Music is an important component of a Catholic funeral. Explore a selection of 20 popular and appropriate Catholic funeral songs as you consider musical selections for the service you are planning. If the funeral will include a Catholic Mass or otherwise be conducted in a church, you should be aware that church policy may require you to choose from a specific list of pre-approved hymns. Even if your options are limited to a list of songs provided by the parish or the presiding priest, chances are you'll have many options from which to choose.
Amazing Grace
The hauntingly beautiful song Amazing Grace is a popular choice for Catholic funerals and church services alike. This moving hymn is a powerful and appropriate testament to faith and the power of grace, even when coping with the loss of a loved one. It is often played during the entrance or the processional at the end of the service.
Ave Maria
Often played during the offertory at a Catholic funeral Mass, the almost meditative quality of Ave Maria provides a perfect backdrop for mourners to reflect on their loved one who has died. This powerful hymn is a perfect choice to play during the often extended silence during the offertory portion of a funeral Mass.
Be Not Afraid
Be Not Afraid is among the most popular hymns for Catholic funerals, as its lyrics focus on providing comfort during a time of transition, loss, and fear. It serves as a reminder to refrain from feeling fear for the loved one who has departed, and encourages mourners not to fear the unknown future that lies ahead as they move forward without their loved one.
Bread of Angels
Bread of Angels is a particularly appropriate hymn to play during Holy Communion at a Catholic funeral mass. It strikes the perfect prayerful note as attendees approach the altar to receive the Eucharist or kneel in prayer until everyone has received the body and blood of Christ.
Come Holy Ghost
Come Holy Ghost is often used as an entrance hymn at the beginning of a Catholic Mass. It is just as appropriate for the beginning of a funeral Mass as it is for a church service on any ordinary Saturday evening or Sunday service. Those who regularly attend Catholic Mass will likely take comfort in the familiarity of this tune when it's played at a funeral.
Gift of Finest Wheat
Gift of Finest Wheat is often played or performed during the Eucharist, making it a popular choice for funerals that include a full Catholic Mass. This haunting hymn reflects how God provides his flock with nourishment in the form of the bread of life. The portion of the song that refers to God as a shepherd who calls for his sheep makes it particularly suitable for Masses celebrated as part of a funeral.
Here I Am, Lord
Here I Am Lord is a popular option for Catholic funerals. It is particularly appropriate as an entrance hymn for a funeral mass, though it can also be used in other parts of the service. The lyrics of this powerful song send a strong message of hope and faith in the power of God.
How Great Thou Art
How Great Thou Art is traditionally included in Catholic funerals during the entrance or the final processional out of the church. The words of this beautiful song remind mourners of the awesome presence of God in all aspects of life.
I Am the Bread of Life
With its powerful message of hope, I Am the Bread of Life is a popular choice for Catholic funeral masses. It is often selected as the music to be played during the Holy Communion portion of funeral services, as well as during ordinary celebrations of Mass.
Let There Be Peace on Earth
Let There Be Peace on Earth is a popular musical selection for the final processional portion of Catholic funeral services. This beloved hymn sends the mourners forward with a reminder that they are all children of God and that they are all called to make an impact during their time on earth, whatever their circumstances may be.
Look Beyond
The hymn Look Beyond is an ideal music selection for the Eucharist portion of a Catholic funeral. It's a brief but meaningful song that reminds mourners that there is more to the mystery of life than meets the eye. The hymn can easily be repeated as many times as necessary to allow each attendee who wishes to take Communion to do so.
On Eagle's Wings
On Eagle's Wings is a particularly appropriate song for the processional of a Catholic funeral mass. This song provides a powerful send-off as the service draws to a close and mourners follow the immediate family of the departed loved one from the church to move forward in their grief and into the next phase of their life on earth.
One Bread, One Body
One Bread, One Body is a popular song for Catholic funerals. This well-known hymn reminds mourners of the unity of existence in faith and the oneness of life. It is particularly appropriate as a song for the Eucharist part of a full Mass.
Old Irish Blessing
Old Irish Blessing is a classic hymn option for Catholic funerals. With its haunting melody and message of hope for rejoining lost loved ones, this hymn is particularly well-suited for the entrance or processional portion of a Mass or less structured funeral service.
Prayer of St. Francis
The Prayer of St. Francis is a well-known Catholic prayer. The lyrical version of this prayer can be a beautiful and appropriate musical selection for a Catholic funeral setting. It is a funeral song people can relate to, particularly those who are familiar with its importance to the Catholic faith.
The Lord Is My Light
The musical version of The Lord Is My Light represents Psalm 27 of the Holy Bible put to music. This touching hymn is a wonderful choice for the offertory portion of a Catholic funeral Mass. Its moving message provides reassurance to people of faith who are celebrating the life of a loved one who has recently passed away.
Precious Lord, Take My Hand
Precious Lord, Take My Hand is a moving hymn that is a popular choice for Catholic funerals. It is often played as an entrance hymn, but that is not the only place this song can be used. It is also a good musical option for either the offertory or Eucharist segment of a full Catholic Mass.
Sing With All the Saints in Glory
If your goal is to end the service with an upbeat hymn that is appropriate for a Catholic funeral, you may want to consider Sing With All the Saints in Glory. This is a lovely music selection to close out a service when the family's goal is to frame the service as a celebration of the life of their departed loved one.
You Are Near
You Are Near is one of the most popular Catholic funeral songs. This beautiful hymn can be played or performed at any time during the service. When played at the beginning, it reminds people that God is present with them as they say goodbye to a loved one. At the end of the service, it reminds the mourners that God is with them as they continue to mourn and grieve for the person who died.
You Are Mine
You Are Mine is a lovely hymn that is often performed during the offertory portion of a Catholic Mass, though it could also be a meaningful closing hymn for a funeral service, with or without a full Mass. This touching song provides comfort to those who have gathered to mourn the passing of a loved one, but it's also hopeful and reinforces the importance of faith.
Choose Among Beautiful Catholic Funeral Hymns
The beautiful hymns described above provide a wonderful soundtrack for a Mass said in celebration of the life of your loved one. Catholic funeral music doesn't have to be limited to the options provided here. There are many appropriate Catholic funeral songs to consider. Look for hymns that pair with the Catholic funeral readings that will be featured during the ceremony, and verify with the officiant that the songs you have selected are suitable. Whether you're planning a funeral for your mom or dad, or another important person in your life who has passed away, choosing the right music for their funeral service can honor their memory and faith while also providing some degree of comfort and hope to you, your family, and others who are mourning the loss of a person for whom they cared deeply.