Crafting a Heartfelt '100 Reasons Why I Love You' Poem

Discover the simple yet profound joy of expressing love through a list of heartfelt reasons.

Updated February 10, 2025
100 Reasons Why I Love You

The idea of a "100 Reasons Why I Love You" poem is a very old one - no one really knows where it started. However, one of the nice things about it is that it is easy to create and always appropriate.

100 Reasons for a "100 Reasons Why I Love You" Poem

While it may be an exaggeration, the fact is that there are far more than 100 reasons to write an "I love you poem for her" or a "reasons why I love him" poem. The easiest proof: almost everyone would agree that you could and should let your lover know you love him or her at least every three days or so - and if you do that for a year, you'll have at least 130 reasons listed. Throw out the thirty least romantic ones (for example "I love the way you line up your peas on your plate" is kind of sweet but also a little odd) and you have a poem. Although romance is the basis for the poem, don't be afraid to write a "funny reasons why I love you" poem.

Poetry: The Hard Way and the Easy Way

Woman writing in notebook in cafe

One of the reasons people might hesitate to write a poem is because it is perceived as being a difficult art form. It's true that good poetry takes a lot of discipline and practice - but that's for poetry that wins awards and is published in the Atlantic Monthly. The poem that lists the one hundred reasons you are in love is only intended for one person, and that person is not going to judge you on scansion and meter.

Rhyming Poems

You can choose to have your poem rhyme, which is the method that first comes to mind with any poetry. The fact is, rhyming is something people are taught from preschool, and it's not too hard to find single-syllable words that go together both in sound and meaning. "Eye" rhymes with "cry"; "miss" with "kiss"; "heart" with "apart". The author gets even more creative, rhyming "already" with "I love your spaghetti."

Free Verse Poems

You don't have to rhyme. An easier (and possibly more authentic) way to write this kind of poem is to simply list, in as clear and concise a way possible, the reasons. Literally create a list of reasons that you love your mate. A great way to start your own work is to number the reasons.

How to Find the 100 Reasons

Regardless of how you choose to deliver the final poem, the hardest part might just be figuring out how to begin. You don't want to try to be romantic - you want to be genuine and trust that because you are talking about love, it will end up feeling romantic. In the end, don't be surprised if you inspire your lover to come up with 100 reasons to love you right back. Here's a simple method for coming up with your own poem:

  1. Take out a sheet of paper (or open a Word Document, or even a spreadsheet). Whatever it is, just start by writing the number 1.
  2. Think of your lover. That's all, just think of them - and whatever that first thing that comes to mind is, write it down. Maybe it's his or her eyes, maybe it's the sound of his or her voice when sleepy, maybe it's that flower he or she picked for you when you went for a walk. No matter how small, how insignificant, write it down.
  3. Write down the number 2 - and do it again. The odds are that the first number led to an association, something that happened after the flower, for example, or the way the sheets feel in the morning waking up with your partner.
  4. Keep writing down the numbers and the things - little or big - and you'll be surprised how easy it is to get to 100.

100 Reasons Sample Poem

This poem follows one version of the numbering system and the free verse style written from a woman's perspective to her husband.

100 Reasons Why I Love You

Man reading poem from wife

by Michele Meleen

I love the way you:

  1. Break out in a dance during Saturday morning house cleaning.
  2. Hug me with your whole heart and soul.
  3. Stare at me lovingly when you think I'm not paying attention
  4. Kiss my forehead when we're standing close.
  5. Can turn any comment into an inappropriate joke.
  6. Laugh constantly whenever talking to your friends.
  7. Rest your head on my shoulder when you hug me from behind.
  8. Widen your eyes when you are talking about something that excites you.
  9. Ask if I want to look at the junk mail before you throw it in the recycling bin.
  10. Can talk to anyone, anywhere, about anything naturally.
  11. Hug your mom like you're protecting her from the world.
  12. Give people advice and then love them even though they don't take it.
  13. Love with all your heart, no matter what.
  14. Are self-aware and try to be a better person.
  15. Take the same foods for lunch every single day because it's easier.
  16. Make me a cup of hot chocolate when you make yourself coffee in the afternoon.
  17. Ask about my day, every day.
  18. Ignore your phone during dinner so we can have time to ourselves.
  19. Smile when you're feeling loved.
  20. Pretend to know who someone is out in public even if you can't remember their name.
  21. Had a baby name picked out even though you said you didn't want to have kids.
  22. Won't make even a small decision without my input.
  23. Leave me encouraging notes when I'm struggling with something.
  24. Remind me that I'm a good person when I'm feeling guilty.
  25. Show me every offensive meme your friends send you.

I love it how you:

  1. Check all the doors every night to make sure I am safe.
  2. Won't kill bugs in the house, but choose to set them free.
  3. Listen to my problems and offer solutions.
  4. Need to hug me when we're out in public just to show our love.
  5. Remember every single line from every movie you've ever watched.
  6. Always want to be together.
  7. Buy something from any kid who asks while doing a fundraiser.
  8. Stand and talk to the Mormons when they show up at the door, even thought you have no desire to convert.
  9. Always put change in a collection jar if someone holds one outside a store.
  10. Become invested in every person you talk to.
  11. Get animated when talking about sports, science, or politics.
  12. Can have best friends who are all complete opposites of each other.
  13. Remember who my friends are even if you've never met them.
  14. Ask me to do hospital corners on the bed because you're not good at it.
  15. Buy me a pack of sticky notes if you use the last one off my desk.
  16. Change my Netflix profile picture to funny things when I'm not around.
  17. Always send back those bulk mailings with the nickel instead of keeping it.
  18. Crave notes from me in your lunch box.
  19. Banter with me about topics that don't really matter.
  20. Have a favorite Harry Potter character even though you don't like the series.
  21. Push me to be my best self.
  22. Let me put my cold feet on your warm feet so I can warm up.
  23. Lay a blanket over me anytime I'm lying on the couch.
  24. Open the door for me at a store or restaurant.
  25. Take chances in the hopes of creating our best life.

I love it when you:

  1. Bring home a pack of Reese's peanut butter cups just because.
  2. Start online shopping for things you know I need but won't buy for myself.
  3. Give me a turn on the video games even though I have no idea what I'm doing.
  4. Rush over to help my grandma anytime she asks for help.
  5. Play pretend Harry Potter with our son even though you don't know any spells.
  6. Share fun stories about your childhood.
  7. Go to bed early just so we can fall asleep together.
  8. Watch the end of a baking show with me even though the British accents drive you nuts.
  9. Peek through the shower curtain to get a glimpse of me.
  10. Send random silly emojis.
  11. Don't call or text me while I'm out at a girl's night.
  12. Turn the TV volume down because you know it's too loud for me.
  13. Show up unexpectedly, which is hard to do in our heavily scheduled life.
  14. Say "forget the plan" and just go with the flow.
  15. Suggest we take a random trip somewhere.
  16. Snuggle the hamsters and talk cute to them like they're little people.
  17. Lock the doors if you leave while I'm in the shower in the morning.
  18. Order takeout because you know I don't want to cook dinner.
  19. Leave the last of the milk for my coffee and drink yours black.
  20. Spend a whole family party talking with my dad about his wacky ideas.
  21. Wear a full suit to any funeral you attend.
  22. Wear the jeans I like for a date night instead of the ones you like best.
  23. Rub my feet after I've been on them all day.
  24. Get passionate about something just because I'm passionate about it.
  25. Touch my wedding ring when we're sitting close together.

I love that you:

  1. Pick up all the little random things left around the house after I go to bed.
  2. Coach all our son's sports, even the ones you hate.
  3. Eat anything I make without complaint.
  4. Wrote your own wedding vows.
  5. Fold my shirts like they're on display in a department store.
  6. Are more into giving than receiving in the romance department.
  7. Call me Bambi.
  8. Say "Love you, kissy face" when getting off the phone, even if others are listening.
  9. Want to show me what you're doing when you fix our cars.
  10. Keep all our mementos on your desk so you can always see them.
  11. Require a hug and kiss whenever we are leaving each other even if it's only for a minute.
  12. Fill my car up with gas whenever you drive it.
  13. Brush the snow off the top of my car before you go to work because you know I can't reach it.
  14. Think I look my best in a pair of baggy sweatpants.
  15. Man calling wife on break
    Would work any job in the world if it meant I could do what I love.
  16. Want to call me whenever you have a break at work.
  17. Leave voicemails when I don't answer the phone.
  18. Wear t-shirts with controversial phrases.
  19. Make me feel safe and secure.
  20. Are proud of all my accomplishments.
  21. Read the children's stories I write, even though you hate reading.
  22. Accept me exactly as I am.
  23. Want to show me off to your friends.
  24. Appreciate my quirks.
  25. Can be your true self around me.

An Exercise In Love

Writing this type of poem can be a real exercise for you and the one you love. No matter how long it takes or how many reasons you can think of, telling your partner how much they mean to you can only strengthen your bond.

Crafting a Heartfelt '100 Reasons Why I Love You' Poem