet angelic woman who's sensitive, has great manners, and has no problem letting a man lead. You're the delicate rose — the innocent fair maiden who's looking for a strong shoulder to lean on. All this makes you very alluring to a strong and masculine yet sensitive, romantic, and protective Taurus man.
The Nature Girl
You know who you are, nature girl! You're fresh, fragrant, and honest. You have wholesome natural beauty, are fun and healthy, roll with the punches, and keep everything in perspective. Plus, you have brains, focus, toughness, physical prowess, and patience. You're the ultimate cool girl, and you know your way around the great outdoors. The Taurus man will find your strength without aggression, beauty without deceit, and utilitarian practicality irresistible. Lucky you.
The Pet Lover

If you love pets (and animals in general), then there's a good chance a Taurus man will love you. The Taurus man has a natural affinity for animals and finds them enormously soothing. He'll have an immediate rapport with a woman who also loves and is passionate about animals. If you're a pet lover, you're naturally affectionate. You want to love and to be loved in return. You're a cuddler, a nurturer, completely loyal, open to your softer side, and ready for a long-term commitment. In short, you're like catnip to a Taurus, as these are all traits a Taurus man treasures in a woman.
The Garden Goddess
Do you always have a little dirt under your fingernails from digging in the earth or a house full of green roommates? You could be a Taurus man's ideal woman. If you're a gardener at heart, you're a unique blend of vision, groundedness, serenity, creativity, wisdom, and kindness. You have a never-ending propensity to love, nurture, and wait patiently. You're a caring woman who doesn't make constant demands, and because of your natural tendency to tend and nurture your partner, an earthy Taurus man can easily envision that with you, he'll have the steady and blissful relationship he longs for.
The Career Woman
We know your career doesn't define you, but if it's important to you, you could be what a Taurus man is looking for. A Taurus man is attracted to and respects a woman who's educated, ambitious, financially independent, and self-confidant, yet feminine at the same time. He loves a competent woman who can handle her career, family, and leisure time easily and without much stress. He knows that when both he and his lady love are committed to working hard to attain material success, his life will be easier, his stress level lower, and life, in general, will be more secure and comfortable. Sound like you? Don't be afraid to show your boss babe side to your Taurus crush.
A Simply Sophisticated Lady
Appreciate the finer things in life and have an air of sophistication? You could be exactly the type of woman who attracts a Taurus man. You're the type of woman who's comfortable with luxury. You believe in treating yourself and appreciate all the finer traditional things in life: food, music, clothes, and everything else. You're always gracious, approach everything and everyone in a mild manner, and speak calmly. You're also extremely comfortable with yourself and your imperfections. The Taurus man, who is classy, extremely confident, sophisticated, and a connoisseur of the good life himself, will be enchanted by a woman like you.
The Urban Sophisticate
Are you up on the latest trends? You could just be a Taurus man's cup of tea. You're funny, classy, elegant, hip, and trendsetting. What sets you apart from a simply sophisticated lady is your knowledge of the current social scene and its fashion, music, etiquette, and epicurean delights. You are "in the know," intelligent, accomplished, and well-known by all the "right" people. When you walk into a room, heads turn. And when you speak, people listen. You're the kind of woman a successful man wants to have on his arm. Sound like you? Then you definitely could capture a Taurus man's attention and excite him. After all, he's a man with a strong wish to be successful and earn a name for himself in society.
The Artist
If you're super artsy, you also have a chance with a Taurus man. You're creative, imaginative, and playful. You have a wealth of ideas and the ability to be committed, and you're also goal-oriented, flexible, and innovative, though not always practical. If you have some kind of interesting creative talent, such as painting, drawing, singing, writing, playing an instrument, or even if you're just an admirer or lover of the arts, the Taurus man, who has the soul of an artist, will certainly want to know more about you.
The Happy Homemaker
Do you long for the tradwife life? Is your focus on marriage and family? Your greatest happiness in life is having kids to take care of, a cozy three-bedroom home, and a man who focuses on his work while you take care of him and manage his home life. Without being a misogynist, the loving, caring, loyal, and hard-working Taurus man wants to share his life with a woman who will happily take care of his basic needs. He's the guy who can make your tradwife dreams come true in all the best ways.
The Domestic Goddess

Is Martha Stewart your personal icon? Do you excel at all the delights of domesticity? If you're a domestic goddess, you don't necessarily have to have marriage or children to be happy. You're a woman who keeps her home clean, uncluttered, and tastefully decorated. However, your greatest claim to fame is in the kitchen. You're a brilliant baker and ingenious cook, and you always look beautiful and sexy while doing it. As if this is not enough, you also gracefully meet your partner's every need. It's said that the way to a Taurus man's heart is through his stomach, so if this sounds like you, you could be a Taurus man's ideal mate.
The Caterer
Being catered to is more than just fine for the energy-conserving (even lazy) Taurus man. The caterer is someone who's attentive to a man's needs. If you're a very easy-going woman who wants to help a man out with whatever he's into or doing, you could be a caterer. You're a handy woman for a Taurus man to have around because he can just lay back and let you do most of the work. Plus you're a pleaser and want your man to be happy, so you'll go through a lot of extra effort trying to make that happen. You are the stuff of a Taurus man's dreams.
The Girl Next Door

The girl next door has a wholesome and unassuming femininity. You're a kind, honest, and cool gal pal: the fun and shy cutie that gives everyone the feeling that "she's so nice, I'd really like to get to know her." A Taurus man will feel like he's known you all his life and will be able to trust and connect with you on many levels. Plus, you're the perfect girl to take home to meet his parents.
The Right Woman for a Taurus Guy
Think you might be the right woman for a Taurus man? Once you've caught his interest, here's what you need to know.
Taurus Men Are Simple
Taurus men are simple at the core. While they may be attracted to specific traits in a woman, they don't have stringent requirements for a relationship, except that it must be serene. If a woman loves him and shows her love with gentle words and behaviors, he'll generally be satisfied.
Taurus Men Like to Feel Important
These guys like to feel as if they are important, in control, and providers. They're not attracted to a woman with a know-it-all, take-charge attitude. However, they're not looking to dominate, so much as they're looking to be loved and valued.
He May Be Shy
These guys can be shy, so they may be attracted to women who are energetic and talkative. Conversely, they can also get along well with low-key, easygoing partners who are flexible and accepting.
A Taurus Man Wants to Be in Love
For a Taurus man, it's all about finding a woman who gives him that lovin' feeling.
What a Taurus Man Wants
A Taurus man is attracted to beautiful women who are feminine, dress classy, and have a confidant, agreeable demeanor. But perhaps most of all, he's drawn to a woman who is serene, straightforward, and true to herself. However, to win his heart, a woman must first become his friend and give him time to gain trust in her. But while he's gaining that trust, she can show off her creative side and pleasure his sensory nature in every way possible.
Taurus Sun Sign Compatibility
According to sun sign compatibility, a Taurus man is the most compatible with a Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, or Pisces woman. Sun signs are a good place to start; however, relationship astrology is complex. To find out if you're really a good match for a Taurus man, you'll need to calculate the other planetary positions at the date, time, and location of his birth and then compare his birth chart to your own.
What Taurus Men Are Attracted To
The Taurus man can be compatible with many types of women, but what type of woman does he prefer above all others? A woman can be any of the above. But in a Taurus man's eyes, the most desirable traits a woman can have are femininity, practicality, patience, and trustworthiness. If a woman has all these traits, the Taurus man will know he's hit the jackpot.