When a new employee starts work, it's a good idea to send an introduction email to their team members and other employees. That way, they'll know that they have a new co-worker, whether that person is on-site with them, in another location, or working remotely. This helps ensure that new employees start to feel like part of the group right away, while also letting others know about changes to the team. It's also advisable to send an introductory email to clients if the new employee will be working directly with them.
New Employee Introduction Email to Colleagues
A new employee's direct supervisor is usually the person who sends out an introductory email to the people who will be working directly with the individual. This type of message could also be sent by the general manager, chief operating officer, or the head of human resources. Use language along these lines to let employees know that they have a new colleague.
- Subject line: Welcome New Team Member [Insert First and Last Name]
- Body: Team, Please join me in welcoming [Insert First and Last Name] to our team. [Insert First Name] comes to us from [insert information about the individual's background, such as where they worked before, something interesting about their professional background, and/or where they went to school]. [Insert First Name] will be working as [insert job title] and will be assigned to the [project]. Our great team will be even stronger now that [insert First Name] is joining. I'm looking forward to us all accomplishing great things together.
This message should either be sent out the day before the new employee starts, or on their first day of employment. If it is sent on the first day of employment, copy the new employee on the message.
Fun New Employee Announcement to Co-Workers
If you'd prefer to take a more fun approach to introduce new team members to colleagues, you could always make a bit of a game out of it. Consider including an icebreaker like the two truths and a lie team-building game. This approach goes beyond an introduction and engages team members in an interaction with the new employee.

- Subject line: Guess who's joining the team?
- Body: Team, It's a great day at [insert Company Name]! Today, [Insert First and Last Name] joins the [insert specific team name], working as a(n) [insert job title]. [Insert First Name] has [provide information about the individual's background, such as years of experience, credentials, etc.]. [First name] also enjoys [include a few fun facts about the person, such as hobbies or preferred entertainment]. Now that you've learned a bit about your new team member, see if you can get this right: which facts about [insert First Name] are true and which is a lie? Share what you think here: [Insert link to a poll]. Stay tuned! [First name] will reveal the truth tomorrow!
The poll link should be set up so employees can choose among three pieces of information shared by the new employee, two of which are true, one of which is not, and all of which seem equally likely or unlikely. For example, the choices could be things like, I single-handedly took down a ring of puppy mills, I was a Zombie in the first episode of The Walking Dead, I have lived on every continent, I grew 250 tomato plants last summer, I've been RV camping in the Greater Manhattan area, etc. After everyone votes, the new team member should send a follow-up email with the answer, and a few sentences about being glad to join the team.
New Employee Introduction to Clients
When a client's primary point of contact or another key team member who is in direct contact with the client changes, it's important to send an introductory email. Doing so will prevent the client from being surprised by a change in personnel, and pave the way for the new person to be successful. The sample email below can be used for a brand new employee or someone who has been with your company for a while, but is new to the client.
- Subject line: Introducing [Insert First and Last Name], [Insert job title]
- Body: [Client Name], As always, thank you for your business. I'm reaching out to let you know that [insert First and Last Name] has been assigned to work directly with you. [Insert First Name] is a(n) [insert job title] here at [insert Company Name], and will work directly with you on [insert what the person will do, such as filling orders, providing pricing, doing training, providing customer support, etc.]. [Insert First Name] has [include background information, such as relevant experience, credentials, etc.]. As always, your full satisfaction is [insert First Name]'s goal, as is the case with everyone at [insert Company Name]. [Insert First Name] will reach out to schedule a meeting within the next week. In the meantime, feel free to contact [insert First Name] or me with any questions or needs.
This type of message should come from the person who oversees the team that works directly with clients, such as the sales manager or head of client services. Copy the employee who has been assigned to the client's account, so the client has that individual's email address. Alternately, you may want to send a full letter of introduction via regular mail or as an email attachment.
Setting the Stage for New Employee Success
Being proactive with introducing team members to colleagues and/or the clients with whom they will be working is a great way to set the stage for them to be successful. This should be part of the process with every new hire, as well as when someone is newly assigned to a client-facing role.