Reaching a 90th birthday is great reason for a party, and the party invitation wording should be representative of the momentous occasion. The type of event and the guest-of-honor's personality should be considered when creating the perfect invitation.
Sample 90th Birthday Invitation Wording
If you're having trouble coming up with the right words, use the samples below in your invitations or as inspiration to write your own.
Humorous Wording
Having a sense of humor is often an essential part of living to see a 90th birthday. If you want a light-hearted invitation, consider these wording examples:
- I'm not a grouch, I simply don't like things like the politicians, long lines, people.... but I'd like to invite you to my 90th birthday party anyway.
- First name, last name may be sagging and a little lumpy, but s/he still knows how to party!
- My ticker might be weak, but my watch tells me it is party time!
- First name, last name has learned a few things in her life. Knowing when to stop partying is not one of them.
- I like hanging out with my old friends and meeting new ones. With my memory, they are often one and the same.
Sentimental Wording
It's only natural to reflect over a person's life and accomplishments at the milestone age of 90. Sentimental wording like the following is a good way to write an invitation:
- First name, last name has lived a full life and made many memories. Let's help her make more at a 90th birthday celebration.
- Come and celebrate the love, the life and the wisdom of a very special 90 year old.
- Never stop living, loving, laughing, celebrating.
- For every wrinkle and every grey hair, I have a memory. Join me as I make more.
- I've made many friends in my 90 years and you're one of them. Please join me in celebrating.
Match Wording to the Party Theme

Take into consideration what type of birthday party you plan to have, as the wording for an informal backyard barbeque will be much different than the wording for a formal dinner party complete with a seven course meal at the finest restaurant in town.
- Take the guest-of-honor's personality into consideration when deciding on what type of party to host.
- Estimate how many guests you would like to invite.
- If the person is funny and has a sense of humor, make the wording on the invitation funny. If the person spends his days in quiet reflection of his life, make the invitation reflective and touching.
How to Word the Party Details
No matter what type of invitation you decide upon, the wording on the inside is equally as important as the wording on the outside. There are a few major details that must be included on the inside of your custom invitation.
- Date
- Time
- Place
- Venue
- RSVP contact number(s)
Once those particulars are out of the way, you may word the invitation on the inside as you see fit. Remember keep the wording within the same context as the front of the invitation. Check out these examples:
- Front: You know you're getting old when the candles cost more than the cake.
- Inside: Donations are gladly accepted to help cover these costs. Please join us to mark _____'s 90th birthday (don't worry; the fire department will be on standby).
- Front: None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm.
- Inside: Your presence is requested on this day of celebration in honor of ____'s 90th Birthday. May he never outlive his enthusiasm for life.
Wording to Avoid
There are a few simple things that should be avoided when deciding on the wording for invitations in general.
- Offensive sayings, language and pictures
- Slang
- Getting too wordy, as this will cause the print to be small and difficult to read
- Negative words, especially when referring to age
Remember What Matters
Whether the invitations are touching or humorous, remember any birthday, especially a 90th birthday, is a celebration. Don't worry too much over finding the absolute perfect wording of the invitations. As long as the expressions you choose are heartfelt and sincere, the wording for the invitations will be perfect.