A little Easter poetry goes well with a child's candy basket. Tuck a poem into a plastic egg with a few jelly beans, or include it in a card, and watch your child's face light up with these sweet Easter poems for kids.
Children's Religious Easter Poems
Easter is a religious holiday, but there are secular traditions that go along with it. These short Easter poems reflect a Christian perspective on the holiday, making them great options for children's church and Sunday school groups.

Going to Church on Easter Morn
By Kelly Roper
Up with the sunrise,
Excitement is in the air,
Easter morning
Is finally here.
Brand new clothes
and a freshly washed face,
Going to church to give thanks
For God's grace.
Easter Joy and Praise
By Mary White
Easter is a time for joy and praise
From out of the darkness and into the sun's rays,
Jesus moved a boulder and returned to forgive all sin
Now our joy in Christ can really begin.
The light of Jesus truly will never end,
He suffered so that our souls would be able to mend.
With joy and praise on Easter, we rejoice
And praise Him together with the strength of one voice.
Thanks to God
By Michele Meleen
As we enjoy our
Easter meal,
church services,
and family we'll
pray to God
and thank HIM for
bringing Jesus
back once more.
The Life of Easter
By Sydney Stephens
Easter comes in the spring,
bringing life to everything
It reminds me of an Easter past,
When Jesus brought us life to last
With new baby bunnies,
we see fresh little hops
With new baby chicks,
We see fluffy feather tops
New flowers bring color,
and fresh smells to the land
While trees bring shade,
and heights so grand
There's life all around,
to marvel and behold
But there's new life for us
even as we grow old
For on Easter Jesus rose,
defeating death for good
Bringing eternal life to the world,
Like only he could
Short Easter Poems for Kids
Easter poems don't have to be lengthy in order to be meaningful or entertaining. From a short religious Easter poem for children's church to super cute poems for elementary students to recite, the brief verses below are short and sweet.

Jesus Rose on Easter Day
By Kelly Roper
Jesus rose on Easter Day,
The stone by his tomb was rolled away.
He conquered death upon that day,
And He lives again to show us the way.
Easter Anticipation
By Mary White
Chocolate bunnies and jelly beans galore,
I'm hoping for those and so much more!
My Easter basket is waiting for me to search,
As soon as my family gets home from church.
These poems are short enough to have a child memorize or to add to a card inside their Easter basket.
Easter Egg Champion
By Mary White
Where, oh where, are the Easter eggs hiding?
Someone please help me, I need a little guiding.
I'm tired of searching, but I really want to win,
So I can be the Easter egg champion again!
Fun Children's Easter Poems
For kids, Easter is all about fun activities like egg hunts and baskets filled with treats. These fun Easter poems for elementary students capture and convey a child's unique perspective of the holiday.

Coloring an Easter Egg
By Kelly Roper
First, you take a nice white egg
And put it in a wire holder.
Then dip it in the cup of dye
And soak it until the color is bolder.
Then lay it on a paper towel
And let it dry awhile.
And then you have an Easter egg
So pretty it will make you smile.
You can also use a crayon
to draw on fancy designs,
Like polka dots and a lot of stripes
Or even zigzag lines.
Then dip the egg into the dye
And let the color sink in.
It'll look so neat when you lift it out,
It will surely make you grin.
Why an Easter Bunny?
By Kelly Roper
You may think that this sounds funny,
But why do we get eggs from the Easter Bunny?
Shouldn't there be an Easter Chicken
With her scrawny legs a-kickin'
As she rushes around in a whirl
Leaving eggs for each boy and girl?
To My Chocolate Easter Bunny
By Kelly Roper
Mom said not to eat you all at once
Or I would be quite sick.
But I can't resist your chocolatey ears,
So I'll eat them really quick.
Those ears were so delicious,
Maybe I'll have just one more bite.
And then I'll save the rest of you
For later on tonight.
Guess I got a little carried away,
I've eaten you down to your tummy.
It's not my fault, I can't resist
Because you are so yummy.
It seems a shame to put what's left
Back in that festive box.
I'll just finish you — wait, what's that I feel?
My belly's having aftershocks!
I should have listened to my mom.
She warned me what would happen.
If I had listened to her my stomach
Wouldn't be growling and snapping.
The Meaning of Easter, an Acrostic
By Sydney Stephens
Every year we celebrate
A day of great joy
Someone loved us so very much
That even death could not destroy
Everlasting hope now exists for everyone
Reminding us on Easter of just what Christ has done
Have kids make their own Easter acrostic by giving them paper with the word spelled out vertically and allowing them to add words or lines that fit each letter.
Cute Easter Poems for Toddlers
Even the youngest kids can enjoy Easter poems with these short, simple, rhyming verses.

The Last Plastic Egg
By Michele Meleen
The grass is green
and you are blue,
so why oh why
can't I find you?
One plastic egg
left to find.
I must keep looking,
no candy gets left behind!
Easter Bunny Nerves
By Michele Meleen
Giant fluffy Easter Bunny
how did you grow so tall?
I thought you'd be small,
which isn't scary at all.
But, now that I see you
I'm not quite so sure
I want to cuddle
your giant fluffy fur!
My Easter Best
By Michele Meleen
You said to wear my Easter best,
"Don't forget your underwear."
So I put on my Easter dress
then added clothes under there.
I've got on my best pants and undies,
my best shirt and best jammies,
my best shorts and socks, so
surely now I'm dressed to please!
Famous Easter Poems for Kids to Enjoy
Well-known Easter poems might be a bit familiar to your little ones and even to you. Recite these as a family or as a Sunday school class to embrace all the wonderful things about celebrating Easter.
An Easter Prayer
By Helen Steiner Rice
God, give us eyes to see
the beauty of the Spring,
And to behold Your majesty
in every living thing.
An Easter Carol
By Christina Rossetti
Sing, Creatures, sing,
Angels and Men and Birds and everything.
All notes of Doves
Fill all our world: this is the time of loves.
By Joyce Kilmer
The air is like a butterfly
With frail blue wings.
The happy earth looks at the sky
And sings.
Tips to Create an Awesome Easter Poem
Kids can capture their favorite Easter traditions or burning Easter questions by writing their own holiday poems.
- Easter poems can be serious and sentimental, or they can be funny and include Easter jokes.
- Choose a topic such as a traditional Easter Day activity or a question you have about Easter.
- Look at your topic from a different angle, like from the perspective of the candy or the Easter Bunny.
- Write a few sentences about your topic, or brainstorm words related to it.
- Look at different types of poetry and pick the one you like best.
Ways to Use Easter Poetry
Reading Easter poems together can be a fun holiday tradition, but there are other ways to incorporate a little poetry into your celebration.

- Give Easter greeting cards - Include a poem in a personalized card for your child, or encourage them to make cards for family and friends.
- Create an Easter scrapbook - Include short Easter poems in a scrapbook filled with Easter memories, including photographs, poetry, and artwork.
- Make an Easter picture frame - Place the poetry on construction paper or card stock and frame the poem in a picture frame. For an even more creative style, let your child make their own picture frame with popsicle sticks. Help them decorate the frame with buttons, rhinestones, shells, etc.
- Create artistic Easter gifts - For a unique gift idea, attach the poem to a piece of pottery, a plate, or a mug, and decoupage the art piece.
- Make Easter placemats - Place copies of a poem on pieces of heavy card stock and laminate each sheet to create holiday placemats.
- Put on an Easter skit - Have kids put on a little show at home or at school, like an Easter skit or open mic event where they recite original poetry.
Make Poetry Part of Your Easter Celebration
Whether you use a poem written by someone else or you write one of your own, a little poetry can add extra meaning to your child's Easter celebration.
From children's church to family gatherings, there are many ways to incorporate Easter poems for children and celebratory Easter quotes for kids into your holiday observances. Give it a try this year, and you just might wind up starting a new family tradition.