Uplifting Prayers for Times of Grief and Loss

Published April 20, 2020
Person reading the Holy Bible

Prayers during times of grief and loss are uplifting and can lessen your sadness. Prayers offer you a way to heal after someone dies and emerge from the depths of pain with a renewed faith. Original prayers are all by the author Sally Painter.

A Prayer for Grief and Loss to Uplift Spirits

A prayer for anyone suffering from grief and loss can lift up their spirits. If you're grieving, recite a prayer to encourage your spirit to connect with the divine.

"I offer this prayer to God to lift this burden of grief from my heart. Shine your eternal light onto my soul and let me feel the joy of your love. Guide me with your wisdom, so I may understand your plan. Let me lean upon your strength so I may grow strong once more and emerge from my loss with a renewed spirit of love and hope. Amen."

A Prayer for Grief and Sadness

Grief and sadness can put you in a state of depression. Lift yourself up from the depths of despair with a prayer filled with hope and promise.

"Dear God, you know my heart. You know the sadness that fills it. You recognize how my grief has pushed all other emotions aside and weighs heavily on me. See me, God. Hear me, God. Please help me to accept that my [loved one's role] was called home so soon. Remove my anger and replace it with a greater acceptance of your will. I pray for your healing of my endless sadness and constant grief that prevents me from living. Help me to see the good in my life and refocus my attention on my family. Guide me to find new ways to cope with my loss that will renew my soul and refill my heart with your eternal love. Amen."

A Prayer for Deeper Understanding of the Loss of Loved One

Coping with the loss of a loved one requires moving through the pain. Prayer is a wonderful healing process that can ease your pain.

"I'm praying to you, Lord, to help me fill this huge hole in my heart with your healing light. Please grant me a deeper understanding of your love. Show me ways to build my faith and guide me out of this darkness into your loving light once more. Amen."

A Prayer in the Time of Grief and Loss

Life seems to stand still when you are overwhelmed with grief and loss. You can emerge from your grief through prayer and the help of God.

"The world has grown quiet since her/his voice has been silenced. Please help me rise above my sorrow, oh God. Imbue my spirit with your loving kindness and comfort. Fill my soul with your everlasting love. Send your angels to lift me up, oh God, so they can reveal your glory to me once more. Amen."

A Stirring Prayer for Finding Peace

Finding peace during a time of grief and loss may seem impossible. Through prayer, you can be restored and shown the way to peaceful acceptance.

"Oh Lord, hear my prayer and grant me the peace that passes all understanding. Show me the way to your throne so I may sit at your feet and know your abiding comfort. Let a wellspring of joy rise from my heart until it overflows. Lead me to your garden of peace, so I may sit among the angels. Let me hear their songs of praise and know peace within my soul once more. Amen."

Uplifting Bible Verses for Grief, Sadness and Loss

There are many uplifting Bible verses for anyone suffering from grief, sadness and loss. When you read these verses, spirit of the Lord fills your soul with comfort and love.

God Grants Rest From Burdens

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30

Promise of Reunion With Loved Ones

"So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy." John 16:22

No More Sorrow or Death

"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." Revelation 21:4

Longer Uplifting Prayers for Those Suffering Grief and Loss

You can find longer prayers for coping and overcoming grief and loss. Uplifting prayers offer you comfort and divine understanding that set you on the path of healing.

A Day of Prayer Through Scripture

Listen to nine hours of Bible scriptures to uplift and comfort when you can't concentrate on reading the Bible or reciting your own prayers.

Listen to Audio Prayers for Grief and Loss

You can find and listen to various audio prayers that offer great comfort to your grief. Some of these are daily podcasts, while others are individual scriptures of comfort included in prayers. Listen to an audio prayer for comfort when grieving:

Audio prayer for strength during grief and loss:

Audio prayers that offer comfort for anyone grieving:

Repeating Uplifting Prayers to Find Comfort in Times of Grief and Loss

The power of prayer is found in the spoken word. Once you find a prayer or two that comforts your grief and loss, repeat it on a regular basis.

Uplifting Prayers for Times of Grief and Loss