Baby shower mad libs are exciting fun for the Mom-to-be and your guests, especially when you use free printables. You can choose from free printable baby mad libs to hand out to your guests or learn how to DIY baby shower mad libs.
What Are Baby Shower Mad Libs?
Baby mad libs are witty word games that baby shower guests participate in choosing the words for unique Baby shower mad lib stories. Your baby shower guests will pencil in their responses and then take turns reading the hilarious results.
DIY Baby Shower Mad Libs
Mad Libs are easy to create. A Mad Lib is a story that is filled with strategically placed blanks. Each guest creates a different version of the same story.
How to Create a Baby Shower Mad Lib Story
The first thing you'll need to do is create your story. The easiest way is to write your story while keeping in mind that your guests will add many of the nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. You can go back and add numbered underlined blank spaces for them to fill in with the words they create on their List of Words Worksheet.
List of Words Worksheet
The List of Words Worksheet is a list of numbered blank underlines. Each number will have either an adjective, adverb, noun, verb, or other words written in parentheses followed by an underlined blank space.
Instructions for Playing Your Baby Shower Mad Lib Game
Each person should be given a blank List of Words Worksheet. Don't hand out the story sheets, only the worksheets, along with pencils and/or pens.
- Instruct guests to work by themselves to fill in the blanks on the worksheet, according to what is requested in the parentheses.
- Remind guests not to repeat the same words, colors or numbers.
- Once everyone has completed their worksheets, you'll pass out the baby shower made lib story.
- You'll instruct guests to enter the corresponding numbered word from their worksheet onto the matching number and blank underline in the mad lib story sheet.
- When everyone has finished entering the list of words from their worksheets onto the story sheet, it's time for your guests to take turns reading their story out loud.
Free Tips About Themes for a Baby Shower Mad Lib
You can create your baby shower made lib to reflect the theme of your baby shower. For example, if you are hosting the baby shower during the Halloween season, you might choose a mad lib Halloween story about zombies or treat-or-treaters. If your mom-to-be is a sports enthusiast, you might choose a theme that encompasses her favorite sports. A few possible themes include:
- Pregnancy is your main plot point as the focus of your mad lib story.
- Your story might center around the parents discovering they're having a baby.
- You might create a mad lib about the mom-to-be informing her partner about the pregnancy.
- You may write a story about trying to get to the hospital (a favorite theme).
- A theme about the labor process can be amusing.
Printable Free Funny Baby Mad Libs
As you can see, the two key components of a baby shower mad lib are the list of words and the story. It's always best to leave the choice of words as open as possible, with no constraints to ensure you end up with the funniest and most entertaining results. Three baby mad lib stories can get you started. You can download and personalize each of these baby mad libs. You may decide to use just one of these for your baby shower. Just be sure you print one set of the baby mad lib story for each guest. If you need help printing the mad libs, use this helpful guide for Adobe printables.
1. Contractions and Contradictions Baby Mad Lib
In this baby shower mad lib story, the first time mother-to-be is unsure if what she is experiencing is actual labor pains or something else. She attempts to determine the validity of her aches and pains, but her mishaps become comical with the descriptive words your guests enter into their story versions. In the end, the first time mom delivers her precious baby.

2. Trip to the Hospital Baby Mad Lib Surprise
If your mom- and dad-to-be are zombie fans, this is the mad lib for their baby shower. Not even a zombie apocalypse can stop the birth of a baby as this mad lib story proves. Your guests will be howling by the time this one makes the rounds. You may want to video this part of your baby shower to show the infant once it is old enough to appreciate.

3. A Baby Is Born, Baby Mad Lib Fun
This mad lib story describes how the mom-to-be has coped with her pregnancy. The story advances as the expecting parents arrive at the hospital and ends with the birth of their baby. The guests and mom-to-be will all enjoy playing this mad lib game with all the fun ways it can turn out.

Entertaining Baby Shower Mad Libs
There are many ways you can entertain your baby shower guests. Playing a mad lib with an expectant mom theme makes it enjoyable for everyone, especially the mom-to-be.