12 Common Traits of a Taurus Woman

Updated December 7, 2021
Taurus woman

Taurus women are ruled by Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. They are graceful, independent, makers of their own destiny, and have a great deal of moral and emotional courage. A Taurus woman is the most stable, yet also the most volatile of women. The 12 common traits listed below can make a Taurus woman intimidating, desirable, and entirely intriguing.

1. Emotionally Strong

The female Taurus is very emotionally powerful and can handle huge amounts of stress. That stress may come from her job, her family, or herself, but she seldom crumbles under pressure, and often won't even complain or show any signs of being upset. She avoids looking for sympathy and will instead rely on her independence and fortitude to get through stressful situations.

2. Independent

Independence is one of the most well-known traits of a Taurus woman. She knows how to get things done herself and certainly isn't afraid to take on a new project or lead others. She often prefers to work on her own rather than in a group. A Taurus woman is assertive when she needs to be, but she doesn't mind when someone else takes the lead, especially if that someone is her partner in a romantic relationship.

3. Loyal

A typical Taurus woman is quite loyal. Though she may have many acquaintances, she'll grant her loyalty to only a few close friends. She's always ready to provide support or guidance to those few and will be disappointed if she doesn't get the same in return. Taurus women are also choosy when selecting romantic partners, and it generally takes them a while to find someone to whom they'll commit, but once they do, they'll be loyal and devoted partners.

Traits of a Taurus Woman

4. Introverted

Many wouldn't guess Taurus women are naturally introverts since they don't hesitate to take on leadership roles and they have no problem with going after what they want. However, this is a woman who needs time alone to recharge after being with a large group or socializing at a big event. She's a quiet, private lady who wants to plan her own schedule and do things on her own. Her internal life is very active, but unless she feels close to you, you won't be privy to many of her thoughts.

5. Artistic and Sensual

Nature and aesthetic beauty are very important to a Taurus woman. She's a sensual woman who enjoys art galleries, music, fine dining, and strolling through a park, enjoying the beauty of nature. Generally, she's happiest in an artistic space or when she's surrounded by the beauty of nature.

6. Genuine

Artifice, facades, or false impressions aren't tolerable to a Taurus woman. She wants people to present themselves as they truly are, and she'll quickly grow weary of those who dance around issues or try to shape her perceptions of reality. You can expect a female Taurus to always be honest about who she is and what she wants.

7. Dormant Temper

In conflicts, Taurus women may not be upfront about how she feels. Instead of starting an argument, she might ignore the offender or simply treat them with indifference. She has a dormant temper. It's rare for a Taurus woman to become so upset that she loses her temper, but when she reaches her breaking point, her outbursts are unexpected and intense. It's best not to push or deliberately provoke a Taurus woman because she'll react by becoming volatile, very angry, and unforgiving.

8. Nature Lover

Taurus women have no reservations about expressing their femininity and choosing feminine styles, but she's not too delicate and feminine for camping or hiking. She's also a woman who enjoys getting her hands dirty. A Taurus woman loves the city culture, but she's environmentally conscious, enjoys spending time in nature, gardening, and caring for animals. A Taurus woman tends to have a longing for a calm, peaceful, and quiet country style of life.

Woman leaning on fence on top of hill

9. Diligent and Hardworking

When a Taurus woman sets her mind on something, she never gives up, and it's only a matter of time until she accomplishes it. She's not afraid of hard work and is a diligent laborer who will patiently persist until she finishes what she started, regardless of how long it takes.

10. Practical Intelligence

A Taurus woman is not brainy or nerdy about her smarts. She's a level-headed woman who's rational, reasonable, and practical. She uses her common-sense and makes sound, prudent judgments based on facts and on her perception of a situation.

11. Good Mother

A Taurus woman is an extremely attentive, caring, and successful mother. She's a stable, reasonable, loving, and patient mother who has a calming influence on her children. She won't stand for disobedience but is gentle in the way she disciplines. A Taurus mother raises her children to be responsible, self-assured, confidant, polite, and agreeable adults.

12. Wants the Best Money Can Buy

Taurus women are smart with money and generally responsible. Still, they're materialistic and want to have the best money can buy. They love being surrounded by beautiful, expensive, and luxurious items and have a tendency to splurge instead of saving their money.

A Taurus Woman

Taurus is the Fixed Earth sign of the zodiac that's ruled by Venus. A Taurus woman is the personification of love, beauty, desire, fertility, prosperity, stability, and victory. Her calm, peaceful, and pleasant existence can brighten your life and strengthen your spirit. ︎

12 Common Traits of a Taurus Woman