Curious, inquisitive, and eager to learn: toddlers and preschool-aged kids are full of questions. They want to know everything there is to know about everything. That's why the word "why" seems to pop up so regularly. For the parents wondering why they are suddenly being bombarded with all of these questions and want to help answer those inquiries before they arise, here are some of the top things your kids may want to know!
Why "Why" Questions for Kids Matter
Every day, the average toddler parent answers a total of 73 questions. This milestone appears as early as the age of two and usually continues through a child's fifth birthday. That's not to say that all of their questions disappear completely after this point; they simply begin to ask more targeted questions, and therefore require fewer inquiries to reach their desired solution.
While it can seem tedious, this laundry list of seemingly unimportant queries actually has an important purpose - it furthers your child's cognitive development. Researchers have determined that a child's "ability to ask questions is a powerful tool that allows [them] to gather information they need in order to learn about the world and solve problems in it."
In other words, those why questions facilitate concept building and improve your child's overall understanding of their universe, which hones their problem-solving skills.
Why Questions for Kids to Get Them Thinking
If you want to help your child learn and grow, then consider asking your kids why questions, before they bring them up to you! This can create organic conversations that can help you tackle the topics that may cause your kids anxiety or stress in the future. Knowledge is power, so having these discussions before your baby starts to worry can be a beneficial for everyone.
Rules Questions
Kids are much more likely to behave when they understand why they are following different rules. These why questions for kids can serve as a great introduction to safety and etiquette subjects.
- Why can't I jump off the couch?
- Why can't I run with scissors?
- Why do I have to go to bed at seven?
- Why do I have to say please?
- Why do I have to say I'm sorry?
- Why do I have to tell you if I took the last of something?
- Why can't I yell?
- Why do I have to look both ways before crossing the street?
- Why should I not talk to strangers?
- Why do you have to be there when I swim?
- Why do we need to knock before going into the bathroom?
- Why do I have to tell the truth?
- Why do I have to tell an adult when I go outside?
- Why do I always have to ask to borrow something?
- Why can I not hit when I am mad?
- Why do we have to clean up?
School and Work Questions
Why should your child work hard in school? Why is having a good job important? By asking these why questions, you can motivate your child to succeed!
- Why do we have to go to school?
- Why do we study history?
- Why is math important?
- Why does science matter?
- Why do I need to raise my hand before talking?
- Why do I have to take turns?
- Why is working in groups important?
- Why do you go to work?
- Why do different things cost different amounts?
- Why do people have different jobs?
- Why did you choose to do what you do?

Body Questions
One of the hardest parts of childhood is understanding the many changes that happen to the body. Why do these transitions occur? Are they normal? When do you need to worry? Help your kids understand their anatomy and remove their fears surrounding these developments with these why questions for kids.
- Why do we take baths?
- Why do we sweat?
- Why does my head hurt sometimes?
- Why are some people short and some people tall?
- Why are some people skinny and some people fat?
- Why do we poop?
- Why do babies not have hair?
- Why does hair turn grey?
- Why do our fingers get wrinkly when we stay in water?
- Why do we blush?
- Why do we get hiccups?
- Why do people brush their teeth?
- Why do bones break?
- Why do boys look different from girls?
- Why can't we be naked all the time?
- Why do some people have yellow teeth?
- Why do we get sick sometimes?
- Why does it not hurt to cut our hair, but it hurts when we cut our finger?
- Why do people paint their nails?
- Why don't people have tails?
- Why do we get itchy?
- Why is blood red?
- Why do old people have wrinkles?
- Why do we need to sleep?
Food Questions
What makes certain foods so important, and why can we not eat snacks for every meal? Picky eaters need a good reason to eat certain foods. Help them recognize the importance of these essential food groups.
- Why is water important to drink?
- Why do I have to eat broccoli?
- Why do beans make you fart?
- Why does asparagus make your pee smell funny?
- Why does fruit go bad?
- Why are some people allergic to certain foods?
- Why do we take vitamins?
- Why does my stomach growl?
- Why do we have to cook meat, but not fruits or vegetables?
- Why are tomatoes considered a fruit?
- Why is salt bad for you?
Feelings Questions
Talking about emotions is exceptionally helpful in lessoning the instance of tantrums. Why? If a child understands what they are feeling and why, they are better able to self-regulate and avoid a meltdown.
- Why are some people sad?
- Why do people do bad things?
- Why do people have to die?
- Why do bad things happen randomly?
- Why do I get nervous?
- Why should I share my feelings?
- Why do babies cry?
- Why are friends important?
Animal Questions
Domestic animals are loving, and affectionate creatures who help kids learn empathy and compassion. Wild animals are unpredictable and fascinating. Help to energize your child's curiosity with these why questions for kids!
- Why do dogs bark?
- Why do cats lick themselves?
- Why are flamingos pink?
- Why are some animals aggressive?
- Why do animals from the same family sometimes look so different?
- Why do poisonous animals have brightly colored skin?
- Why do goats and sharks eat things that are not food?
- Why do some animals glow in the dark?
- Why do some animals play dead?
- Why do zebras have stripes, but horses don't?
- Why do snakes shed their skin?
- Why do birds fly in a V?
- Why do fish have mercury in them?
- Why do sloths move so slow?
- Why do kangaroos have pouches?
- Why do penguins not fly?
- Why do monkeys throw poop?
- Why do alligators sit with their mouths open?
- Why do worms not have bones?
Weather Questions
Storms can be a sensory overload for kids. By having a better understanding of how these atmospheric disturbances form and how to prepare for when they arise can help kids know that they are safe, lessening their anxieties.
- Why is the sky blue?
- Why does the sky sometimes turn yellow, red, orange, purple, and even green?
- Why does the weather change?
- Why are clouds all different shapes?
- Why does it rain?
- Why is water wet?
- Why can I sometimes see the moon during the day?
- Why does it not always snow when it is cold?
- Why does hail form instead of snow?
- Why do storms become severe?
- Why is the bathroom the safest place to be during a severe storm?
- Why do we turn around during a flood?
- Why do tornadoes form?
- Why do tornadoes form more often in some areas compared to others?
Ask WH Questions Everyday
Unlike yes or no questions, WH questions - who, what, when, where, and why - help your child think, understand different concepts, and aid in their speech development. That's why it is so important to ask these types of questions on a daily basis.
Research shows that one of the best times to do this is at family mealtimes. However, you can also employ these language learning moments while driving to school, running errands, sitting in the waiting room of the doctor's office, and when getting ready for the day. By simply asking "do you know why..." you can help your child better understand how to world works and how they fit in it. These inquiries are great for kids ages two and up.
Finally, remember that if you don't know an answer, don't make something up. Instead, say "I don't know. Let's find out together!" and look up the answer!