So you have your eye on a Bull, and you think he might be into you, too. Or are you about to be friend-zoned? If you're not sure whether a Taurus man likes you the way you like him, not to worry. There are some sure signs a Taurus man is sexually attracted to you.
He Finds Excuses to Touch You

Does he touch your back as you walk through a door, gently touch your arm in conversation, or lightly brush a strand of hair off your cheek? Yeah. He's into you.
Taurus guys tend to be a little shy, so if he's making a point to touch you frequently, he could be sexually attracted to you. Let him know you're interested by putting your hand on his arm the next time you talk to him.
He Makes Intense Eye Contact

If every time you look up, he's looking at you, and when you talk, he's boldly meeting your eyes, you've probably got a live one on your hands. Taurus men are great appreciators of beauty, and if he can't take his eyes off you, this is a great sign he digs you. And if he holds your gaze for long periods during conversations (even when nobody's talking), then you're definitely in his sights.
He Comes Closer

Even when you're in a group of people, is he always nearby? If he makes a point to sit next to you or stay close by when you're out and about, he's probably interested.
He Pays You Lots of Compliments

Taurus men are usually really nice guys. But when he starts complimenting you a lot (especially how you look or smell), then he's probably interested, and he wants you to know he's interested without coming right out and saying it.
He Gets Protective

Does he seem especially protective of you, telling you to be careful or giving people who are rude to you the stink eye? Taurus men have a protective streak, especially for people they're interested in or their partners. This extra level of protection could be a sign he finds you sexually attractive.
He Treats You Like a Princess (or Prince)

Taurus men are generous and loving, and one of their love languages is giving gifts. And they do love to shower the people they're into with thoughtful gifts. It may not be anything huge — just small things at first, like bringing you a coffee or a book he thinks you'll like, but it shows that you're on his mind, and he thinks you're someone special.
He Dresses to the Nines

Taurus men have a lot of pride, and they like to get a little showy for people they're attracted to. So if he smells amazing and looks even better every time you see him, he could be interested.
He Seems a Little Cranky About Other Dudes

Taurus men can be territorial and a little jealous. So if another guy is showing interest and he seems a little out of sorts, he could be into you.
Related: 12 Types of Women Taurus Men Like + How to Attract Him
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He Shows Off

He probably won't do backflips or anything (unless he's a gymnast, and that's what he has to show off), but he might start to do things like let you know he has money or mention his cool car and super lucrative business. The more he preens, the more likely it is that he's sexually attracted to you.
He Does Stuff for You

Taurus men who are into someone can be sweetly considerate. So if he shows up unasked to fix your broken garbage disposal or always checks the tire pressure on your car to make sure you're good to go, he may be indicating his interest in something more than friendship.
Signs a Taurus Man Is Sexually Attracted to You

Taurus men tend to do a slow burn, so you may be struggling to figure out whether he's sexually attracted to you. But long before he makes his move (and it could take a while), he'll start to show signs that he's into you. So take heart if he hasn't made his move yet and trust the signs. Taurus men are totally worth it.