Quotes about Easter can express the excitement, meaning, or pure fun of the holiday. Whether celebrating with family, planning the church service, or trying to make the day more fun for kids, these quotes can help you embrace the season.
Beautiful Spiritual Quotes About Easter

The beauty of Easter can be in how it impacts our spiritual journey. These Easter quotes speak to the way this holiday can make our souls feel.
- Easter calls to mind the reality of love and the hope of eternity.
- I celebrate Easter as a reminder that even death cannot stop love.
- The hope of Easter is what I cling to when my spirit feels dark and hopeless.
- Easter is hope. It's life. It's the reassurance that love always conquers death.
- Easter is perhaps the most important holiday. Though Christmas celebrates the birth of hope, Easter celebrates the hope of new birth.
- Love and death have met their final battle, and it appears that death can never win.
- Easter is a reminder that the soul is worth saving.
- The Easter season blends the sadness of death with the hope of eternity, and the bridge between the two is love.
- My spirit longs for Easter each year. It cries out for the hope of new life.
- May I never forget that Easter is directly linked to my soul.
- Between Good Friday and Easter Sunday there was a single thing to hold onto: the hope of perfect love.
Short Religious Quotes About Easter
If you're celebrating Easter for its traditional purposes, these quotes might speak to what the holiday means to you. Hope and love are at the center of this celebration, and these quotes tell of how miraculous Resurrection Sunday is.
- Easter is our greatest hope.
- The grave could not hold Jesus, and now, it cannot hold us.
- The perfect love of Jesus conquerors even death.
- The anguish of Good Friday cannot overshadow Sunday morning's hope.
- Death has died, and now I can truly live.
- The three most hopeful words of history: "It is finished."
- When someone saves your life, it's easy to give your life to them.
- Christ's work on the cross is the center of my Easter celebration.
- Jesus ransomed my heart on Easter.
- Easter is my hope all year long.
Easter Blessing Quotes to Share

If you want to share a prayer or a blessing with family, friends, or social media, you might try one of these quotes. These simple Easter quotes offer a gentle reminder of the hope of the holiday.
- I pray you hold onto hope on Easter and throughout the year.
- Never let the pain of Good Friday eclipse the hope of Easter Sunday.
- Remember, death cannot hold you down because of Easter.
- Easter is a reminder of how deeply you're loved.
- I pray hope and joy over your life as you hold onto what Easter means to you.
- If you ever doubt that you're loved, look toward Easter.
- May you always know the hope and love of Easter.
- I pray your fears are conquered because of the hope Easter brings.
- Hold on to hope. Sunday is coming.
- Never forget how quickly things can turn around. Look what happened in just three days leading up to Easter morning.
Inspirational Easter Quotes for a Season of Hope
It's easy to feel inspired near the Easter season. These quotes speak to the hope, the renewal, and the family traditions of the holiday.
- Love has the final say over death.
- Easter is the reminder of life-giving hope that helps us carry on.
- If you've ever doubted the power of love, remember Easter.
- Hold on to the hope of new life this Easter.
- It's not a coincidence that the holiday of hope, love, and life happens in the spring.
- Have you heard the hope of Easter? Love cannot die.
- Easter is the holiday of hope, family, and renewal.
- Easter is a yearly reminder of the hope we have in love greater than we can understand.
- The Easter season always comes on time: when hope is needed most.
- Easter is a reminder of new life, the hope of spring, and enduring love.
Deep Easter Quotes to Help You Reflect

Easter might call you to deep reflection. Whether it's how the holiday impacts you specifically or a reminder of what that first Easter involved, these quotes help you turn inward and give the holiday some thought.
- We cannot deny our own roles in the very first Easter.
- The traditions of Easter have changed, but the celebration never has.
- When I think of Easter in the past, I remember all the ways that family made it special.
- Easter is about more than eggs and bunnies. It's about the hope of new life.
- I love that Easter comes in the spring. It's another reminder of why this season is so uplifting.
- Even when I'm lonely, Easter reminds me I'm never truly alone.
- I long for the newness of spring and the closeness of family as Easter approaches.
- Figuring out what Easter means to me feels like a new journey each year.
- As Easter ushers spring's new life into the season, I see each new bloom as a reminder of hope.
- How can one day call to mind hope and deep sadness all at once?
Meaningful Quotes About Easter Weekend
Easter weekend is often full of food, family, and fun traditions. Express your excitement for the season with these fun quotes.
- Easter weekend should be full of celebration, great food, and plenty of family fun.
- Get ready for all the pastels you can handle, it's Easter weekend.
- Here comes Easter weekend, hopping down the bunny trail.
- Three days of candy, family, and celebration? Count me in!
- It's Easter weekend and my appetite is ready.
- It's Easter weekend and they're calling for a sprinkle of candy and a downpour of eggs.
- Get your baskets ready, it's Easter weekend.
- I'm ready for a gentle Easter weekend with all my favorite traditions.
- Get ready to hunt, eat, and celebrate this Easter weekend.
- Easter weekend comes slowly, with all the joyful hope of the entire spring season.
Related: Sweet Easter Quotes for Kids
Sweet & Sharable Easter Sunday Quotes

Once Easter Sunday finally arrives, the celebration really takes off. Join in on all the excitement with these sweet Easter Sunday quotes.
- Easter Sunday is here, and the celebration can finally begin.
- Spring feels official on Easter Sunday.
- There's no day quite as hope-filled as Easter morning.
- Nothing quite beats the sound of excited children searching for colorful eggs on Easter Sunday.
- I cherish every moment of Easter Sunday spent with those I love.
- As Easter morning dawns, I'm reminded of hope, love, and joy.
- Spring fully awakens on Easter Sunday.
- Easter Sunday reminds us that the fears of life are only temporary.
- I love how Easter Sunday marks the beginning of all the warm weather fun waiting within the year.
- Perhaps spring has captured my heart through the great hope of Easter Sunday.
Famous Quotes About Easter
Easter stretches across time and generations, and countless people have shared wisdom about the holiday. Here are a few thoughtful Easter quotes from some famous and well-known sources.
- "Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died — more than that, who was raised to life — is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us." - Romans 8:34
- "He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’ ” - Luke 24:6-7
- "Easter is very important to me, it's a second chance." - Reba McEntire
- “Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life.” —S.D. Gordon, Quiet Talks on Prayer
Share What Easter Means to You
Whether you're celebrating at the church service or just looking forward to time with family, share a quote that shows what Easter means to you. With a few inspirational words, you can tell everyone what you love about the spring holiday.