It's time to make reading even more fun! Give your kiddos some adorable bookmarks in a variety of styles. From festive holiday bookmarks to bookmarks they can color, here you'll find over 28 different bookmarks your kids will love. You can also find a few other free printable bookmarks for kids to download. Get tips for decorating and customizing bookmarks so kids can make them truly unique.
Free Printable Bookmarks
Looking for fun, downloadable bookmarks that kids can enjoy? Read on and print out several or all of the bookmarks below. Make the bookmarks last longer by laminating them or printing them on card stock. You can also hole-punch the top and add a ribbon. If you need help downloading and printing the bookmarks, check out this helpful guide.
Free Printable Bookmarks With Quotes
Are you looking for a cute bookmark that your kid will love placing in their book? Each bookmark below has a cute image and a fun quote to encourage the act of reading.
Inspiring Bookmarks to Share the Love of Reading
Use these bookmarks to reward kids and encourage them to read, or to remind them that reading is a gift. Each bookmark includes an inspirational saying and sweet illustrations.
Printable Bookmarks for Kindergarten
Getting your kindergarteners psyched about reading can be challenging. Give them a free fun bookmark in their reading packet, or slip one into their favorite book. Having a bookmark with something they love can make reading more fun for them. You could also let them pick out their favorite one.
Holiday-Themed Printable Bookmarks for Kids to Enjoy
Does your kiddo have a specific holiday they like to celebrate? Give them a festive bookmark to celebrate holidays like Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and Valentine's Day. These make great gifts for your kids.
Free Printable Seasons Bookmarks for Kids
Are your kids studying the seasons in school? Surprise them with a seasonal bookmark for the books on their lists. These bookmarks offer a colorful way to enjoy the changing seasons.
Printable Bookmarks to Color
One of the best things about printable bookmarks is you can customize them. Enjoy four fun bookmarks kids can color and decorate. They will have a great time making original bookmarks to use in their readers.
Other Free Printable Bookmarks to Download
If you want a bit more variety for your little readers, you might try some of these fun downloadable bookmarks. They are free to print and offer several designs.
Nature bookmarks to color and customize.
Read and abstract bookmarks from Doodle Art Alley.
Rocket-themed reading log and custom bookmarks for kids to color.
Get free printable animal bookmarks for kids to color.
Customize Your Bookmarks for Kids
Take your printable bookmarks to a whole new level by helping kids customize them. If you want to jazz up your bookmark a bit more before laminating it, you might try a few ideas like:
Add a few stickers to the bookmark, such as adding their names. You might even add stickers of their favorite superhero or book character.
Allow the kids to draw a picture on the back of the bookmark to make it more customized.
Add jewel stickers for more shine.
Apply glitter or use glitter pens to outline characters or the words on the bookmarks.
Get Creative With Your Bookmarks
After you laminate your bookmark, you can still add some cute customizations. You might try punching a hole in your bookmark and adding a little bling. In addition to adding a ribbon you might try:
Use felt, construction paper, etc. to cut out shapes and attach them to the bookmark with string. This makes a little bookmark charm.
Using string, you might add a little beading to your bookmark to make it stand out. You can alternate bead colors to create a fun pattern.
Use different color yarn or string and braid it together to make a dangling tassel.
Use felt or paper to cut your name out, and use yarn to add it to the end of your bookmark.
With just some paper, glue, and yarn, you can add all kinds of customizations to the printable bookmarks. No matter what, make sure you have fun with it.
Free Printable Bookmarks to Inspire
If you're a parent, grandparent, or teacher, you inspire kids to read when you give them a bookmark. Bookmarks are a tool that helps foster a lifelong love of reading. Tuck one into your child's backpack, Christmas stocking, or their favorite book.