On paper, a Leo man and a Scorpio woman may seem to be a challenging match. While they're both fixed signs, Scorpio lives in the land of emotions and shadows, while Leo lives in the sun. But there's something about these two that just could work. In fact, their connection can be so strong, it could be love at first sight.
The Leo Man
A Leo man is the center of attention, and that's exactly where he wants to be. He's a popular guy who's daring, confident, and a diehard romantic. Oh... and women LOVE him. He's a charismatic man who commands a room and makes waves wherever he goes.
The Scorpio Woman
A Scorpio woman is magnetic, quiet, mysterious, seductive, and a male magnet. She dwells in the shadows of emotions, playing her cards close to the vest. She's an enigma, and her deep and soulful depths can make her incredibly attractive.
Leo Man and Scorpio Woman Attraction Compatibility

Leo is the masculine fixed fire sign of the zodiac. Scorpio is the feminine fixed water sign. As zodiac signs, Leo and Scorpio are in a square aspect to one another and not considered compatible. However, it's always wise to remember that people aren't zodiac signs. When a Leo and a Scorpio team up, their contrary natures can be symbiotic.
They Complement One Another
A Leo man and a Scorpio woman fit together like yin and yang. He's yang, masculine, and bright. She's yin, feminine, and shadowy. Yin and yang describe how their seemingly contrary natures can be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent. A Leo man and a Scorpio woman have a symbiotic relationship that is mutually beneficial to both.
They'll Have Powerful Instant Attraction
A Leo man needs to please and put on a show. The heat of his fiery nature fascinates a Scorpio woman, and she's drawn to a Leo man like a moth to a flame. A Scorpio woman's mystery has a mesmerizing and alluring effect on a Leo man. Their interest is piqued, and their attraction to one another is immediate, intimate, and powerful.
Their Sexual Chemistry Will Be Off the Charts

Both Leo and Scorpio are very sexual signs. And with all that initial chemistry, the combination of his fire and her water is going to be hot and steamy. Even if nothing else works in their relationship, these two are going to make waves in the bedroom. And the sexual chemistry can be so exciting that it keeps them together, even when other aspects of the relationship aren't working.
They're Both Extremely Loyal
As fixed signs, both Leo and Scorpio are incredibly loyal. They're among the most loyal signs of the zodiac. So once they're in with each other, they'll remain loyal as long as nothing happens to break their trust.
Scorpio Woman & Leo Man Problems
Fire and water aren't necessarily ideal companions, and Leo and Scorpio speak very different languages. Leo is all about action and fun, while Scorpio is all about emotions. And this is where most of their potential difficulties lie.
They Can Both Be Jealous and Controlling
A Leo man and a Scorpio woman are attractive to the opposite sex, and both want their partner only to have eyes for them. If either begins to feel insecure about their partner, both can be jealous and controlling. And, taken too far, their relationship can become possessive or even obsessive, which is an unhealthy dynamic.
They're Both Dramatic
Though fire and water signs are different, both go with their heart or gut feelings. A Leo man and a Scorpio woman can produce a lot of steam — i.e., drama and passion — when together. The problem with fire and water is they must be careful when interacting. Water puts out fire, and fire can evaporate water. A Leo Man and a Scorpio woman will need to manage small conflicts to make sure their emotions and anger don't get out of control, or the dramatics will soon follow.
They Could Wind Up Co-Dependent
While their shared fixed nature makes them both extremely committed and loyal, it can go too far. Because each attaches so firmly, the relationship may tip over into unhealthy attachment or codependency.
He's an Open Book & She's Secretive
Scorpio is the keeper of secrets. She buries stuff deep and keeps it there, where she thinks it's safe. Leo, on the other hand, is an open book. He wears his heart on his sleeve. And, as is fitting of a Leo, he has a ton of pride. So if he feels she's keeping secrets from him, it can lead to a power struggle and lots of misunderstanding.
Leo Man & Scorpio Woman: Not Compatible on Paper, but It Could Work
A Leo and Scorpio pairing is one of those couples who could defy the odds and make a solid and sexy match. After their initial chemistry, they'll both need to learn the art of compromise and understanding for someone very different from themselves for it to work. But once they're bonded, it could be very difficult to divide them.