50 Quotes About Taking Risks to Help You Make the Leap

When you're ready to take that big leap, turn to one of these inspiring quotes to give you the confidence you need. You've got this; let your bravery shine.

Published January 17, 2024
Mountain biker descends steep mountain slope above lake

A step of faith or a little risk often leads to some of life's best gifts. These quotes about taking risks give you that final push to just go for it. If you're taking chances, there may be risk involved, but there could also be an opportunity to see all your dreams come true. 

Short Quotes About Taking Risks to Inspire Your Dreams

Your dreams are big, but these quotes aren't. They're short and sweet and get right to the point about how taking risks can get you that much closer to achieving your goals.

I'll take risk over regret any day.
  • Some risks come with extra rewards.
  • Risky doesn't mean impossible.
  • Reward only counts when there's risk involved.
  • I'm giving up fear and taking risks.
  • I don't need odds, I have determination.
  • Risky or not, I'm all in.
  • I'm going all in on what I want.
  • Take plenty of chances and dance breaks.
  • Dreams require dedication and great risk.
  • Risk is only a bad word if you fear regret. 
  • I'll take risk over regret any day.
  • Careful never got me very far.
  • Risk is the first step to success.

Related: Everything Happens for a Reason: 40 Quotes to Lift You Up

Inspiring Sayings About Taking a Risk in Life

We're still trying to find the source for the person who claimed life would be easy. Life often requires risk if we want to get out of our comfort zone and see what the universe has in store. These are the quotes to keep you focused when fear tries to intimidate you. 

  • If the reward is worth it, take the chance without hesitation. 
  • Life gives us all risky opportunities. Those of us who take them are never short on excitement. 
  • What's more risky? Taking a chance in life or living a life with no chances at all?
  • Risk isn't just about finding the reward, risk is about meeting life head-on without fear. 
  • Taking a chance teaches you lessons that staying in your comfort zone never could. 
  • Most of life's greatest gifts involve some level of risk.
  • Whenever I stumble across a risk in life I ask myself if I'd rather have regret over failure or regret over not trying. 
  • Risks can be scary but they can also lead to some of the best parts of life.
  • Successful people take more risks than anyone.
  • Taking chances is part of living life outside of your comfort zone.
  • When the risks of life start to look scary, pay more attention to the potential rewards.

Related: 40 "Push Through" Quotes to Power Your Progress

"Risking It All" Quotes to Encourage Your Goals

Some risks call for taking a small leap of faith. Others ask you to go all in on what matters most to you. If you have big goals, these "risking it all" sayings put your dedication into perspective. 

I'm okay with failure. I'm just not okay with giving up.
  • If you must risk it all, do so with confidence.
  • Risking everything only means you're crazy if it isn't worth the risk.
  • Sometimes the things we long for most require risking it all.
  • The real dreamers know that risking everything is the logical next step in our journey.
  • I'm taking a chance on myself and going all in on what I want.
  • I'm okay with failure. I'm just not okay with giving up.
  • When you find the endeavor worth risking it all, go for it.
  • If risking everything is what it takes, that's exactly what I'm going to do.
  • If you risk it all you have two possible outcomes: everything goes the way you wanted it to or you get the chance to start over. 
  • Go all in on yourself and take a chance on the things you've always wanted.
  • If you pay close attention, you'll know the exact moment life is inviting you to risk it all while the odds are in your favor.

Related: "Looking Back" Quotes to Inspire You to Move Forward

Sayings About Taking a Risk On Love

If there's one part of life that always involves risk, it's love. Putting your heart on the line can be scary, but taking a chance on matters of the heart is worth it. These quotes remind us why that special someone is worth getting vulnerable and putting everything on the line.

  • When you find someone worth taking a chance on, lean in.
  • The risk of love is scary but the chance to find happiness is enough to settle the fears.
  • They call it falling in love because you could get hurt, but you could also land where you were always meant to be. 
  • You deserve to be happy. Take a chance on love.
  • Taking a chance on love is nothing more than taking a chance on yourself.
  • I'm taking a chance on you because I believe you're worth the risk of getting hurt.
  • Love is a constant stream of risks, and when you find the person who is always worth the risk, you've found the one.
  • Every chance you take can change your life. But none as much as taking a chance on love.
  • When you say "I love you" you let someone know that they are worth taking a chance on.
  • Loving you was the best chance I ever took.
  • Taking a chance on love could lead to heartbreak. But that's only the stepping stone toward the love you're meant for.

Related: 60+ New Relationship Quotes to Express How You Feel

Famous Quotes About Taking Chances

We aren't the only ones who know with a few words of encouragement about taking chances. These famous quotes prove that taking risks can lead to success and happiness. 

  • "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." - Helen Keller, The Open Door 
  • "Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far it is possible to go." - T.S. Eliot, The Diary of T.S. Eliot
  • "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - H. Jackson Brown, P.S. I Love You
  • "The struggles I'm facing, the chances I'm taking. Sometimes might knock me down but no, I'm not breaking." - Miley Cyrus, The Climb

Take a Quote & a Chance

If you need some encouragement for that big leap of faith or just the push you need to finally take risks, these quotes might do the trick. Take a quote or two and keep it in a place you'll see it regularly. Then get out there and start taking some chances. 

50 Quotes About Taking Risks to Help You Make the Leap