65 Law of Attraction Quotes to Manifest Your Dreams

Put the power of the law of attraction to work for you with quotes that reflect how effective it can be.

Published July 3, 2024
woman using headphones for online guided meditation

Do you believe you can create your own reality? The law of attraction suggests that you can manifest things you choose and desire using the natural laws of the universe. These powerful law of attraction quotes offer guidance to how to do this important work and make manifestation a reality in your life. 

Law of Attraction Quotes About Manifestation 

To manifest the life of your dream, pay attention to those things you choose to receive.

The law of attraction states that where you place your energy and attention is what you attract. So, if you want to manifest something in your life, placing your energy on that manifestation can help bring it into your reality. These quotes about manifestation describe what it's like.

  • Intention + Attention = Manifestation
  • You attract what you pay attention to. If you want to manifest something in your life, give it attention.
  • If there's something in your life that you don't like, you're probably keeping it there by paying attention to it. If you remove your attention, you will no longer attract it.
  • To manifest using the law of attraction, state what you choose as if you already have it.
  • To speed up manifestation, combine an affirmation with a positive emotion. The emotion will magnetize you.
  • Manifesting is simply choosing what the universe has already given you and then waiting for it to arrive.
  • To manifest the life of your dreams, pay attention to those things you choose to receive. 
  • The secret to manifestation is trusting that the universe has heard you and that what you choose is already on its way.
  • Consistency of thought and energy speeds up manifestation. 
  • When manifesting, focus on the feeling you want to have when you receive what you're asking for instead of a specific thing.
  • Always leave room in your manifestation work for the universe to surprise you.
  • I'm just over here manifesting my heart out.
  • My life changed when I learned how to manifest using the law of attraction.

Gratitude Law of Attraction Quotes 

Be grateful for what you wish to attract even before you have it.

Gratitude is an essential part of the law of attraction. Gratitude for the things you already have helps put you in the right mindset to manifest. Then, being grateful as if you already have received what you're seeking helps draw it to you. These gratitude quotes about the law of attraction show just how essential it is.

  • Gratitude is the key to manifestation. 
  • When I added gratitude to my affirmations, my life took off.
  • Be grateful for what the universe has yet to deliver, trusting that it's already on its way to you.
  • Gratitude creates a vibration that draws what you choose to you.
  • Be grateful for what you wish to attract even before you have it. 
  • If you're grateful for it, you already have it — even if it hasn't manifested yet.
  • Adding a feeling of gratitude to your affirmations creates a powerful draw that speeds up what you desire.
  • Choose gratitude every day to become a manifestation prodigy.
  • As you do your manifestation work every day, take time to sit in gratitude.

Positive Law of Attraction Quotes 

Positivity has a vibe that attracts things more quickly into your life.

When you discover the power of manifestation, you can't help but feel more positive about life. And the secret is this: Positivity brings more positivity, which makes you manifest quicker, which brings more positivity — it's an upward spiral that builds on itself. These positive law of attraction quotes show the depth of that relationship.

  • If you're trying to manifest something, try and find reasons to be positive.
  • Negative thoughts about the thing you're trying to attract cancel out any affirmations. So, you need to find a way to replace negative thoughts with positive ones.
  • For every negative thought you catch yourself thinking, pause and replace it with a positive thought about what you want to manifest. 
  • Positivity has a vibe that attracts things more quickly into your life.
  • Positive emotions are high in vibrations and attract more positivity into your life.
  • If you're struggling to find something to be positive about, focus on small things you appreciate or people you love and let those feelings build your positivity.
  • A positive mindset is open to possibilities. 

Love Law of Attraction Quotes 

To receive the energy of love, radiate the energy of love.

You can use the law of attraction to bring anything you choose into your life. If it's love you seek, these law of attraction love quotes can help.

  • Like attracts like. Love yourself, send love into the universe, and love comes back to you.
  • You actually don't need to go find love since it is your nature. All you need to do is remember that you are love and put your attention there.
  • You are infinitely loved. In fact, you are love. Love is all there is. To attract love, remember that you are love.
  • To receive the energy of love, radiate the energy of love.
  • There is nothing in your world that isn't love. Start seeing the love, and you'll have all the love you desire.
  • Choose love in every moment, and love will flow to you.
  • At every crossroads, ask yourself this: "What would love do now?" Then, do that. 
  • To attract love, breathe into your heart and think about something or someone you love deeply. Now, breathe that out into the universe, and love will find you.
  • There's no need to look for love because it is all around you. Intend to connect to love, and you will. 
  • You are never alone, and you are never unloved. You are cradled in the arms of angels every moment of every day.
  • Every breath breathes in love and then sends it into the universe so it can come back to you.

Abundance Law of Attraction Quotes 

Choose from the abundance of the universe to make it manifest in your life.

Abundance is more than money, although wealth is usually a part of it. A truly abundant life is one that is filled with love, joy, peace, prosperity, and all the things that make life worth living. These abundance quotes reflect that.

  • The thing that typically blocks people's prosperity is the belief that there is not enough. 
  • There is enough of everything for everyone. The universe is abundant in all things.
  • Choose from the abundance of the universe to make it manifest in your life.
  • To keep the consciousness of abundance at the forefront of your mind, pay attention to your thoughts about lack and change them.
  • If something is blocking your abundance, listen to your moment-to-moment thoughts. You'll find the reasons there.
  • The belief that money is evil or that it's shallow to want wealth are two of the biggest blocks to abundance. Change those beliefs, and you can change your life.

Related: How to Attract Money: 9 Vibrational Methods

Inspirational Quotes About the Law of Attraction 

Before you have even asked, the universe has already put the energy in motion to deliver what you choose.

One of the things I love about the law of attraction is just how inspiring it is. I've had it work for me throughout my life, and I hope these quotes will inspire you, too.

  • You have everything you need to create the life you choose. All you need to do is give your attention to the things you want and not those you don't. 
  • Before you have even asked, the universe has already put the energy in motion to deliver what you choose.
  • Resistance is what blocks manifestation. Figure out what you're resisting and the ways you're resisting it, and the world is your oyster.
  • Many years ago, I told the universe, "You drive. I trust you." My life took off, and I've never looked back.
  • Don't let your thoughts, conditioning, and feelings limit the universe. The universe can deliver magnificence and magic if you allow it.
  • The universe is here to support your successful manifestation.
  • "I will answer their prayers before they finish praying. ... And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will hear; as they are yet speaking, I will hear." - Isaiah 65:24 (NIV)

Law of Attraction Quotes From The Secret 

Your power is in your thoughts, so stay awake. In other words, remember to remember.

The movie and the book The Secret thrust the law of attraction into public consciousness. These are some of the quotes from the book to inspire you.

  • "There is no such thing as a hopeless situation. Every single circumstance of your life can change!"
  • "Your power is in your thoughts, so stay awake. In other words, remember to remember."
  • "Your thoughts become things."
  • "If you feel good, it's because you are thinking good thoughts."
  • "Ask once, believe you have received, and all you have to do to receive is feel good. Believe that you deserve the gifts that are on their way. Be excited, joyful and grateful."

  • "The truth is that the universe has been answering you all of your life, but you cannot receive the answers unless you are awake. Pay attention to the world around you. Chances are you are already incredibly blessed, you just haven't noticed."

Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction Quotes 

When you no longer split your flow of energy with contradictory thoughts, you will know your power.

Abraham Hicks is a channeled entity who is channeled by Esther Hicks. Many of the Abraham Hicks teachings are about the law of attraction.

  • "Every time you praise something, every time you appreciate something, every time you feel good about something, you are telling the Universe, 'More of this, Please.' You need never again make another verbal statement of this intent, and if you were allowing your cork to float — all good things would flow to you."
  • "The universe is not punishing you or blessing you. The universe is simply responding to the vibrational attitude that you are emitting."
  • "Worrying is using your imagination to create something you don't want."
  • "When you no longer split your flow of energy with contradictory thoughts, you will know your power."
  • "When you believe something is hard, the Universe demonstrates the difficulty. When you believe something is easy, the Universe demonstrates the ease."
  • "Your Inner Being, or Source Energy, always offers a perspective that is to your greatest advantage, and when your perspective matches that, then positive attraction is occurring."

Manifest Your Dreams

If you believe in the law of attraction, then you believe you have far more control over what things show up in your life than you ever knew. Let these law of attraction quotes inspire you on your manifestation journey. 

65 Law of Attraction Quotes to Manifest Your Dreams