40 Positive "Push Through" Quotes That Will Power Your Progress

When life gives you lemons, use these "keep pushing" quotes to get you to your lemonade stand, or whatever it is you want to achieve!

Published January 10, 2024
Happy woman cleaning

With the turning of the calendar page, you may be looking towards the future and the many goals that you're hoping to achieve. The problem is that goals aren't always easily attained, and roadblocks seem to always appear at the worst possible times.

"Push through" quotes can be a great tool for reminding yourself that you can do anything you set your mind to, as long as you keep moving. This week, month, and year, maintain your momentum with the help of these inspirational "keep pushing" quotes!

Motivational "Push Through" Quotes to Keep You Moving

If you want to make things happen, you just need to keep putting one foot in front of the other. These motivational "keep pushing" quotes can encourage you to stay out of a slump and make progress your priority!

  • Believe in your ability to do the impossible. You are stronger than you know. Just put one foot in front of the other and you will reach your destination. 
  • Life is hard, but this is just a rough patch. The days will get easier and what was once difficult, will become second nature. Just keep pushing.
  • Stop looking at the big picture. It can make things seem impossible. Instead, just aim to be one percent better than yesterday. Push yourself a little each day and you will make big changes happen in your future. 
  • Failures are how we find greatness. Just keep pushing, learn from your mistakes, and you will become the amazing person that you have always dreamed that you would be.
  • One day, you will look at your struggles and laugh. It's amazing how your perspective changes with time and experience. Believe that things will get better and keep pushing forward.
  • Challenges help us grow. They may seem impossible in the moment, but just keep your head down and focus on the prize. You will get there.
  • The most unstoppable people are the ones who push through the hard times and get to the other side. If you can find the courage to keep chugging along, you will find the light at the end of the tunnel.
  • You can do anything that you set your mind to. The world is your oyster, and you are meant to shine. These rocky times are just here to get you out of your shell and let the world see your beauty.

Related: "New Day" Quotes to Help You Move Forward 

Keep Pushing On: Sayings for When Obstacles Get You Down

Sometimes, it can be hard to see past what is right in front of you. Hardships will happen, but they don't need to define your story. These positive "push through" quotes can help you reroute and get back on track. 

When live gives you lemons, make a lemon meringue pie! No one can resist a sweet treat
  • Dory had it right. Just keep swimming. The journey will bring you much more than the destination. It's life's unexpected surprises that will fill your life with love and light. 
  • When life gives you lemons, make a lemon meringue pie! No one can resist a sweet treat.
  • Do you think Cinderella ever expected to become a princess? Every good story has a few struggles. Keep pushing forward and you will find your happy ending. 
  • Country music is the perfect example of life's many hardships and the amazing things that can happen when the chorus gets done.
  • You are worthy. You are capable of amazing things. Hard days will come, but keep pushing forward. You will prove everyone wrong. 
  • Everyone has a different version of success. Define what makes you happy and push towards YOUR goals. 
  • Flash back to your childhood and harness the energy of the little engine that could. Surround yourself with supporters, think you can, and then push forward towards your dreams.
  • Every mother knows that not pushing is not an option. Life is full of struggles. Propel yourself forward and believe that you will find your bliss.

Related: Goal-Setting Quotes to Make Your Dreams a Reality 

"Push Yourself" Quotes to Turn Your Challenges Into Change

Unfortunately, for many of us, the biggest roadblock is ourselves. If you want to see change, only you can make it happen. These motivational quotes can help you push yourself outside of your comfort zone so that you can transform into the person you're meant to become. 

  • You are absolutely amazing. You can do anything you set your mind to, so keep pushing forward and you will find the happiness you seek. 
  • Don't be afraid to dip your toe into uncharted waters. You can find extraordinary things where you least expect them.
  • Good things don't come to those who wait. They come to the brave people who push boundaries and strive for greatness.
  • If life didn't challenge you, then you wouldn't be forced to become the incredible person that you are supposed to be. 
  • Change happens through challenge. Never be afraid to test your boundaries and push yourself out of your comfort zone. 
  • Believe that you can and then take that first step. You will be surprised at how quickly dreams become realities. 
  • Push yourself for yourself. Don't work for applause. The only person you should be pleasing is yourself.
  • You are smart, strong, and resilient. Achieving aspirations takes time and hustle. Keep your eyes on the prize, live with intention, and remind yourself daily of how awesome you are. 

Related: "Don't Stress" Quotes Because You've Got This

Encouraging "Keep Pushing" Sayings to Remind You of Your Worth

When obstacles arise, it can be easy to believe that you are not worthy of your aspirations. Positive "push through" quotes can serve as a quick reminder of how amazing you are and how you are never defined by your struggles, but rather, by the way you react to them. 

Be strong and courageous. Push forward, even when times are tough, and know that your sacrifices are worth it.
  • Be bold. Be brave. Be the person who pushes boundaries. That is how you will achieve your greatness. 
  • You can't expect to move forward without pushing a little. Muster the energy to get the ball rolling and then enjoy the ride. 
  • Time isn't always on our side. Things don't always happen when we want them to, but if you keep pushing forward, you will find your dreams when they are meant to come true. 
  • Be strong and courageous. Push forward, even when times are tough, and know that your sacrifices are worth it. 
  • One day, you will look back and scoff at your struggles. One day, you will be living in your bliss and be thankful for the efforts that you made during hard times. Better is just around the corner, so just keep pushing. 
  • Failures are not final. Fight, push forward, and find your fantastic finale.
  • Struggles are just steps that make you stronger. Keep pushing towards your goals and you will find your path.
  • Setbacks are just an opportunity to reset. Don't stop, just reroute. Life's just pushing you onto a different path so that you can make your goals a reality. 

Famous "Moving Forward" Quotes From Inspirational Movies

Certain movie moments are magical because they speak to us on another level. These famous lines from iconic movies are the perfect reminder that everyone struggles and that you need to keep pushing forward in your life story.

  • “Nobody is gonna hit as hard as life, but it ain’t how hard you can hit. It’s how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. It’s how much you can take, and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done.” - Sylvester Stallone as Rocky Balboa in Rocky Balboa
  • “Why do we fall, Sir? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.” - Michael Caine as Alfred Pennyworth in Batman Begins
  • "Just because someone stumbles and loses their path, doesn’t mean they’re lost forever.” - James McAvoy as Charles Xavier in X-Men: Days of Future Past
  • "Don’t let anyone ever make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want. Go for it.” - Heath Ledger as Patrick Verona in 10 Things I Hate About You
  • “It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices.” - Richard Harris as Albus Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  • “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” - Ian McKellen as Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  • "Just keep swimming." - Ellen DeGeneres as Dory in Finding Nemo
  • “Hey. Don't ever let somebody tell you... You can't do something. Not even me. All right? You got a dream... You gotta protect it. People can't do somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want somethin', go get it. Period." - Will Smith as Christopher Gardner in The Pursuit of Happiness

"Keep Pushing" Quotes Can Keep You Focused on Your Goals

Life throws us curveballs and they're not always easy to overcome. These "push through" quotes can help you to stay focused on the light at the end of the tunnel. Just remember that even when things seem impossible, if you set your mind to something and dedicate your time and focus to that goal, you can achieve anything. 

40 Positive "Push Through" Quotes That Will Power Your Progress