Attracting the Taurus male can be a tricky process, but it's easier if you know what will catch the eye of this strong silent man who is so interesting to you. Learning about typical Taurus men's characteristics is key, as they'll give you a bit of keen insight into how to win a Taurus man's heart.
How to Get a Taurus Man
To a Taurus man, pleasurable, sensory experiences are the very essence of the good life. The way to this man's heart begins by stimulating his physical senses. A Taurus man is attracted to visual beauty, sweet fragrances, and luxurious touch. However, to win the heart of a Taurus man, you must also be confident, serene, and honest.
Confidence, Serenity, and Honesty
If you want to attract a Taurus man, it's important that you first be real, strong, and confident in who you are as well as have a serene manner. It's important to be who you are--honesty is always the best policy with a Taurus man. If he's not interested, he's not interested. But confidence, serenity, and honesty will make you more desirable in his eyes.
Visual Beauty
It's said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and a Taurus man is attracted to someone who radiates subtle classic beauty. You don't need to be glamorous or show a lot of skin; he's more attracted to someone who exudes elegance. So, bring out your classy conservative side, then add a little whimsy. The key is to make an impact without being excessive.
Sweet Fragrance
Perhaps beyond looks, how someone smells will determine if a Taurus man is attracted to them. Taurus men are into fragrance and are sensuous, so when somebody smells good, it gives him romantic feelings. They love rolling hills, quiet countrysides, and romance. When someone wears a romantic floral and earthy scent, he's likely to find them irresistible.
Luxurious Touch
These guys like physical contact, so don't be afraid to touch them. A Taurus man likes you to gently put their hand on his arm, touch his cheek, or put you hand in his. He enjoys you softly touching his leg and leaning toward him when sitting next to him. He won't even mind if you take the lead and kiss him at the end of your first date.

Cool, Calm, and Serene
When someone pleasures his senses, a Taurus man takes notice, but it's not quite that simple to win his heart. His greatest need in life is stability and serenity, and he doesn't deal well with anything that's overly dramatic. This means somebody who wants to attract a Taurus man will also have to impress him which their cool, calm, controlled, serene, and practical way of life.
They'll need to be:
- Wise with and know how to manage their money
- Composed in even the most trying situations
- Resourceful, neat, and well organized
- Honest and willing to speak their mind
How to Know if He's Interested
A Taurus man takes his time before getting involved in a relationship, so you'll need to be patient. Even when he finds someone he's interested in, he makes a slow, subtle approach. He'll admire you from afar, learn your routines, show up unexpectedly, and act extremely shy and awkward around you, but he'll make every effort to be more outgoing.
A Taurus man will:
- Want to know all about you
- Take extra steps to show he truly values your opinions, likes, and goals
- Compliment you
- Find ways to show you physical affection
The most obvious sign a Taurus man is interested in you is he'll ask you out, won't be able to keep his hands off you, and will want you with him all the time!
Communicating With a Taurus Man
A Taurus man is a quiet and reserved guy; conversation is typically not his strong suit. The best way to get a discussion flowing when you first meet a Taurus man is to ask a simple impersonal question such as "What do you do?" and follow that up with an open-ended question such as "How did you get involved in that kind of work?" Then, listen and show genuine interest; this will help him relax and begin conversing with you. A Taurus man is very private, so don't pry or ask personal questions too soon. It's best to let him open up when he's ready and then follow his lead.
What to Say in a Call, Email, or Text
A Taurus man prefers face-to-face conversations. So, if you're going to call, email, or text him, keep it short, to the point, sweet, and entertaining. And don't bombard him with communications.
Dating a Taurus Man
Taurus men are town and country guys. They love the city culture with all its art galleries, performing arts venues, and fine dining experiences, but he's also is an outdoorsman who enjoys spending time in nature. This means that when either of you are planning a date, the choice of dating activities is endless. They include everything from a quiet walk in the park, a camping trip, or a drive in the country to taking in an art gallery, eating at an elegant restaurant, attending a symphony, or attending a rock concert.

A Taurus Man in Love
A Taurus man loves to love, but when in love, he can be jealous if he feels threatened. Although he may hide it, he's passionate, lusty, physical, and possessive, but he's not a game player and is extremely loyal. He's a romantic guy who's into flowers, chocolates, and other simple expressions of his love. He also loves to get romantic gifts from his lover. He's a gentle and considerate man who pays attention to his lover's needs, never says anything unless he means it, and wants his lover to also be his best friend and confidant.
A Man of Simple Pleasures
There's a composed, peaceful, and patient quality to a Taurus man that's unmistakable to many. He's real, not flashy. He's sensual and romantic, yet physical, masculine, strong-minded, and practical. He has an incredibly soothing aura surrounding him. He's a serene man who appreciates the more beautiful and pleasurable things in life. A Taurus man wants most is a comfortable, quiet family life surrounded by beauty and abundance.