Immediate family is a term that's thrown around a lot. It's not until you have a situation like a doctor asking you for your immediate family's medical history, though, that you realize you might not actually know what means. Sometimes known as first-degree relatives, your immediate family are those who are connected to you, both biologically and legally.
But, immediate family is a bit of a loose term and sometimes includes a broad swath of people. Trying to figure out who is a part of your immediate family may seem tricky at first, but once you know the rules outlining who is and who isn't included, it'll become second nature.
What Is Immediate Family?
An immediate family is the smallest unit of measurement we have to describe our familial connections. Generally, your immediate family is limited to the following people, but depending on the deciding entity, it can be even smaller in scope.
- Spouse
- Parents
- Grandparents
- Children (whether adopted, half, or step-children)
- Grandchildren
- Siblings
- In-laws (mother, father, brother, sister, daughter and son)
It's important to note that government and corporate entities can have very specific definitions of what is considered immediate family. For example, the Family and Medical Leave Act defines immediate family as a spouse, parent, or child. So, how immediate family is defined can depend on the specific situation.
Blood vs. Marriage Relations
In an immediate family, you can be related by either blood or marriage. This doesn't mean you care more or less about family members from different camps, but can be helpful when you're anticipating medical risk factors.
- Relation by blood: This means you share the same lineage or parent, such as with siblings, children or grandchildren. Aka, you share some of the same genes they do.
- Relation by marriage: This means you share a legal bond through marriage, and don't have share any biological similarities. For example, your in-laws or stepchildren are a part of your immediate family, bound to you by marriage rather than biology.
How to Determine Your Immediate Family
Some employers and institutions will only consider the direct family unit (parents and siblings or spouse/partner and children) as immediate family, with other family members being considered secondary relatives. But, to complicate things even more, some might regard anyone living in your household to be an immediate family member, regardless of relationships by blood or marriage.
Why are some members considered immediate family and others aren't? Traditionally, differentiating who was immediate family and who was extended family was largely based on three criteria:
- Distance - Living far apart may negate who's considered your immediate family, since they're not immediately available to you. However, you'd still consider children who move away after adulthood to be in your immediate family, making this a distinction that's not really applicable to modern life.
- Relationship - Closeness doesn't have any bearing on who's included in your immediate family or extended family. For example, you could be emotionally closer to your cousins or second cousins, and talk to them regularly, but that alone can't make them an immediate family member. Instead, your legal relationship and how the organization you are working with defines immediate family will be the determining factors.
- Length of Time - Some employers allow a family member to be included in your immediate family, regardless of relationship, if they've lived with you for a period of at least one year.
Exceptions to the Rules
In some cases, employers will expand the definition of immediate family to include domestic partners and cousins. However, it's done on a case-by-case basis. For example, some companies will give domestic partners the opportunity to receive health insurance benefits, provided they sign an agreement similar to a marriage contract.
Similarly, cousins and other relatives could be included in your immediate family if they live with you under special circumstances, such as the death of their parents. In those situations, they may be applicable to getting your health insurance or other special considerations.
Reasons Why You Should Know Who Your Immediate Family Is
Knowing who your immediate family members are can be important for many reasons. Think of it like knowing your social security number. You don't need to recall it every day, but on the rare occasion you do, you need to be able to whip it out.
Some of the reasons you need to know who your immediate family members are:

Assigning Life Insurance Beneficiaries
Immediate family members are entitled to life insurance policies or death benefits in the event of a tragedy, so you should know who's going to be awarded your policies and how you want to divide them up when you draft up the paperwork.
Justifying Sick Leave
Under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), you can take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to care for a sick family member or new child.
Taking Time to Grieve
Unfortunately, employers aren't legally required to offer bereavement leave, but they're much more likely to work with you taking time off for the death of an immediate family member than a distant relative.
Getting an Immigrant Visa
Since immediate family members of US residents receive preference for getting immigrant visas, it's good to know who (if any) of your immediate family is already living in the states.
Getting Health Insurance Coverage
When you sign up for health insurance through your employer, you can typically add coverage for your immediate family (children and spouse).
Filling Out Medical Records
When you fill out your medical records, doctors like to know what conditions or illnesses your immediate blood family had/have so they can better care for you. Some conditions are hereditary, so it's good to identify if you're at a higher risk.
Constructing a Family Tree
If you're interested in genealogy or want to create a family tree, then you need to know where to start - and most genealogy begins with the immediate family.
Family's What You Make It... Except in the Law's Eyes
The definition of family and what family means to different people is entirely subjective - and you probably have your own ideas about who's included in your immediate family. While family is what you make it in terms of your own family culture and interactions, in legal, medical, and business terms, that's not always the case. Currently, defining your immediate family is strictly limited to legal or blood relations, but with how the world is developing and evolving, that just might change sometime in the future.